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HueHueHue February 8, 2020 1:38 am

So the background is, Ruve's father, the Emperor, has always been very cold and distant to him, raising him with harsh expectations and no love. The Emperor was actually in love with Tia's mom, Jeremiah. Keiran (Tia's dad) was engaged to be married with another woman (Karsein's mother actually) in a political marriage, but he also fell in love with Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was in love with Keiran, not the Emperor. The only person in the empire who can break off the official engagement between Keiran & Karsein's mom is the emperor, but obviously the emperor wants them to get married so he can hopefully marry Jeremiah. However, Keiran offers to swear an oath of absolute loyalty to the Emperor if he will give up on Jeremiah and allow Keiran to marry Jeremiah by breaking the official engagement.

The Emperor/King is actually a very just, wise man and he realizes he cannot put his own personal feelings ahead of the good of the Empire, so he gives up on his love for Jeremiah and breaks off Keiran's engagement so Keiran can marry Jeremiah and then Jeremiah gives birth to Tia.

Just some background, I'm probably mixing them up (?) but Tia's family is part of the "Aristocrats" (I think) which mainly support the Emperor and on the other side you have the "nobles" or something, which oppose the emperor. The emperor is actually not as powerful as you think, as the noble faction have basically 50% the power of the empire and the Emperor+aristocrats the other 50%. The emperor needs to ensure the aristocrat faction that supports him is unified (there's in-fighting inside both factions), which is why he wanted Keiran to swear an oath of absolute loyalty to him.

Tia has her father's coloring, but looks exactly like Jeremiah, which is why the Emperor (who was in love with Jeremiah), loves her so much and treats her like a daughter. He gives her all the love he has and gives zero love to his son. The reason is because in order to survive as Emperor, you have to be cold, logical, rational, and strong-willed. He does love prince Ruve a lot, but was perhaps misguided.

The aristocrats all have harsh expectations on Ruve to grow up to be intelligent, rational, capable so everyone is always telling him "You need to stop whining, you need to be better". On the other hand, Tia is naturally gifted and smart and everyone always says "Tia is so amazing, we love her so much!" Imagine being a young boy, growing up and seeing how everyone, including your own father, loves Tia so much and nobody gives any love to you at all. Of course he grows to resent Tia.

Only two people ever showed "love" to Ruve, which is Jeremiah and Duke Jenna/Zena (or whatever his name is, the main villain). However, when Jeremiah gets assassinated later on, she happily gives up her life to protect Tia, while ignoring Ruve (who was also in the same room), so Ruve feels betrayed that Jeremiah didn't care about him at all, which I mean, of course this woman will protect her biological daughter over the unrelated prince. Like Jeremiah rushes to Tia and covers Tia with her body, while leaving Ruve to fend for himself against the assassins.

After this, Duke Zena is the only person who shows any "love" to Prince Ruve, which is why he believes anything Zena says. Zena basically tells Ruve that Tia is an unfeeling, incredibly manipulative and intelligent woman who is out to marry him so she can get more power for her household and the aristocrat faction. Thus Ruve hates Tia even more.

Tia, on the other hand, despite being loved by everyone, also has really harsh expectations put on her and she feels she cannot show any weakness, that she must prove herself to be a capable Empress. She actually does have trouble expressing her feelings which is why Zena's whole "she has no feelings" rings true to Ruve. However, through her actions, Tia proves that she cares deeply about the Empire, her household, and even Ruve.

However, one day Ji-Eun magically appears and is denoted the "child of god" and the one who is supposed to be empress. Ji-Eun is basically an average Korean 16 year old girl. Imagine getting thrown into a game of thrones setting at 16. She lost her friends and family and is completely alone in the new world. Zena tells Ji-Eun about all the s**t that goes down and basically says "If you don't manage to get Prince Ruve's support, you will probably get raped and killed cause the politics here are deadly". He also tells Ji-Eun "Ruve is desperate for love, so just be happy and smiling and tell him you love him". So Ji-Eun, terrified for her life, does everything she can to seduce Ruve and he falls in love with her because she is "honest" with her feelings and "innocent".

