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2seung February 7, 2020 10:28 am

I know people are always ragging on Seungtaek and he has done wrong, but I want to highlight that Seungtaek was generous to Inbeom before he lost it. Imagine comforting someone and the next day, you become the target of their bullying. When Inbeom cried about his parents, Seungtaek lied to save him face. After that, Inbeom mocked and bullied him for no comprehensible reason (to Seungtaek). Seungtaek knew Inbeom cried and would be so humiliated if everyone knew, but not once did Seungtaek reveal this as retribution. Seungtaek tried his best to ignore him, and one day, he couldn't take it anymore and turned violent.

Seungtaek has done bad things, but you guys need to acknowledge that he's a victim too. He was sexually violated and bullied by Inbeom. Just because he doesn't fit your idea of a victim -- he's physically and mentally strong -- doesn't mean that he ISN'T a victim of Inbeom's physical AND sexual harrassment. And just because Inbeom has had a change of heart, it DOESN'T undo the horrible things he's done to Seungtaek. You can love a character and acknowledge that he's done bad things.

    2seung February 7, 2020 10:26 am

    A list of shitty things Inbeom has done that I acknowledge even though he's my favourite character (and everyone should too):

    - Continuously mocked and harrassed Seungtaek for no reason
    - Terrorised other children too
    - Ordered Kyubin around because he "saved" his life by asking Kyubin to miss the family outing (that led to the car accident), even though Kyubin was going through a hard time as his whole family died
    - Beat Seungtaek with a helmet till he passed out
    - Sexually abused Seungtaek by kissing him while he was unconscious (idk why people keep glossing over this when you'd be livid if some stranger did this to you in real life)
    - Beat up his FRIEND, Kyubin, for being close to Seungtaek
    - Stole someone's phone to blackmail him into bringing Seungtaek to him
    - Beat Seungtaek with a helmet till his ear bled and he was on his knees
    - Sexually abused Seungtaek a second time by forcefully kissing him
    - Stole Suhyeok's money and uniform + other things

    The author did a fantastic job in portraying the characters, and it's a shame people see them in such black and white. It hurts to see that Inbeom suffered so much, but a lot of it was due to his own actions which unfortunately was shaped by his childhood. It's the same for Seungtaek, who lived under controlling parents.

2seung February 6, 2020 5:45 pm

The funny thing is that in Chap 8, Mr. Yoon says he has never been in a relationship before: "even though he's never dated anyone, he got dumped plenty of times". But now, it's revealed he has an ex. I wonder if the author forgot about that.

    FuOAyMe February 6, 2020 8:32 pm

    probably did, it's really hard to keep tract of what u write and what u plan ╥﹏╥

    Nobody February 6, 2020 10:11 pm

    Probably, because it’s been mentioned in other chapters that it’s been two years since he’s dated anyone and in chapter 40 it was mentioned again that he’s been single for two years. Maybe the author forgot, or it may have been a mistranslation in chapter 8.

2seung February 6, 2020 12:59 pm

I ship Jihan and Jaeun, but Jihan definitely went overboard. Jaeun made a lot of mistakes and it's completely understandable that Jihan is insecure. But when your partner makes you feel insecure, you don't chain him down. You leave, because you know things won't work out in the long run and you (and your partner) deserve better.

Let me give you an example. You have to work with your ex-boyfriend of 7 years, whom you would have married if he didn't have to move to another country for work. You guys always have to work late and he constantly sends you home. Your current boyfriend might be insecure, but it doesn't give him the right to lock you at home or demand you to do things. Your current boyfriend should leave you instead if he feels that this insecurity is too much for him to deal with.

I would have preferred it if Jihan let go of Jaeun willingly and went on to have some growth about how he abused Jaeun and put him through what Jaeun feared most. This space would also give Jaeun time to better understand his partner. Jaeun didn't mean to be harmful but he doesn't understand the insecurity Jihan faces that's very substantial. That's why he keeps making mistakes---lying about things he shouldn't, not bringing his boyfriend when he's going over to meet his soulmate.

Relationships are about communication and understanding, people!

2seung February 5, 2020 1:06 pm

He doesn't become a bottom. Byul likes being a top but he offered because he was insecure about Mr. Yoon liking women. Mr. Yoon doesn't really dig Byul being a uke either and was caught off guard by the offer.

    Sakura_Nono February 5, 2020 1:17 pm

    And here I am, over the top 'cause it will be reverse role ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

2seung February 3, 2020 12:57 pm

I didn't care at first but I'm going to really set things straight because these two have been randomly accusing me of weird things. To BongoCat and MotherRussia, stop being so obsessed with this drama between the translators. It doesn't even involve you. All you guys do is camp on this page and argue with people who don't agree with you.

