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Anonymous July 16, 2020 9:07 pm

Does anyone else understand Sangho’s reasoning behind going back to the warehouse?

I think in his delusion, the rape was his way of showing Dohyun his interest in their sexual relationship. In high school, he thought his lack of sexual interest made Dohyun disinterested and caused a rift in their relationship. So I don’t think the warehouse was actual revenge. I think Sangho is truly too disturbed to realize that he was raping Dohyun. He may have been thinking, “ I’ve taken us back to the past and look I’m doing all the things you wanted to do. Let’s go back to the start of everything”.

Again, I wish to know what his actual diagnosis is. It’s clear from the obsessive way Sangho was writing about Dohyun even when they first met is a clue that he was disturbed before their relationship started.

Glad this manhwa is back

    Bella July 16, 2020 7:35 am

    If person has psychological/psychical problems, it's hard to understand their maind. I suppose his diagnosis isn't something simple.

    Anonymous July 16, 2020 9:07 pm
    If person has psychological/psychical problems, it's hard to understand their maind. I suppose his diagnosis isn't something simple. Bella

    Very true

Anonymous August 27, 2019 6:19 pm

I really miss KyuTaek and I feel like a man in the desert hallucinating every time we get these small scenes with them. I want the author to write a spinoff with them about their college life. Will Seungtaek really dye his hair and take care of Kyubin for the rest of their lives? I need that daily college life snapshot. I’ll even just take extras at this point.


I really disliked the ending of this manhwa. I felt it was so weak and dry. But I guess all the issues were wrapped up, it just felt like the author ran out of stream with these characters. And to be 65% subjective, SuHee’s problems dragged on for way too long, given how relatively fixable they were, but they're both the passive type so it was frustrating to read.

It felt like the manhwa was at a stand still for like 50+ episodes. I don’t even know how 50+ chapters were filled with the same theme, tone, problem. This manhwa could have capped it at 60something episodes. The author burned herself out because it seemed like there was no real strong identity for Suhyeok compared to the rest of the characters. It’s hard to drive conflict and resolution when working with a character who seemingly has no real character traits or value systems. Suhyeok never came alive and it made interactions between him and Seunghee painfully boring.

Anonymous August 26, 2019 5:36 pm

It goes without saying that Seungho is a well written character. The journey of his mental breaks are crushing and chilling because much like Seungho we don’t know exactly what the cause is! I do want to say that mental illnesses writ large inherently do not make a person violent, sexually or physically. Every case has varying factors.

I’m coming to appreciate that we readers are trying to piece together the scattered and unreliable memories and feelings that Seungho has, just as much as Seungho is. We were all lead to believe that Dohyun had somehow sexually assaulted or abused Seungho when they were young but now in the aftermath of everything it seems the only person who still believes in that reality is young Seungho who felt he had to do anything to keep the object of his obsession near him.

I re-read the scene where Seungho is going through his diary and in one of the torn pages it says(paraphrase) “ isnt obvious that this is the only way to make him stay”. I also noticed the frequency of their intimate activities ( it was nearly everyday). I think Seungho might has initiated this sexual relationship to keep Dohyun around (which leads me to the question of who or what taught Seungho that sex is a tool of manipulation or control) but maybe resentment began to build when sex became such a focal point of their relationship. He may have liked what they did, but most definitely did not like that Dohyun only stayed for the sex and not Dohyun ( at least this is what his mind told him). And Dohyun ignoring him for those few days sent him spiraling.

Seungho definitely has some mental illness on the side of a chemical imbalance and a definite violent streak. I’m not surprised now that he went into the business he went into, violence comes very naturally to him. and I would suspect Dohyun has BPD given the abuse and abandonment he experienced during his formative years and his need to manipulate Seungho into further attaching to him. Although I wish there was a way to confirm it via the story, it’s realistic not to have a clear diagnosis. So many people go through life struggling to maintain healthy relationships and connections with themselves and others because they don't know the root of their issues. I suspect these two will never resolve anything and continue on this unhealthy cycle because the real issue is not the warehouse or their adolescent relationship but their unresolved childhood traumas.

    nis September 7, 2019 2:45 pm

    quite brilliantly said

    Anonymous September 8, 2019 5:07 am
    quite brilliantly said nis

    Thank you!