Thus Tia becomes the "abandoned empress" and Ji-Eun the actual empress. Ji-Eun now gets to enjoy a life of luxury and wealth, while Tia does all the official Empress duties as the "Queen". The Empire is thriving and everyone thinks "Life is so good and our Empress is such a wonderful, kind, happy person, while that b***h Tia thinks she's so much better than everyone. She always acting so stuck up."

NOW THE IMPORTANT PART. Zena's plans are in motion and he wants even more power, so he begins to poison Ruve with a psychotropic drug that makes him angry, bipolar, and schizophrenic. He also feeds lies to Ruve and Ruve hears the people+staff... basically everyone saying how Tia is a total smug, superior b***h who is power-hungry and pissed off her plans to get power failed cause Ji-Eun showed up. There are rumors that Tia wants to assassinate Ji-Eun so she can get back the place of Empress.

Ruve confronts Tia and wants her to be honest with him, but she basically thinks "I'm scared of you, I cannot be honest with you" and tells him "you won't believe me anyway" and Ruve goes "So you're basically admitting all the rumors about you are true." Now don't forget he is drugged with those psychotropic drugs, so that's when he rapes her. And of course, he later pushes her and causes her to miscarry.

He does feel extremely guilty about this, but when Tia finds out she miscarried and can no longer have children (her womb is damaged), she laughs crazily in front of many maids/servants, basically cursing god (Vita) for her life. Zena and the palace staff report that Tia laughed like crazy, saying "I'm so glad I don't have to give birth to that f**ker's baby. Thank god I had a miscarriage". Of course Ruve gets pissed off at this and thinks what kind of monster is happy her baby died. Thus Tia just confirmed all the rumors about her.

Tia's father, Keiran, understands Tia is unhappy and miserable and begs Ruve to take Tia away. He wants to fake her death and have her live quietly in another country. At the same time, Zena fakes an assassination on Ji-Eun and blames Tia for it, but Ruve has some moments of clarity. He thinks "If Tia wants to escape to another country, why would she risk killing Ji-Eun? The only point in killing Ji-Eun is if Tia wants to stay and become Empress."

I'm kind of confused too with the novel/webtoon, but I think there's not enough evidence to tie Tia + Keiran + her house into the assassination attempt, but Ruve & Tia fight and he lies to her that he killed her father, because he wants to hurt her in retaliation for her laughing that their unborn child died. Tia, who was also poisoned by Duke Zena, goes crazy upon hearing her father was killed and stabs Ruve. Of course, now there is enough evidence that Tia committed treason, attempted assassination of the Emperor, so Zena and everyone votes to have her executed. Ruve actually votes against them but is outvoted. He only wants Tia banished to another country. He was actually trying to grant her wish to escape the palace. He was setting her free.

However, Tia is executed and dies thinking Ruve had killed her father and sentenced her to death when none of that actually happened.

Anyway, now that Tia is gone, Ruve continues to get crazier after being poisoned with the drugs, Zena causes unrest in the Empire by continuing to gather more power, and Ji-Eun must now do all of Tia's duties. How can you expect a modern 16-21 year old girl to run an Empire? Ji-Eun makes a ton of dumb decisions and that with all the other crazy going on means the Empire goes to ruins.

All the people that used to praise Ji-Eun and say "Tia is so smug and unlikable" suddenly turn on Ji-Eun. Suddenly everyone says "Ji-Eun is such a dumbass. How can anyone be so dumb? She's probably faking dumb and is actually evil and wants us to all suffer and die. Nobody can be THAT dumb. When Tia was Queen, she was so smart and the Empire was thriving." Basically everyone regretted trashing Tia and wished she were still alive and the Empress.

Ji-Eun is devastated that suddenly everyone turned on her and one day Ruve finally tells her, after another dumb decision, "Why are you so dumb? I wish you had died and Tia was Empress". Ji-Eun also gets pregnant at this time and feels so alone and powerless and worried about the future of her baby.

Ruve has figured out at this time that Zena is not his "father figure" but was actually poisoning him and that everything about Tia was a lie. For instance, Ji-Eun keeps saying she loves him but after 5 (?) years together, has no idea what his favorite/disliked foods are, whereas Tia figured it out within a couple of weeks. Tia also took so much pressure off him by handling many Empire matters for him, whereas Ji-Eun actually stresses him out with more work with her dumb decisions. He realizes Tia loved him and showed it through actions, just not words, while Ji-Eun's words were empty and hollow and betrayed by her careless actions.