Hell, that Bongocat first accused me of being another user because we both disagreed with her. Then, she called me a villain for disagreeing with her and called herself a bullied isekai MC. Just now, MotherRussia accused me of being all the anonymous people in this comments section. Even though some clearly disagree with one another. I wasn't even online, I was at work, but just because those people disagree with her, she automatically calls them me.

You guys are insane. I've blocked both of you.

EDIT: As you guys can see, once I block one of them, another account claiming to be their friend comes up. I think you guys can already tell that it's the same person who is projecting what they're doing on to me. It's even weirder that they don't believe I'm not online here all the time, as if people don't have jobs or school...

    Hello Bitche$ February 3, 2020 12:40 pm

    um, woman what. Why u actin like we cannot click on links and read about how much of a dick you were. Its like asking for you to be dragged down.

    Hello Bitche$ February 3, 2020 12:42 pm

    This is from bongo from the links MotherRussia gave to us. Im gonna screenshot just in case.

    To 2Seung and Anonymous,

    Im sorry you all feel offended. Not. You two can have your little inside joke, but no one is laughing. It just shows that its not actually that funny to the outsider and you two just deluding yourself to make yourself sleep at night.

    You all try to post about me as a meme, constantly harass me and spam on my threads, but I am the one that should turn the other cheek? Mind you, you make the isekai comment more exaggerated than it should be. But do I mind. No, I said go ahead, its just humor. But then you two just keep asking for more drama and an emotion out of me, to which I am like, I really do not give a shit. Like stop pretending like I give a shit and getting mad. U two literally putting words into my mouth just to stay angry, smh.

    <mind u, I did not start any of this, Seung the koreaboo decided to tag along everything I write like a stalker>

    Add to the fact that I have never ever said that I hate your opinion, you are the one that keep shoving it down others! Staying neutral to an issue is not disagreeing you.

    And its quite manipulative of you two to spin it off as treating you like villains just because you have a differing opinion. No. The reason why you two are bitches are not because your opinion is different, but because you harass people that do not agree with you on every thread, even after they have repeatedly told you their side of the story. There is something called AGREE to DISAGREE. And the fact that you two still come here to ridicule me after everything has long passed... Is not convincing me that you are intentional salty bitches.

    As gordon ramsay has once said, Do get your saggy breasts off my station

    You all think that I am being too harsh calling you isekai bitches after the constant stalking, but I shall leave it to the world to decide your petty behavior. Oh wait, you all have upgraded to isekai Karens.

    2Seung accused me of being angry, to which Im so cool I long forgot about you two, but here you are starting a drama by making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Also MotherRussia is my friend, I showed the thread to them. Were you not the one accusing me for jumping to conclusion about the horrible font translator? A conclusion that I was right that it was a troll? Shall I assume that it was you that translated the horrible font in the original chapter twenty? Is that why you were so smug about it, to say that the manhwa will be shit without DnA? Well, get triggered, because it seems MarypoppinsOnCrack is in town.

    friendo2 February 3, 2020 12:47 pm
    This is from bongo from the links MotherRussia gave to us. Im gonna screenshot just in case.To 2Seung and Anonymous,Im sorry you all feel offended. Not. You two can have your little inside joke, but no one is l... Hello Bitche$

    Dude, you guys are insane. I'm almost 100% sure that you, Bongocat and MotherRussia are all the same person. You guys are so invested in this to write such a long essay like a madman, and all happen to be online at the same time. I block one of you, then you switch to another account. Can anyone find a moderator to track their IPs?

    friendo2 February 3, 2020 12:50 pm
    This is from bongo from the links MotherRussia gave to us. Im gonna screenshot just in case.To 2Seung and Anonymous,Im sorry you all feel offended. Not. You two can have your little inside joke, but no one is l... Hello Bitche$

    I've already blocked MotherRussia on my main account. I'm using this account to DM her and get things straight. I rarely ever use this account so even if you guys were to

    friendo2 February 3, 2020 12:51 pm
    I've already blocked MotherRussia on my main account. I'm using this account to DM her and get things straight. I rarely ever use this account so even if you guys were to friendo2

    oops, pressed post it before I was done. Even if you guys were to harass me on this account, I'm not here. So stop. And in case you guys don't know, this is 2seung.

    terrortwo February 3, 2020 1:16 pm

    i think it's the work of multiple accounts as you said. the way they talk is similar hellobitches and motherrussias. i try to avoid the drama when i come here too but i thought it was kinda farfetched when they accused you of being anonymous? from what i read of the topics you told them to calm down and ended it there. could they be the translators? they're kinda too crazy to be so angry about all of this.

    terrortwo February 3, 2020 1:18 pm

    i noticed too that your downvotes are going up kinda too fast for a manhua like this. usually people are stingy with downvotes not upvotes. fighting!! the best thing is to block them. at least now others know they should be avoided too. (:

    2seung February 3, 2020 1:26 pm
    i noticed too that your downvotes are going up kinda too fast for a manhua like this. usually people are stingy with downvotes not upvotes. fighting!! the best thing is to block them. at least now others know t... terrortwo

    Hey, thank you! I don't think they are the translators but I'm not sure either. I don't exactly know who the translators are on here. Yes to the similar syntax and to the downvotes too, I didn't notice it at first. There's not as much traffic on here to have these two particular topics be downvoted. They're just making it more obvious that they are using many accounts, bruh.