Anonymous August 20, 2019 7:09 am

I just logged in to say that Inbeom fans are seriously disturbing and complete revisionists.

It’s as if they started reading the manhwa only after Seunghee’s arc began so the only image they have of Inbeom is some pitiful “misunderstand” harmless delinquent who benevolently befriends another socially misunderstood youth (Seunghee). So from this second arc one would think , redemption! Inbeom is actually a nice guy and doesn’t deserve all the latent consequences coming to him now. But he does. Because you have to read the first arc to understand the full story between Seungtaek, Kyubin and Inbeom.

Inbeom fans claim Seungtaek never faced the consequences of his actions, but neither did Inbeom.

Inbeom was a complete bully who tried, keyword TRIED, TWICE to terrorize Seungtaek but quickly realized he met his fucking match because Seungtaek is not only NOT a pushover but he can actually fight. Inbeom being a hardhead with no hands decided he wanted another taste and got his ass beat a second time. Also his fans seems to forget that he did all this because he clearly liked Seungtaek and got pleasure from trying to demean and overpower him, hence knocking him out then kissing him. That is a classic case of sexual and physical assault. Yet that gets brushed aside as “ well that was in the past” but Seungtaek still needs to kowtow to his abuser?

1. Inbeom was never charged with criminal sexual or physical assault for attacking Seungtaek in that alley

2. Inbeom didn’t receive any discipline from his school for his attack on Seungtaek

3. No one in Inbeom inner or outer circle know of the attack for him to receive any social consequences (bar Kyubin)

So while Seunghee and you all play captain save a hoe to Inbeom because you don’t want to know the full extent of why he received that karmic amnesia ( the bully finally meets his match) you should consider the fact that he has not atoned for what he did. Getting his memory back and knowing why he deserved those beatings from Seungtaek will allow him to truly atone.

So this is the start of the beef. Simple and clear yet somehow Seungtaek should feel bad that he had to beat up this boy to point of hospitalization because he wouldn’t stop harassing him? I wonder if you all would have the same sympathy for a guy who tried to beat you in submission.

    Your_Mom August 20, 2019 7:13 am

    Shit... you right

    a.belle August 20, 2019 8:48 am

    you're totally right! this manhwa has been going on for a while so readers are bound to forget some details but i am surprised to see how many people have seemingly forgotten pretty important plot points/character moments

    mangageaux August 20, 2019 8:56 am

    Whew. Say THAT!

    wangxian August 20, 2019 1:14 pm

    EXACTLY!!! It bothers me so much that people are supporting Inbeom as if they forgot what he did to Seungtaek.

    bimblefrog August 20, 2019 4:15 pm

    with the same mentality you have towards inbeom, apply it to seungtaek. the only man here that has gotten the short end of the stick REPEATEDLY has been kyubin. it almost makes me wonder WHY he's even in love.

    Anonymous August 21, 2019 6:08 am
    with the same mentality you have towards inbeom, apply it to seungtaek. the only man here that has gotten the short end of the stick REPEATEDLY has been kyubin. it almost makes me wonder WHY he's even in love. bimblefrog

    You can’t compare their relationship.

    Seungtaek and Kyubin have gone through their ups and downs and have reached a place of understanding. They love each other and Kyubin took the fall a second time because he loves Seungtaek unconditionally and did it as a selfless act of love. Only Kyubin knows why and Seungtaek can’t be blamed for Kyubin loving him so selflessly.

    Also as much as people hate Seungtaek because he is adored by Kyubin, remember that he also gave up his foreign language school to stay with Kyubin. They both love each other and have each made sacrifices for their relationship and each other.