Ruve also realizes that he is dead soon, especially if Ji-Eun gives birth to a son, since Zena will kill him and then assume the role of "regent", while raising and brainwashing the baby who will one day inherit the empire. Ruve has a way to save his life by killing Ji-Eun and he considers it, but realizes that killing her + the unborn child will be doing the same thing to her what he did to Tia, something he regrets with all his heart. And in case you forgot, he actually wanted to save her life and send her away from the empire, just Zena + the nobles were too powerful and ordered Tia executed. I think the webtoon actually portrayed this badly since they showed Ruve kind of with a superior/unfeeling look on his face while she was executed, when in reality he wanted to spare her.

So he instead realizes he's lost and Zena will now take over the Empire, so he gives up on being Emperor and tries to run away, but Zena gets wind of this and sends soldiers to assassinate Ruve. Ruve falls down a cliff and as he lies dying, he gazes up at the moon (the king is the sun and the moon symbolizes the queen/empress) and he thinks the moon is Tia and basically begs her for forgiveness and thinks death is not so bad since he will be reunited with Tia.

This is all background and Tia gets sent back in time, of course.


This time, Tia realizes she should be more "open" with her feelings and she's not actually alone, there's so many people who support her and love her. Don't forget she also thought her father was somewhat "unfeeling" but realized he risked his life and household to make her happy. He begged Ruve to fake her death and let her live quietly in another country, showing how much he actually loved her.

Thus 2nd timeline (2TL) Tia shows her emotions more and Ruve, seeing Tia showing all these emotions and laughing with Karsein + Allen, realizes she is not unfeeling and cold. Also, don't forget that Tia inheriting her household makes it impossible for her to become Empress (due to some rules and stuff), so how can Tia be power-hungry and out to manipulate him, Ruve, when she appears to want to break off the engagement? Thus 2nd timeline (2TL) Ruve realizes a lot of what Zena said about Tia was a lie.

Oh, and BIG SPOILER ABOUT ALLEN, but Allen, despite being much more capable than his brother, is passed over in favor of his older brother. Allen wants to inherit the household, thinking he is better than his brother, but the parents think it's unfair, since the oldest son is supposed to inherit. Even though Allen is definitely better, the oldest son is capable still. Allen thinks this means his parents don't really love him and he gets driven to Zena's side as a spy.

Allen also is sociopathic and possessive of Tia. At one point, he considers killing her father, Keiran, because Keiran sees through Allen's true nature. He also kind of has an erot*c daydream about strangling Tia to death so she will always be his. His other plot is to kidnap Tia and keep her locked up in a secret house forever, so she will belong to him only.

However, he does have a moment of clarity where he realizes he is f**ked up in the head and he double-crosses Zena to the current Emperor, who sends Allen away to another country, but thanks him for realizing the error of his ways.

So Allen did love Tia enough to realize his love for her was messed up and psychotic. He willingly went away to protect Tia from himself.

Ruve falls in love with Tia because of how expressive and lively she is in the second timeline, and also because, if you've forgotten, he loved Jeremiah (Tia's mother) because only Jeremiah + Zena ever showed him love +affection, and Tia resembles Jeremiah.

After Ruve died in the first timeline, Ji-Eun gives birth to a girl, who cannot inherit the throne and with Ruve dead, it means the royal lineage is broken. Zena can now over take the throne legally, so he decides to kill Ji-Eun and stabs her and her baby daughter to death.

Ji-Eun b****es to god/Vita about how unfair her life was and Vita (God) offers Ji-Eun a choice. She can send Ji-Eun back to modern day Korea with her memories completely erased, or she can send Ji-Eun back to the moment she arrived in the Abandoned Empress world with her memories intact.

Ji-Eun does miss Korea + her family, but don't forget this choice came literally 10 seconds after she got stabbed in the stomach by her "friend" Duke Zena. Ji-Eun hates Ruve for abandoning her ("I wish Tia was alive and you were dead instead"), hates Zena for manipulating and killing her, and most of all, hates that Tia took everyone's love even in death. Remember, after the Empire started to crumble, the people and Ruve all said they regretted how they treated Tia and wished she was the Empress and said Ji-Eun was dumb trash.

