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ChristmasRonnie's feed

ChristmasRonnie asked a question

It's a one shot I think, or maybe it was a one shot as a special chapter in a manga, but all I remember is that there's this guy who likes this person, who happens to be twins, they got called out to be confessed by the guy and they were shocked to know that guy is into the boy twin rather than the girl. A little mixed up there lmaooo. But somehow the boy twin and the confessor started going out. (They're all in highschool btw)

I don't quite remember how it goes, but I remember the last panel was of the twin girl (crying a little I think?) Her back turn to the viewer, sunset and all, she gives a laid back waved

PLEASE I MISS IT I honestly don't know why I want to read it again, but it's been aching at me for years, I don't know maybe because of the simplicity of it or was it fun?? It's been bothering me so much-