    I saw you commented on my question too, heh. I love Someone Else's BL Manhwa too!

    Unoriginal Artist February 3, 2020 1:37 pm

    you get to many downvotes in ur comments, i think ur right, shame ppl would do dis shit

    terrortwo February 3, 2020 1:39 pm
    you get to many downvotes in ur comments, i think ur right, shame ppl would do dis shit Unoriginal Artist

    it was so fast too. in a span of just a few minutes it jumped from 2 to 7 yet other topics fail to have such number of upvotes when they discuss the story. ): i don't see why we have to be so hostile to each other.

    2seung February 3, 2020 1:53 pm
    it was so fast too. in a span of just a few minutes it jumped from 2 to 7 yet other topics fail to have such number of upvotes when they discuss the story. ): i don't see why we have to be so hostile to each ot... terrortwo

    Wow, that fast? I wasn't on here so I didn't realise. Yeah now that you mention this, it's hella suspcious. And YES to the hostile part. Like wtf, this is just manga. Calm down Greg.

    2seung February 3, 2020 1:55 pm
    you get to many downvotes in ur comments, i think ur right, shame ppl would do dis shit Unoriginal Artist

    I didn't notice it till terrotwo pointed it out! Bruh like what does it even do to downvote my comments. And hello from the front page LMAO

2seung February 3, 2020 12:28 pm

I'm here to clear things up just in case. Scroll down a little and you can find MotherRussia randomly accusing me of this:

"Also if u meet any anonymous user in ur thread, its most likely 2seung and their friend. They got roast by my friend Bongocat for harrassing readers so they dont dare to use their accounts and they cant write with newly made accounts for thirty days"

Scroll through the whole comments section and you can see that there are tons of people who are anonymous. Who disagree with each other. But somehow, MotherRussia thinks they're all me. I rarely come on here until this hour when I'm off work and get the update notification.

I've told BongoCat to not be so invested in this drama because she (and MotherRussia, apparently) are always getting so riled up by it. Honestly, I don't get how those two can camp on here constantly. Don't they have school or work?

And that roasted part... Bruh. Let me explain to everyone. Some guy saw my talk with BongoCat, where BongoCat called herself an isekai MC while I was the villainness for disagreeing. They found it hilarious, so they made it into a meme and posted it on the front page. Several people found it funny. How's that my problem?

Also, I don't know MotherRussia. Oddly, after blocking BongoCat, that user has been randomly dragging me into things. Same person? Take what you will from this.

Essentially, MotherRussia and BongoCat are weirdos who keep thinking that anyone who disagrees with them is me and the guy who made BongoCat into a meme. z_z I really am not that invested in a drama that isn't even mine, but these two evidently are.

    2seung February 3, 2020 12:33 pm

    To BongoCat and MotherRussia, stop being so obsessed with this drama. All you guys do is camp on this page and argue with people who don't agree with you. Hell, that Bongocat called me a villain for disagreeing with her and called herself an isekai MC! Now, this MotherRussia thinks that I'm all the anonymous people on this comments section. Even though some clear disagree with one another. You guys are insane.

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 12:33 pm

    omg Karen, dont act innocent after harassing Bongocat.

    This is you literally dragging down Bongocat, claiming that I was her. How would you know me and Bongo are connected if you hadnt been stalking us aggressively. How would you have known about the isekai comment. You two were the only ones on the thread that gave a shit about it and even made a meme to make bongo angry, to which she was like, Idgaf.

    And this is the proof that you all harassed her. Multiple links included as evidence. and the 17 likes show that no one is lauging at your inside jokes. Dont start to act triggered and victimized when the thread is gone because I will bring it again.

    At what stage of delusion are you that you dont know what harassment is and is confident enough to write this comment and garner sympathy

    2seung February 3, 2020 12:41 pm
    omg Karen, dont act innocent after harassing Bongocat. This is you literally dragging down Bongocat, claiming that I was her. How would you know me and Bongo are c... MotherRussia

    Dude... That person was an anonymous user... I was at work. That thread was from like 9 hours ago, how have you been in this comments section for so long?

    Well, yeah. Why would I not think she's you when you suddenly came out of nowhere and started accusing me of random things, right after I blocked Bongocat???