Ji-Eun also thinks if she runs away to Korea with her memories erased, it means admitting to herself she lost to Tia, that she is and will always be inferior to Tia. She thinks if she actually works hard she can match Tia and become a powerful empress who can take revenge on Prince Ruve + Duke Zena. Thus in her anger and pride, she chooses to relive a second life instead of going back home to Korea.

When Ji-Eun arrives this time, she does everything she can to seduce Ruve because she wants to make him fall in love with her so she can then toss him aside and destroy him, the Empire, and Zena.

But at this point Ruve only loves Tia and none of Ji-Eun's attempts work. So she instead asks Zena to adopt her, so she can have the aristocrat backing and become Empress. Her second goal, of course, is to spy on Zena and find out his weakness so she can kill him.

Zena though is smart and while he wants to manipulate Ji-Eun and make her Empress, doesn't trust Ji-Eun at all. By the way, Ji-Eun has a special power where she can heal flowers/plants, just not humans. Tia's power from God is that she can hear Vita's voice/holy messages, just like some priests can.

Anyway, yada yada, s**t happens and then one day Tia gets stabbed and almost dies, but Ji-Eun who finally realizes that neither Ruve nor Tia are the true villains, begs God to save Tia's life and Vita/God tells Ji-Eun she can save Tia by giving up her magical powers and losing her status as a "child of god". Ji-Eun willingly does so and Tia's life is saved.

Ji-Eun works with Ruve + Tia to bring down Zena and Zena does get judged for his crimes and his whole household is beheaded and killed.

Ji-Eun saw herself as a protagonist in an isekai novel, thinking that she was the main character and Tia was the villainess out to steal her position and love, but realized in the end, she was actually the villainess. This is why she saves Tia's life, because she wants redemption. She also regrets so much not taking Vita/God's offer to go back to Korea with her memories erased.

Ruve and everyone else in the Empire wants to kill Ji-Eun, since she is a co-conspirator and Zena's adopted daughter, but Tia begs them for mercy, however, Tia is overruled, just like first timeline Ruve was overruled when he asked for clemency for Tia.

Tia visits Ji-Eun in prison and asks why Ji-Eun hated her so much and why Ji-Eun decided to save her. Ji-Eun tells Tia "I was supposed to be the protagonist, I was supposed to be loved and have a happily ever after, but even in death you stole that from me. Ruve & the people told me they loved you more and that I was useless trash. You have everything that I don't have."

At this point Tia gets pissed and goes "WTF. Ruve + the people executed me and treated me like trash for years. How can you be jealous of me?"

At this point Ji-Eun goes "Be honest, you looked down on me."

And Tia does admit she looked down on Ji-Eun as being dumb and incompetent and was upset that Ruve + the people loved her despite Ji-Eun being a dumb Empress.

The girls both find it ironic they envied the other.

At this point Tia gives Ji-Eun an option, which Ruve agreed to. She gives Ji-Eun two bottles, one with real poison and one with a Romeo+Juliet poison that will fake death. Ji-Eun can choose to die or she can be smuggled away to another country and live there quietly for the rest of her life.

Tia tells Ji-Eun "this is your choice" and then walks away and you never find out what choice Ji-Eun chose but in side stories I think it says she chose to live.

Tia & Ruve get married and have 2 daughters + 1 son. The daughter inherits the Marquess household while the son becomes the greatest Emperor in the history of the Empire.

Vita had originally said the "blessed child of god" would bring eternal happiness to the empire, but in the first timeline, the empire crumbled due to Zena and everyone (including Zena) lost. In the second timeline, they all lived happily ever after, except Zena + ji-Eun. Since Ji-Eun gave up her powers, Tia is the only "child of god" in the second timeline. Also, Ji-Eun eventually comes to peace with her life and lives a quiet, but fulfilled life as an ordinary person in another country. Kind of bittersweet she never got to see her Korea family again, but that was her choice and she has to live with it.

This is an accurate summary of the actual plot for the webtoon and webnovel typed by yooyuyanoo on webreader. Opinions are fine and all but stop discouraging and insulting the author. It’s so unnecessary to type up twisted versions of what happened just because you don’t like the ending or the pairing. This webtoon has so much potential, stop slandering it unjustly.

    holybell February 8, 2020 2:03 am

    OMG! Thank you! I never understood why people were blaming the guy in another freaking timeline for his alternate actions!