    Anonymous August 21, 2019 6:10 am
    you're totally right! this manhwa has been going on for a while so readers are bound to forget some details but i am surprised to see how many people have seemingly forgotten pretty important plot points/charac... a.belle

    It’s almost like they completely wrote a whole new manhwa starting Inbeom, it’s so weird.

    Also when has Inbeom redeemed himself apart from being nice to Seunghee? I don’t see any actions that make up for treating everyone like shit, including his own cousin.

    Anonymous August 21, 2019 6:14 am
    EXACTLY!!! It bothers me so much that people are supporting Inbeom as if they forgot what he did to Seungtaek. wangxian

    And still hating Seungtaek!!

    As much as KyuTaek love each other, you really think Seungtaek is gonna let the guy who attacked him come back and try his boyfriend? Oh but he’s supposed to feel bad because Inbeom goes to karaoke with Seunghee. The kids in here are delusional.

    xielian_inlove August 21, 2019 11:45 am
    You can’t compare their relationship. Seungtaek and Kyubin have gone through their ups and downs and have reached a place of understanding. They love each other and Kyubin took the fall a second time because ... Anonymous

    lol ano, here’s one word: codependency.
    Sacrificing what I want for someone else is not love because it’ll inevitably lead to resentment. Covering for your unstable boyfriend’s acts is not love either.
    But think what you want lmao

    Anonymous August 22, 2019 3:08 am
    lol ano, here’s one word: codependency.Sacrificing what I want for someone else is not love because it’ll inevitably lead to resentment. Covering for your unstable boyfriend’s acts is not love either.But ... xielian_inlove

    I mean clearly you don’t read the manhwa so you don’t realize that they’ve had these discussions and are growing because one thing love takes is open communication and compassion. Theyre working towards finding that balance.

    Kyubin made the healthy decision to live with his extended family instead of staying in his immediate family home because it would be better for his future. Even if it means not having as much time together as they each desired. So clearly theyre young but theyre working through it. A healthy relationship isn’t about being perfect or making all the right decisions all the time, it’s about growing, learning and applying past lessons to new experiences. This is something they clearly do. But you hate them so read it as wrongly as you want to.

    xielian_inlove August 22, 2019 3:52 am
    I mean clearly you don’t read the manhwa so you don’t realize that they’ve had these discussions and are growing because one thing love takes is open communication and compassion. Theyre working towards f... Anonymous

    lol! so just because I don't gaslight like you (you didn't address the serious problems in their codependent relationship at all, and just talked about kyubin moving to family which is not the basis of why they're even together), or twist the events to fit my interpretation of what's going on in the plot means I haven't read the manhwa? ahahahahah! the clownery! xD

    NekuChan August 22, 2019 6:46 am
    EXACTLY!!! It bothers me so much that people are supporting Inbeom as if they forgot what he did to Seungtaek. wangxian

    I actually forgot though lol

    Anonymous August 22, 2019 8:19 am
    lol! so just because I don't gaslight like you (you didn't address the serious problems in their codependent relationship at all, and just talked about kyubin moving to family which is not the basis of why they... xielian_inlove

    Do you have low reading comprehension? Hey, stop reading manhwas all the time and pick up some scholarly articles. You have trouble following along so let me break it down for you.

    They are not co-dependent, first of all. Kyubin was growing increasingly attached to Seungtaek because that was the first person he connected with after his family’s death. He became dependent on that connection ( are you lost now? Do you want to shout , see he is codependent!! Well no, dependency is not co-dependency. Developing a strong bond and depending on someone isn’t unhealthy or toxic. Its normal)

    Now I used that example not because I’m evading your wrong ass analysis but to showcase that they are in fact not co-dependent. If they were, Kyubin would not be able to make that decision for HIMSELF. He acted based on his own interests and future, whether Seungtaek would be there or not. Seungtaek in turn did not punish Kyubin for putting his own needs first. He, as anyone would be, was upset but ultimately and very quickly understood and respected Kyubin’s decision.

