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Leonard created a topic of Crucial Point

I knew it while BDSM relationship you can do it with no string attached there are cases where the Dominant or Submissive falls in love and they end up in a relationship, personally that's how I ended up with my own partner irl. Dom should just admit his starting to have feelings.

Leonard created a topic of The Archmage's Restaurant

Finally a couple I can get behind and that is the red dragon and the omg .

Leonard created a topic of Perfect Leash

I can't tell anymore if there just both crazy and this is a love hate relationship or the seme is honestly doing it to punish the uke for how he was treating him

Leonard created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

No no go back to how you where Vercion you can't do this to me... AHHH!! Am conflicted now I don't know wherever I should still hate him or love him.

Leonard created a topic of Beasts of Desire

In other words his just using the uke as a replacement for something he can't have, will that actually now explains alot of why the old man has a strange obsession to the uke.

Leonard created a topic of Corrosive

I recommend that people stop reading here because the raws just got a lot worse and a lot darker it will 100% get worse from here. You have been warned

Am I just dream is Chapter 30 and 31 the same chapter

Leonard created a topic of Ang Ang

I noticed the raws are now up 99 chapters does anyone know if the English translation is back??

Am really hopping the Duke can change the king mind and chose not to kill her, that child deserves happiness.

Leonard created a topic of Unfinished Business

Am going to say this now after reading the raws am just going to say it's going to get a lot worse so I suggest you stop while your ahead or if your like and want to see it to the end will you have been warned

Leonard created a topic of The Viper's Raven

I need more updates am invested

Leonard created a topic of Risky Vice

Looking at the Uke he reminds me of myself, I remember being in am abusive relationship for 5 years and the reason I held on was because no matter what my partner did to me I couldn't leave because I still loved them so much. It wasn't until I was put in the hospital did I realised I needed to let go before it's too late.

Leonard created a topic of Beasts of Desire

The uke had every right to be upset the seme saying shit about home being a Wh*** and using his father and family against the uke is twisted.

Leonard created a topic of Unfinished Business

He really needs to talk to that man, like come on someone needs to slap him and tell him the truth.

Leonard created a topic of Formless

Okay I officially admit something is wrong with me because I like reading dark shit like this lol

Leonard created a topic of Paper Flower

I get that things like this don't need to follow the novel to a T but come on they miss the important parts like the wanted poster for example, the wanted poster happen in the novel because the King found someone who looked like the Uke and the look alike wanted to take the uke place and things happened and the King found out and decided he was a wanted man. Like come on this was important scene to explain the wanted poster.

Leonard created a topic of Unfinished Business

Am still waiting for the day he founds the truth but I do hope when he does that the Uke makes his life hell and makes the seme work for his forgiveness instead of the whole, oh it's just a misunderstanding don't worry I will forgive you now. In like a single chapter or two.

Leonard created a topic of Unfinished Business

I can't wait for the seme to found out the truth and realize just how much he fucked up and how much he hurt the other before listening to the full story first.

Leonard created a topic of Healer

Am confused is Yaba really actually fat or does he think his fat and the person in the mirror is what he actually looks like??

Leonard created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Come on he had it good with the father in law like why go back to son who was disloyal