    While they are the same character, they are not the same person due to their life experiences. You can't one multiverse's version of a person because the dude in multiverse 8 was a serial killer. Environment plays a huge role in how you develop as a person.

    Matcha_is_Luv February 8, 2020 7:44 am
    OMG! Thank you! I never understood why people were blaming the guy in another freaking timeline for his alternate actions!While they are the same character, they are not the same person due to their life experi... holybell

    MOOD (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    /SHIRLER/ February 8, 2020 4:00 pm

    Thank youuuuuu

    Xiao_Fei February 11, 2020 2:37 am

    KAMI-SAMAAAA!! When I searched for the novel spoilers, I’m already half-way through reading all the manhwa ch, so when I read the spoilers I was like, “DUDE WUHT WHY DID THAT HAPPEN? NUH-UH THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE.” When I read this, it’s different from what I saw in forum but was more clear. If this is really the TRUE happenings, then this is not trash. Spoilers made me all confused and thought it does not match the manhwa, so thank you so much for this!!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    HueHueHue February 11, 2020 7:50 am
    KAMI-SAMAAAA!! When I searched for the novel spoilers, I’m already half-way through reading all the manhwa ch, so when I read the spoilers I was like, “DUDE WUHT WHY DID THAT HAPPEN? NUH-UH THAT’S NOT POS... Xiao_Fei

    I get you. I love spoilers as well because I can interpret how it got to that kind of ending but I’ve also learnt not to take them at face value. I make sure to do research before I conclude the ending just so I have the full picture.

    Peachy_shua February 13, 2020 9:59 pm

    THANK YOU Its so annoying how the entire comment section is everyone crapping about the prince when he’s a different person in this timeline! Tia is a different person too and she gets a pass, but when its the prince everyone still thinks he’s suspicious or still stuck up when its obvious he’s different and actually likes tia. He just doesn't show it because he knows she’s uncomfortable in front of him and he doesn’t want her to freak out again like when she fainted

    Anonymous February 14, 2020 2:46 am

    Jieun really should have taken the chance to go back home that was a really dumb and petty reason to be do that whole mess again. Especially when u remember that her main complaint was that she missed home girl is really dumb

    Hopeless_shipper February 21, 2020 12:50 am
    Jieun really should have taken the chance to go back home that was a really dumb and petty reason to be do that whole mess again. Especially when u remember that her main complaint was that she missed home girl... @Anonymous

    You try having you and your daughter killed by your only ally, see if you can be clear headed enough as to give up