    You are a bozo for throwing around words you have no clear understanding of. Go read an actual book.

    Anonymous August 22, 2019 8:20 am
    I actually forgot though lol NekuChan

    At least you admit it. Im certain 98% of these Inbeom fans forgot too and just don’t want to admit it. Theyre in for a surprise though. But they’re already so far up his ass, I’m sure they’ll find a way to blame Seungtaek again.

    xielian_inlove August 22, 2019 11:32 am
    Do you have low reading comprehension? Hey, stop reading manhwas all the time and pick up some scholarly articles. You have trouble following along so let me break it down for you.They are not co-dependent, fir... Anonymous

    Way to try to make this personal, you clown xD
    I have a background in psychology but go off with your ignorance I guess. And their relationship is def co-dependent. How many times has Kyubin modified his behavior to gain/keep his partner’s love and attention? I feel sorry for twats like you confusing infatuation and attachment for love, but you do you babe. Good luck :D Also get off anon - anonymous commenters are cowards. Hiding after throwing insults and whatnot pfft

Anonymous June 20, 2019 5:48 am

Hey seriously stop ruining the comment section with the childish “ship war” comments. No webtoon is left unscathed with this bullshit. This was the one webtoon that didn't have that stupid shit all throughout the comments.

I don’t get the idiotic fixation with who is dating who or why everyone is so concerned about the romantic pairing. There are richer discussions to be had.

The purpose of this webtoon is a dark exploration of how untreated mental illness corrupts any possibility of a lasting connection. Even if you find such a connection, as seungho and dohyun did, eventually the lack of development and improvement of your mental health will act as a festering wound that poisons the relationship. Having petty fights about people hoping for these two to have some happiness or end up together or not just shows how themes just soar over the heads of so many people on this damn site because you all have a hard on for wearing ‘ships’ like a badge of authority.

Anonymous June 19, 2019 7:41 am

Now that this is coming to an end, I just have to say that this is one of the best dark webtoons, if not THE best webtoon among its cohorts. Warehouse was able to accomplish what a lot of novels fail at let alone BL webtoons; engaging narrative and depth of character. Warehouse broaches a lot of dark subject matter and effectively takes us into the psyche of its characters. We are able to feel the distress and anxiety littering each page and maybe this is subjective but that type of reading is so striking. I won’t even talk about the art. The expressions drawn alone have greater emotional complexity than most novels.

Seungho and Dohyun was both incredibly complex characters and I loved how the multiple layers of their story unraveled before us. We’ll still yet to come to the end. For those who were not with this webtoon from the beginning, its hard to understand how great it feels to have it come to an end. There was a time when it was unclear if Killer Whale would ever come back. But they crawled back and up to the top. This webtoon doesn’t get a lot of attention or accolades, which I understand because its not easily digestible, but from a technical standpoint it deserves top recognition. I hope Killer Whale pair up again and I will gladly wait as many years as possible because they are just that talented.

    Cass June 19, 2019 12:18 pm

    You took the words out my mouth, yes, that was what i felt abt warehouse. Exactly. The art update, compelling narrative and the ambiguity in the two protagonists relationship. Oh sommore the sexual tension btw them were so intense.

    The suspension in mid way, gosh, i was so depressed because i thought that it got canceled forever. But then, miraculously it came back with more revealing backstories.. my personal experience for following this manga was like riding roller coaster.

    I know that something is broken here between sungho x dohyun, but i still pray they will get back together and live happily ever after

    Anonymous June 20, 2019 6:12 am
    You took the words out my mouth, yes, that was what i felt abt warehouse. Exactly. The art update, compelling narrative and the ambiguity in the two protagonists relationship. Oh sommore the sexual tension btw... Cass

    I think sadly they will never be happy. They’ve always had such an unhealthy relationship that rested on anxiety and power imbalance.
    It’s really worth considering if Seungho can be forgiven for all that he’s done. Truly Dohyun emotionally manipulated him A LOT in their youth and that probably triggered something in Seungho as we know he’s a bit off. Seungho was seriously stressed and driven to suicide. That’s the scar he bears. You and I both feel that there has to be something that set Seungho off, but maybe this is just the result of his illness.

