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ChristmasRonnie asked a question

Anyone has good BL recommendations for Butler/Master books with the Butler being on top and the master is the bottom?? (it honestly doesn't need to have any sex in them, just that the dynamics is clear that the servant has way more control and power than an average servant should have, idk I just enjoy their dynamics)

I like it better when the Master is rather stubborn or spoil, but right now I'm open ^^

ChristmasRonnie asked a question

I think there's a more proper procedure as to how to actually upload a manga/manhua chapter, but all I did was click on the upload button on the top right corner of where the already published chapters are situated, did all the procedures and is waiting for the chapters to be approved. Now that's done, when I left it and wanted to go back to it. I don't where where to check it anymore like it's gone-

Maybe this is how it normally works, but I'm new to this so I'm kinda confused Tas to how this works, especially to the ones that's already been published and I just published my chapter over it. (Btw, the manhua haven't been updated for over 3 years now and seeing I already have it in my gallery, I thought might as well, right?)

ChristmasRonnie created a topic of Sinners' Game


ChristmasRonnie created a topic of Sinners' Game

“Doesn't that mean I have really poor taste in men?” did I miss this the third and fourth time I read this ?? It's cool, I already suspected you lowkey harbouring a crush on Luke. Thank goodness I put it in my fanfic

ChristmasRonnie created a topic of Are You Alice?

I absolutely adore this manga <33 I remember following it during middle school/highschool and it's the highlight of my day to read it over and over again. I wish we get to see what's the other endings the author had in mind because it feels like there's a lot of things they wanted to put in, but didn't have the route to do so (if you understand what I mean-) I enjoy an author note or two, but now I really want to know more about the author themselves because I have no questions at all, but I love to read the author's thoughts on all this again!! It's such a pity and I still don't want to let this series go!! It's been part of me for so long and I still want to see more characters interact with one another!! A 72 chapter isn't enough, I wish they made it up until 89th like the Alice himself Would be so poetic fr


I have no idea honestly...

ChristmasRonnie asked a question

It's a one shot I think, or maybe it was a one shot as a special chapter in a manga, but all I remember is that there's this guy who likes this person, who happens to be twins, they got called out to be confessed by the guy and they were shocked to know that guy is into the boy twin rather than the girl. A little mixed up there lmaooo. But somehow the boy twin and the confessor started going out. (They're all in highschool btw)

I don't quite remember how it goes, but I remember the last panel was of the twin girl (crying a little I think?) Her back turn to the viewer, sunset and all, she gives a laid back waved

PLEASE I MISS IT I honestly don't know why I want to read it again, but it's been aching at me for years, I don't know maybe because of the simplicity of it or was it fun?? It's been bothering me so much-

I've been with this story for a long time and honestly, I kinda hoping for more plots than sex now because the lore actually ate ngl So whenever the sex scenes roll on by, though it's delicious, I wanted to read more story based than the smut. I know it's part of the appeal, but like it's a bit dragging nowadays. No hate on the author, it's still awesome and easily one of my fav. I just grew more interested to the overall story rather than the fucking

Such a beautiful and captivating story. I read this years ago, I follow this story for so long—updates after update after update. Perhaps because of that, when the ending finally came, an abrupt and rush end, I was left unsatisfied. Empty. As if the story hasn't reach its full potential and so much more subplots that has yet to properly discuss and left me thinking what was I waiting for just to see this? (seeing the author note only makes me even more sad because it could've been more if people just give them the time and consideration and let their thoughts read through rather than being constantly rejected) Years later, got reminded again and sat through hours of it to completely immersed and be capture by everything the author heart gave and yes, it's finally sunk in, the satisfaction. There's still things I wish to happen, choices I wish were made and rashly take to add the drama, but I guess something like this is too good to be true for a story that wants something more realistic for a change.

Still, I absolutely adore this manwha despite everything that happens. I'm happy I read this again, it made me really giddy and comfortable inside. It was wow. Seriously wow....