HueHueHue February 5, 2020 10:12 pm

As hard as it might be to belive, children are quite sensitive- especially in their development stages. As a growing teen Jeanette should be becoming more aware of the emotions and feelings of those around her. Ejikiel (I think that's his name?) is very aware and sensitive towards every one's feelings around him, despite being two years older. They lived in the same roof and were brought up similarly enough that if she wanted to Jeanette could've learnt something form him but instead she allowed herself to be coddled until she struggled to be her own person. As nice as she is Jeanette has no other reedeming quality other than her kindness. She's oblivious, far too trusting, selfish, unable to think for herself and weak willed- at this point she's more of a deadweight than anything. Jeanette's nativity is the product of her own close mindedness. She is aware of the reason for her isolation, and believe it or not is quite okay with it. She's been conditioned to believe that its for her own good so she can end up with her father. As long as any action done gets her close to her dad she is willing to endure. That isn't a child that's been mistreated but instead a child who has been filled with unchecked ambition. She's so wrapped up in the fantasy of reuniting with her dad that she's thrown all logic away. If her father loved her, why did he never search for her? Why did she have to hide who she was up till now? How come her mother ran away form him? A little bit of thought would've given her the thought/idea that her 'father' didn't care and still doesn't care for her, it would've allowed her to question things and those around her- maybe even spur her to investigate. If my long lost father called me up for tea yet always fell asleep before we uttered a single word then that's not a win for me. I'd feel awkward and like I've been dusted aside. The answers that I'm looking for as well as the questions I want to ask are being pushed aside. She also has a brotherly figure who showers her with love and a caretaker that provides for her and cares for her even without her best intentions in life. Jeanette may have grown up without her parents and a shitty 'father' figure but she certainly wasn't lacking in love- chasing after a father who seemingly abandoned her when there are others willing to love her just as much casts her in a negative light for me. Also, Jeanette is NOT a child, maybe by law, but not in terms of mentality, emotions and physical body. She has passed the point where she can now tell right from wrong, the point where she can tell when someone is in pain or full of joy without them having to say so verbally. Her extremely low EQ is so annoying because it's the only excuse she can come up with for her ignorant and selfish behaviour. I don’t need to be a genius to be able to tell when my friend is feeling uncomfortable- in fact most children can tell. You can say that Jeanette might be a special case but there’s a level of oblivious you can be before you just come off as willingly ignorant. The whole premise for me hate towards Jeanette is due to her inconsiderate nature towards Athy’s feelings. Its the fact that she’s creating a paradox on herself. She sees Athy as her sister and her family and yet not once has she asked to see how she’s fairing, instead she’s happy to have her fathers love and attention while just having her ‘sister’ there is good enough to fulfil her image of a happy family. You can’t argue that at 14 you aren’t able to tell when someone is upset or in emotional pain? It’s not like Athy is even trying to hide her feelings. We can't sympathise with her bacuse in our eyes she's being extremely greedy and naive, she willing turns her head the other way when Athy feels down when her dad is brought up and pls let's be real. No true friend would purposely talk about the person hurting you as he spoils another- no matter how low ur EQ is, that's just not ok. Jeanette is disliked because she's shown characteristics of a person who prefers to live in her own perfect bubble instead of facing reality.

    Kimbab kidding February 5, 2020 11:02 pm

    Omg this is beautiful =').
    Say it louder to the people who thinks She doesnt deserve the hate *wipe tears

    Yeyu February 6, 2020 12:32 am

    Yaaaass!!! I couldn't really express why do I don't like Jenette properly and you've worded how I felt exactly

    YourWitcher February 6, 2020 2:41 am

    This is perfect, thank you!

    Kat February 6, 2020 2:10 pm

    Yes this is the exact explanation

    Hersheys February 6, 2020 2:52 pm

    I feel the same as well. I always thought it was weird for her not to question anything and just accept that she's not allowed to meet her father yadda yadda. And in these recent chapters, she is selfish and seem to only care about her own feelings when it is clearly athy the one who is very down.
    I don't want Lucas to be the Knight in shining armour though, it'd be nice for Athy to regain her strength on her own. However, it'd also be nice for Lucas to come back so that Athy at least can be stronger in terms of her mental health. I keep having a bad feeling about Claus and Jeanette's relationship. Sure, he's a king and prob smart enough to rule a kingdom but when it comes to relationships, he is dumb as hell. To think that he is able to avoid his headaches (due to his daughter of course) by meeting Jeanette and think that it is a good thing, SIGHS. I get that his childhood isn't the best and his love life is also quite saddening but wth man. If you're going to abandon Athy completely, then I feel like Athy might not be able to take it. She might just leave if Jeanette takes her place so that her father and Jeanette could be happy. And no ejikel, using my eyes that can forsee any story's future, you will not end up with Athy, sorry not sorry. She's just not feeling it. I can feel that Jeanette would soon do something that will hurt Athy incredibly and its making me super uneasy. More chapters please!

    YourWitcher February 6, 2020 4:56 pm

    He does try to think about it and gives up completely after a couple of seconds because " I dont wanna think about anything ". His headaches are so bad that he literally cant think straight and that is his biggest weakness right now. I view him as a very calculated and cold man, and that only changes when he starts caring deeply about a person ( when he almost got himself killed to save athy) or when he is in so much pain that he just cant take it anymore. He is being tortured and i feel sorry for him. The headaches seem to me like his magic trying to fight back the memory loss and not losing but not failing either.
    He is at war with himself without him ever realizing it and i feel his pain.

    HueHueHue February 6, 2020 5:44 pm
    He does try to think about it and gives up completely after a couple of seconds because " I dont wanna think about anything ". His headaches are so bad that he literally cant think straight and that is his bigg... YourWitcher

    I agree with you. Having amnesia is awful, it must be even worse when everyone around you keeps telling you things you don’t seem to remember. I don’t blame Clause for using Jeanette as a pain killer and I don’t think he deserves to be portrayed as intentionally hurting Athy, people need to understand how painful it is for him right now.