    Its hard to say if one ( Dohyun) can come back from being abused by a partner, even family or friend. Even if they could, Seungho has to acknowledge what is wrong with him. He seems to be aware of what he’s done and why it was wrong, so just who is the Seungho who held this grudge for 9 years and did those horrendous things to Dohyun? Has Seungho confronted him?

    They’ve both hurt each other enough for two lifetimes and sadly they don’t know how to fix themselves or work towards something healthy together. Its no question that they love each other, desire each other etc but love alone doesn’t make a relationship. I like that we dont have the answers because sometimes in life we’re not always blessed with the tools or environment to reach for better. Seungho and Dohyun live in this kind of hell, its like theyre cursed to hurt each other as much as they “love” each other.

Anonymous June 8, 2019 8:13 pm

Sometimes its frustrating reading a webtoon that tries to explore deeper emotional romantic topics and conflicts and readers clearly have limited life experience to properly sort through the content.

Its okay to be held accountable in life. It doesnt mean someone is bashing you because they point out what needs to be fixed about your personality. Life isnt one big love fest void of constructive criticism.

Also going through trauma in life doesnt give you the green light to then project and reenact that trauma on others. No one was born to be a punching bag, so pointing out Inbeom’s faults and his lack of acknowledgement and repair isnt bashing. Sorting through their missteps is a part of discussing and tracking their character development.

    daejae June 9, 2019 4:06 am

    "Also going through trauma in life doesnt give you the green light to then project and reenact that trauma on others." I cannot agree more with this. A huge proble here is that people only evaluate all other characters beyond Seunghee as whether they are good to Seunghee. People conveniently ignore what Inbeom has done--bullying Seungtaek and Suhyeok, violently beating Seungtaek, kissing Seungtaek without his consent--all because he is nice to Seunghee right now.

    And Suhyeok gets the most flack because his only role to readers is Seunghee's boyfriend, so he should be an absolute Prince Charming with no flaws whatsoever. Everything Seunghee does, even if bad (like being hostile towards people who don't deserve it), is understandable because he has suffered, but no one else is allowed to do anything bad, even though they have reasons to be that way. People used to hate KyuTaek so much because they liked each other and NOT Seunghee, showing that they've already brought in their expectations when reading this manhwa.

    It's sad that such a creative work is minimised because people just want it to be a perfect love story for Seunghee.

    Anonymous June 9, 2019 5:23 am

    You're absolutely right. I think readers often forget that perspective is not reality. Just because Seunghee perceives everyone as hostile, doesn't mean they actually are. Thats exactly why ppl were okaying him being w/ a pedo because he was “ nice “ to Seunghee. I felt like I stepped into the twilight zone, you have to be a teen to accept something like that. I think a lot of readers might identify with Seunghee’s emotional immaturity so they have a hard time taking in the manhwa as a whole.

    Its ironic that deeper conversations about the heavier non cliche aspects of the manhwa are quelled down bc ppl want Seunghee to be “ happy” and not criticized but then we’re just right back to the same ole cliche shit. What the hell does happiness entail exactly and how does he get there? No one speaks to that, they just throw out how pitiful he is and how everyone hurts him and he should just be happy. The creator is throwing out an opportunity for a bitter kid like Seunghee to reenvision what love and compassion looks like by bringing ppl like KyuTaek and Suhyeok in his life to show him that risk and effort is required. Did Seunghee ever take the time to find out how Kyutsek got together or what their struggle were/are? No he just got jealous and pitied himself for not having that opportunity, not even realizing or caring about all that they had been struggling w/. I empathize with him because he has gone through childhood trauma and as someone who has as well, its easy for us to believe that we own the rights of suffering and we self-alienate bc we dont build those reciprocal bonds out of fear. But I’m hard on him, he’s fictional and he’s just a teen so his frontal love hasn't developed enough yet lol. Thats why I’m surprised by Seungtaek’s maturity, he makes a lot of long-term decisions.

