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Fujoshitrash created a topic of Backlight

Is just me or do yall have a hard differentiating who is thinking what? I feel like the author does that intentionally…so it can can seem that they’re both thinking the same thing??? Or am I just crazy???

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Backlight

I hope taegu is rival in “I know him more than you will ever” elder brotherly vibe instead of a romantic rival cause I don’t see the ML and Taegu ever being more than that

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Thank you so much for the +19 translations!!!

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I would kill for the +19 ver!!!

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Full volume
Fujoshitrash created a topic of Jinx

BAM! I just know Dan grandma is gonna go next ☠

He acts so goofy that I forget how smart he really is and how quick he is to notice little things

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I can’t get over how he really said “Do it” while staring down a literal dragon

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

He really stood on business

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Hosik's story

I am not defending the rape at all, but if you are new to the story, I suggest you stick with it because it does have a lot of heartfelt and fluff moments. It’s really well written, and the characters tend to grow on you, so I hope new readers don’t get swayed by the bad reviews.

Guys chapter 29 is the censored version I hope someone uploads the uncensored

The fact that people are even criticizing Ines shows how embedded misogyny is in our culture. The author makes it clear how much suffering and ptsd she has received from her past lives and how it being all rooted in misogynistic patriarchal societies and y’all STILL want to crucify ines for it GROSS

Fujoshitrash created a topic of Honey Trouble

Did y’all see that scar on the professors face??? Mhm there maybe a connection with the whole kidnap thing we’ve heard abt in previous chapters

Alphonso looking tired is the hottest he’s been since the art change lol