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Jakie's experience ( All 0 )

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Jakie's question ( All 2 )

Jakie 11 02,2021
You know when you're done reading or watching porn and you've calmed down or whatever. Do you ever think about the character's life afterwards? If it's a hentai manga, you know those oneshots, do you ever consider what happens next in their life/world and feel bad/weird (depending on how messed up that shit was). This applies to erotica as well.
Or when you're done watching porn and finished with your after care, do you wonder how it's like to be a pornstar or how their everyday life is like?
I dunno sometimes I think about that. Do anyone else do that? I'm curious. Please answer!( ̄∇ ̄") thank you~~
11 02,2021
Jakie 02 11,2020
Thinking about death and dying everyday yet not in a particularly suicidal way, just wanting it. Does anyone get what I'm trying to say?
02 11,2020

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