Anonymous June 8, 2019 6:51 am

After 112 episodes now, I can honestly say that I dislike Seunghee and Inbeom. Which is fine, because not all characters are meant to be likable and clearly these two were made to be friends and a support to one another.

Only a person as bullheaded and as petty as Seunghee could be friends with Inbeom. Everyone else who knows Inbeom stays away from him, including his OWN cousin, because Inbeom is an asshole and a violent one at that. Inbeom who is an absolute dick to his own cousin, inbeom who was a bully, inbeom who took out his feelings of emotional neglect and self pity on others, inbeom who proceeded to bully a guy bc he liked him and then after getting his ass whooped, went back after the guy with a weapon because he didnt have the hands to fight him. Who else would be his friend? Someone who doesnt know his past and someone who has a penchant for getting involved with the wrong type of people and staying involved because he likes being petty and looks for love in the wrong places. Even now if Seungtaek and Kyubin had explained the situation, Seunghee would have gone full force in his friendship w/ Inbeom because he is so incredibly defensive and unloved that he seems to self sabotage because he just cant believe that anyone has his best interest at heart.

So even though I honestly hate these two characters, in a way I’m glad that they found each other because I do think everyone needs a friend and its clear that Seunghee feels so alienated in life that he cant emotionally connect to people who aren't as alienated as he is and because of that until Seunghee heals himself, I dont think he and Suhyeok are a good fit. The relationship seems so dead and one sided because emotionally Seunghee is not ready and sometimes it seems like Suhyeok is talking to a brick wall. Seunghee needs a friend and better Inbeom than the fucking pedophile he couldnt seem to stay away from. Ugh that boy is his own worst enemy and he cant realize that no one hates him more than he hates himself.

Im honestly over this arc and its been dragging because none of these character are the type to self reflect so its just an endless cycle of self sabotage, miscommunication and awkward glances and silences.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 1:01 pm

    Personally Seunghee is my favorite character, but I do agree that he’s his own enemy and such. But the fact that he’s building walls around himself is pretty understandable. He’s awkward with people, and has a lot of personal problems. He’s been used in the past, and now he’s cautious. He just wants to be loved. I think he should make friends first, and get into a relationship a bit later, when he makes peace with himself and the world.
    Tho I have to disagree with your comment on Inbeom. I agree that he was a bully, and an ass, but he’s changing. And I personally really like him now. He’s nowhere near perfect, but he’s getting better, and I like this new development.

    I also don’t think this arc is dragging on that long? But I may be biased, since I’m just happy Seunghee is the main focus again. He’s such a complex, interesting character for me, I got attached to him at the start of the story. So when the focus shifted from him to the first couple, I thought I’d wait until he’d be back in the frame. I honestly didn’t like the first arc. I started reading it hoping Seunghee would appear, but I was frustrated with the characters. For me, it was Kyubin and Sungtaek that I hated. I started liking Kyubin a bit better throughout time, but I couldn’t help hating Sungtaek, and the way he’d treat Kyubin. I also felt, it was dragging on too long, and I couldn’t suffer through more of that. So I didn’t finish it, and waited for the new arc to begin. I do think Kyubin and Sungtaek are good couple now, but I’m just not interested.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 1:13 pm
    Personally Seunghee is my favorite character, but I do agree that he’s his own enemy and such. But the fact that he’s building walls around himself is pretty understandable. He’s awkward with people, and ... Anonymous

    Also, I feel like it would be weird if there was no awkwardness between Seunghee and Suhyeok. They’re a new couple, who didn’t know each other too well before, they don’t have that much in common, and their relationship felt too fast/rushed to me. So the awkwardness is natural, and I’m interested in seeing how they’ll deal with it.
    But I gotta admit, Suhyeok was suspicious to me for a while. He seemed a bit insincere? Idk. He and Seunghee don’t really know each other that well and they’re both rather quiet, so I just want them to talk. Just communicate with each other and get to know each other better.