    YourWitcher February 6, 2020 6:45 pm
    I agree with you. Having amnesia is awful, it must be even worse when everyone around you keeps telling you things you don’t seem to remember. I don’t blame Clause for using Jeanette as a pain killer and I ... HueHueHue

    I just hope Lucas comes back soon cause he was away for far too long.

    Kat February 6, 2020 8:55 pm
    I just hope Lucas comes back soon cause he was away for far too long. YourWitcher

    IKR... you know that one chapter where Athy was thinking of where Lucus was and wishing he was there with her Lucus was right outside the window to her room i assume? is he perhaps looking for Athy coz he knows that she's not at the palace??

    or am I just confusing myself???

    YourWitcher February 6, 2020 9:07 pm
    IKR... you know that one chapter where Athy was thinking of where Lucus was and wishing he was there with her Lucus was right outside the window to her room i assume? is he perhaps looking for Athy coz he knows... Kat

    Im not really sure. I think he was on his way back. I mean, he is the great magician, i doubt Athy can hide from him. And he does look older than he should so that got me confused as well. I dont really remember if he was his younger self or his older self when he first started the journey tho.

    looololol February 7, 2020 12:23 am

    you put it into words. 14 is old enough to be in high school, y’all, and certainly old enough to read that getting close to ur father who you don’t know very well in place of ur sister, who that same exact father is hunting down and who has been nothing but very kind to you for a long time, is a very shitty thing to do

    Yuichiin February 9, 2020 11:00 pm

    Thank you! I want those who says Jeannette doesn't deserve the hate to read this. So they can atleast understand why other fans and readers doesn't like her character.

    HueHueHue February 10, 2020 1:35 pm

    its even more annoying now with the newest chapter. This proves that Jeanette is aware of how deep Athy and Claude's disconnection is and yet claims to be trying to mediate when all she does is attempt to curry favour with Claude. Claude hasn't harmed anyone that asked about Athy after his memory loss, yet she hasn't made a single attempt to ask how he feels about Athy. The fact that she's upset she isn't being shown enough attention by both only highlights her selfishness as well as show her general unsatisfactory nature. When she said she felt detached from Ejikiel and his father and that she wanted to find her own family, I couldn't help but be so pissed. If your 'father' didn't love you when you were born and never made an effort to find you, what makes you think it'll change now, he's even been openly hostile to you as well. For me that's enough signs to inform me that I'm not wanted or welcomed. it's just sad how desperate and in denial she's in.

    YourWitcher February 10, 2020 6:29 pm

    I just want Lucas to appear because i cant stand this shit anymore. Jeanette is getting more and more annoying. I was so pissed of after reading this chapter. How in hell did Claude find her lovely in the original story? He makes her his successor but she isnt fit to rule a kingdom. I wonder how did she charmed him? Athy was from a young age recognised as a little genius and now can even use magic, but Jeannette? What was so good about her that he wanted to make her his next heir? Because of her cute smile? Oh, if she can look at me with love, then i will discard my people and the throne and just give it to her. WASNT HE SUPPOSED TO BE THE GREAT EMPEROR that brought prosperity or something over the land. My god, sorry for the rambling but i just feel so angry.

    HueHueHue February 10, 2020 7:02 pm
    I just want Lucas to appear because i cant stand this shit anymore. Jeanette is getting more and more annoying. I was so pissed of after reading this chapter. How in hell did Claude find her lovely in the origi... YourWitcher

    I get you but honestly, Ejikiel would’ve taken up the mantle as Jeanette's husband, while she sat there and looked pretty. As for Claude’s bending over backwards for her, I’m just going to blame it on all the manipulation Jeanette aunt and Ejikiel’s father did in the background.

    YourWitcher February 10, 2020 9:55 pm
    I get you but honestly, Ejikiel would’ve taken up the mantle as Jeanette's husband, while she sat there and looked pretty. As for Claude’s bending over backwards for her, I’m just going to blame it on all... HueHueHue

    True. Its funny how even Ejikiel himself is a little tired of her bullshit at this point. I guess the answer was ' just get yourself an intelligent husband'.

