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Rice Daddy created a topic of Pitiful Us

"I don't want anyone to get hurt again" okay stay miserable sis idk what to tell you

Like legally no child should be under her care who just leaves their child alone??? Imagine that the guy she found was a pedo instead of a good guy... What's wrong with her

Rice Daddy created a topic of Just Twilight

My favorite trope has to be a potential love triangle but instead one of the "male leads" ends up being an antagonist... He's just like his snake mom guess the apple never falls far from the tree

Kinda crazy if this happened in recent time all it would've taken was a DNA test... Not even the sister but the fake staged dad too... Wild

Rice Daddy created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity


Rice Daddy created a topic of Dandadan
Rice Daddy created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

In hell btch what the fck

Rice Daddy created a topic of On-Air

I've been following this story for free on webtoon but the last three chapters have been put behind a permanent paywall. It freaking sucks considering I've been following it for months just for it to be left on such an unsatisfying ending. I hope if anyone does decide to pay for it, I hope they share it bc baiting ppl on with free chapters just to gatekeep the ending is such a dick move (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Rice Daddy created a topic of Love Song for Illusion

I've been following this series for months until they put the ending chapters under a permanent paywall, so whoever you are, thank you so much for letting me enjoy the ending too

Rice Daddy created a topic of The Kids Have Changed

I'm so sorry to the artist but going from the Louvre straight down a storm drain into the sewage is such a shock, even the pacing is off. I can't even read this without thinking this is some juvenile art project instead of a real webtoon with a professional artist..