    Timtim June 8, 2019 3:28 pm

    The people disliking this are mad cuz you’re telling the truth. I honestly don’t care about this couple I’m just reading it each time to see if I can see the first couple. I never liked Seunghee because he was so typical to me like a stereotype ig . And the cousin was a bully idk why people are feeling sorry for him when he is basically ruining relationships. This current relationship is boring to me, the first couple had history and growth which was completely different from other typical “manga world” relationships lol

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 5:38 pm
    Personally Seunghee is my favorite character, but I do agree that he’s his own enemy and such. But the fact that he’s building walls around himself is pretty understandable. He’s awkward with people, and ... Anonymous

    Yea I can’t get down with the whole “Inbeom just wants to be loved “ excuse that his fans throw around. Out of all the characters Inbeom has been the most malicious yet because he has a bit of humor to him everyone sweeps it under the rug and says he’s changing, even though he’s really NOT. He just hasn’t been challenged yet.

    I don’t see how Seungtaek hasnt been forgiven even though he’s quite literally been a positive motivating force in Kyubin’s life and has been honest with him about his feelings. Yet Inbeom who literally physically and sexually assaulted him, gets a pat on the back bc his parents were emotionally neglectful? All these kids have absent parents in one way or another thats why theyre all in the relationships that theyre in. Yet nobody but Inbeom is going around violating people’s personal space.

    Its just weird that there are heavier grievances to be had about Inbeom yet his fans insist on painting Seungtaek and Suhyeok as bad guys? I honestly feel sorry for Suhyeok. His cousin is a raging asshole and his boyfriend is an emotionally damaged ticking timebomb so will disengage if he say the right thing at the wrong time. Suhyeok needs to cut his loses and leave them both to their own bullshit. But his issue is that he’s bored and has no direction in life.

    Also I dont think S&K’s relationship dragged, they had the most development out of all the characters. But I can respect that maybe their relationship is just not your cup of tea.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 5:42 pm
    The people disliking this are mad cuz you’re telling the truth. I honestly don’t care about this couple I’m just reading it each time to see if I can see the first couple. I never liked Seunghee because h... Timtim

    I think a lot of Seunghee fans may like his rebellious damsel in distress persona a bit more than they let on and are waiting for some prince to save him and Inbeom to them seems like the perfect anti-prince. Its cliche but since they both have attitude problems, it seems “ fresh” , yet they call Kyutaek cliche? The low levels of reading comprehension on this board amazes me sometimes.

    I really wish we did have more Kyutaek. Id rather watch them eating ramen and studying than watch Suhyeok watching Seunghee staring that paint drying. They bore me to death, after all this time they still dont know anything about each other personally and have made no significant progress towards developing a relationship.

    Timtim June 9, 2019 2:36 pm
    I think a lot of Seunghee fans may like his rebellious damsel in distress persona a bit more than they let on and are waiting for some prince to save him and Inbeom to them seems like the perfect anti-prince. I... Anonymous

    Yes exactly

Anonymous June 8, 2019 5:26 am

This is a clear case of two people with unresolved mental health issues getting in their own way.

Thats why its important to get help. Love and another person cannot save you from yourself, only you can. Although they both seemed to accept each other and provide the comfort that they both needed, in the end it was their downfall.

I really think they could have had a great partnership had...they not lived the way they did. Dohyun was too vindictive and hellbent on having power over someone after living such a powerless life and Seungho is absolutely imbalanced in the head. He seems to have no concept of “too far” and that was great for Dohyun because it meant there was nothing Seungho wouldn't do to keep him by his side. It kept Seunghobunder his thumb and made him feel unconditionally loved for the first time. And now that twisted unconditional love is also hell for Dohyun because that means Seungho is even willing to kidnap and rape him just to keep them together.