    Kat February 11, 2020 9:17 pm

    i'm glad I'm not the only one that was annoyed after reading the new chapter...I didn't know how to express myself because I sort of pity her but at the same time she's getting on my nerves...idk how I feel about jeanette anymore but i guess i never really liked her character in the first place ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍At this point I just see her as trouble coz you never know what she might do and it will change the future *face palm* i'm feeling so anxious coz she's a bomb and you never know when it's gonna explode.

    LessThanACoin June 10, 2020 8:08 am

    I agree with ln a lot of the points you have brought up but regarding with how Ejikiel ( forgot his name) only being two years older have much more maturity than Jennette despite being brought up similarly. I wanna clarify on that point that we can't really compare him with Jennette as in those earlier chapters it was shown that despite his age he is very intelligent and emotionally mature as well and even seem to be on that same level as athy, who have her past life and this life so to sum up athy mental age is around 34 if we assume that she lived till 20 in her past life. Both of them seem to be of similar maturity(Mr.White's Son and Athy ). Also it's quite obvious that White's Son will be more mature, I mean look at the way he was brought up, his father talks to him like an adult and treat him like an adult, unlike Jennette who always almost have to stay home and only be able to go out with Mr white or his son to keep a close watch on her, so her identity will not be revealed. She doesn't have the chance to interact with others to even develop her social skills and also the whites treat her like a child. Honestly, I won't be surprised if the white intentionally do this, so that she will not have really have the intellect to make a reasonable question or answer for herself and her situation. Yeah, I agree with you, kids that age tend to be more emotionally sensitive and more understanding but do you mean normal kids or somewhat kids who aren't that much of in a caged up world like hers? Who grew up in a normal environment and get to interact with other human beings other than being stuck in the mansion for almost your whole life? There is clearly a lot of details you over went when you made that statement. I mean, of course, 100℅ sure if she grew up in a normal environment and still behaving like a child and being super oblivious to everything around her, then yes I will too wholeheartedly dislike her and her character. Another point based on your statement about her having someone who cares for her and caregivers etc. it was shown in the previous chapters that she never really felt that she was apart of the white's family as she young she could already feel the line between Mr white and his son and her. From this, she came to the conclusion that she will only truly beloved if she is with her real family.I mean I get that she wasn't that deprived of love but in her position what difference does that so call affection that can be compared to a stranger's kindness. It was hinted quite a lot that the love she gets doesn't really feel that close in a sense like a nice and kind aunt's love vs your mum's love.So it's not really wrong for her to seek out the closeness and comfort that only close and real family can give.You might argue that not only does it have to be real family who is blood related to shower you with the same love, but in her case no. Obviously, she will still feel happy that she gets to spend time with Claude although he is barely paying attention to her. She thinks that sooner or later she will be accepted once Claude knows that she is his 'real' daughter he will accept her. Also about her being inconsiderate towards athy's feeling, I mean how can she understand? Almost all the time even when Jennette asked her about her emotions, Athy response always assures Jennette. I mean unlike us who can see her real emotions and thoughts, she can't. Athy is so good at disguising her real emotions that even most find it hard to think the around on her response to her actual feeling. I feel that the fault doesn't only lie on her for being somewhat delusional, I mean almost everyone around her are feeding her delusions by telling lies that don't match their feelings or the real situation. Like what do you mean by it's not like athy hides her feeling?? When? almost all the time she does that to almost everyone, the only time she did was when Jennette asked her how will athy feel if she is her real sister. After seeing her reaction, finally, Jennette starts to evaluate her actions and words but then the very next day athy once again feed her fantasy by reassuring her. I mean it's like think it this way there is person A and B, person A always like to joke around while person B feels hurt by person A's joke but always laugh at person A jokes. I mean like seriously, in what way can she understand what she is doing is wrong? You can't just keep making the person A the bad one when the other person doesn't even speak up on what B is doing wrong.Its not like jennette can magically understand what everyone really meant.That's just my opinion on your statement and I do agree with the most part but I feel that there should still be another side to allow people to look at a better and balanced view. Also a disclaimer no need to get offended or angry by my opinion, I am just stating what I personally think. Do give me a reply if anyone if you disagree on my part, I would like to hear it then that's it for my part (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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