I do wonder where Seungho’s breakthrough in the recent chapter come from. How he was able and willing to discern that he HAD gone to far and it needed to be acknowledged by both of them before they could move on. Unfortunately, its too late. They both seemed doomed, in a tragic star crossed lovers type of way.

Anonymous June 5, 2019 5:23 am

I literally cry when Soohwa calls Yohan “Manager”. The fact that he calls him manager even in the bathroom of his university kills me. When will he call him hyung?! I’ll probably cry even more on that day.

    Anonymous June 6, 2019 5:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! CutenessLevelRising

    Sorry! Yes thats a raw and yea I can read in Korean. You can’t really tell in English, but Soohwa speaks pretty formally to Yohan even in intimate moments and it just makes it even cuter ! Soohwa is a polite kid

    Anonymous June 6, 2019 5:50 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! CutenessLevelRising

    Yea I wish the eng translations wouldn't put things completely in banmal (informal speech) just so that its easier to see distance shortening between the characters. But since Yohan is at least 5 years older than Soohwa AND his boss, they have quite a bit of social distance between them lol so idk when he’ll call him hyung even though theyve already been living together and dating.

    Hahahahaha Im too impatient to wait for translations! ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Demon♥ June 9, 2019 8:29 pm
    Yea I wish the eng translations wouldn't put things completely in banmal (informal speech) just so that its easier to see distance shortening between the characters. But since Yohan is at least 5 years older th... @Anonymous

    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Anonymous June 9, 2019 9:51 pm
    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Demon♥ it....killing you too?

    ebjean June 10, 2019 2:20 am
    Yea I wish the eng translations wouldn't put things completely in banmal (informal speech) just so that its easier to see distance shortening between the characters. But since Yohan is at least 5 years older th... @Anonymous

    I imagine it's not just to show the shortening distance, but also to make it easier for people from other cultures to relate to. The whole idea of honorifics (aside from very specific circumstances, such as when responding to a reprimand, ie 'Yes Sir/Ma'am, I won't do that again.") was completely unknown to me until I started reading manga in my teens.

    Anonymous June 10, 2019 5:24 am
    I imagine it's not just to show the shortening distance, but also to make it easier for people from other cultures to relate to. The whole idea of honorifics (aside from very specific circumstances, such as whe... ebjean

    I meant it would be easier to see the development of the relationship and how close one gets when you go from “ nim/sshi” to “hyung” if honorifics were used or somehow translated. Thats a culture fact thats sometimes missing from a lot of translated webtoons(Korean)

    ebjean June 12, 2019 1:55 am
    I meant it would be easier to see the development of the relationship and how close one gets when you go from “ nim/sshi” to “hyung” if honorifics were used or somehow translated. Thats a culture fact t... Anonymous

    I got what you were saying. I was just saying that it's still an odd concept to many from other cultures.

    Sunako June 12, 2019 11:18 pm

    That's good to know how they address themself <3
    Have you seen new chapter? I can't stop thinking why Soohwa is cryiny, my poor baby

    ebjean June 13, 2019 2:09 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! CutenessLevelRising

    I think that's largely just that the majority of manga you read on places like this are fan translated, while many of the manwhas are official translations.

    Anonymous June 13, 2019 9:43 am
    That's good to know how they address themself <3Have you seen new chapter? I can't stop thinking why Soohwa is cryiny, my poor baby @Sunako

    I did! And somehow it's really sad and serious when Soohwa cries, he’s normally so easily going.

    Deep down, Soohwa is quite sensitive so he tends to sort through his emotions in a more explosive way. I won’t spoil it, but there’s a little agnst coming. Prepare yourself ( ̄∇ ̄")

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