    The isekai comment IS ON THE FRONT PAGE. I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO POSTED IT. I can link you to the front page discussion, bruh.

    The 17 likes...? What...? MotherRussia, please don't be so obsessed with this translator drama. You're really starting to make me feel sympathy for you too. I mean, nine hours on this page?

    Hello Bitche$ February 3, 2020 12:49 pm
    Dude... That person was an anonymous user... I was at work. That thread was from like 9 hours ago, how have you been in this comments section for so long?Well, yeah. Why would I not think she's you when you sud... 2seung

    Sure you were sweetie. Sure... *genuine eyeroll* I genuinely feel second hand embarassment for your delusion. Anyone can be anonymous... but anyone can also use anonymity to harass someone for an issue long buried in the comments. I literally saw you accuse MotherRussia as being BongoCat. And only you and account user Anon were the ones talking about it. Who else could it be. Considering Bongos own thread has 17 likes to 1 dislike... no one is gonna believe that theres some other bloke that cares enough to join your squabbling auntie harassment team. Like I geniuinely feel ashamed for those that interact with you in real life, if constant personal attack is how you treat those that debate with you.

    2seung February 3, 2020 12:53 pm
    Sure you were sweetie. Sure... *genuine eyeroll* I genuinely feel second hand embarassment for your delusion. Anyone can be anonymous... but anyone can also use anonymity to harass someone for an issue long bur... Hello Bitche$

    Isn't it funny that you come online right when I block MotherRussia? You three call each other friends but aren't friends on here, only coming here when one of you gets attacked. Honestly, you guys are the same person, aren't you?

2seung February 3, 2020 1:09 pm

Who wants to bet that the eldest brother fell in love with Hari over the years and that’s why he doesn’t want to walk her down the aisle?

2seung January 28, 2020 5:41 pm

Is the latest chap down by the second trans group??? I'm quite sure it was them, and they just didn't care anymore about proofreading. How does uploading on this site work anyway for Sans to come through

    Elyoncat January 28, 2020 9:09 pm

    Ive been curious on how to upload aswell

2seung January 26, 2020 1:23 pm

Thanks for all the good translations. Seeing the difference between chap 17,18 vs chap 16, with pixelated comic sans font and lacking grammar, it was obvious which team did what. I think it was basic respect for the other team to have at least replied to say they still want to translate when you guys spoke to them, rather than continue to post while blatantly ignoring you.

It’s a pity this matter couldn’t have been managed more maturely, but in any case, thanks for all the good translations. I’ll definitely miss the perfect grammar and the quality typesetting and cleaning. People who whined about you guys not updating fast don’t realize the time it takes to translate accurately and clean, but well, what can you do.

2seung February 3, 2020 3:24 pm

To those people supporting Claude Forever: Bruh, it's exactly because you're an illegal reader that you should NOT support sniping. If this sniper gets their work sniped, you think they will continue? Obviously not, they aren't paid to translate. They'd get mad because what for are they translating if they get sniped? It'll just be a cycle, and translators will eventually stop.

Let me make this clear, you, the illegal reader, is the one who benefits most from preventing sniping.

    BongoCat January 16, 2020 2:20 pm

    if the sniper gets sniped, we will just follow the sniper of the sniper. Its not rocket science. In fact I will even translate lmao. U need to be a special kind of snowflake to think you own the intellectual property to have any say in it or whine. Dont do it if you dont want to. There will always be someone translating. Im getting tired of all the discord rabbit holes and scanlation wars. It doesnt have to be mega fast, but I will get sick of the group if they scanlate like grandmas and expect the readers to think thats normal. If it is already translated officially, I understand, it promotes readers to go pay and read officially. But if its only found in raws, its infuriating. Literally typing korean or spanish using google translate is much faster than this. Its pretty pathetic that all the fast scanlators are relegated to translating hundreds of chapters of shitty works because all the popular ones hog the good series so that they wont lose popularity. They get mad at any other scanlation site and never update for months and when they get too much demand they sheepishly go Sorry, Not my problem, Dropped, my dog died so i cant, my grandma died so i cant, pls wait for someone else to pick it up now that every other scanlator has moved on and its unlikely to be continued. If you dont want to be sniped, then balance your workload and dont hog. Its pretty clear from the many fast scanlations that there is clearly a workforce willing to scanlate raws FAST for works with no official english translation. Even Sawateam steal True Beauty even tho u can just literally go webtoon and read for free. Its just that its not utilised well because of all the hogging and popularity politics.

    BongoCat January 16, 2020 2:24 pm

    Its not like we rely solely on illegal reading to read manga. Scanlations are just indicator to whether the story is good enough to read more officially when the official translations are out.

    To thos screaming that these scanlations arent good quality. Look
    no one is going to have an orgasm over proper grammar while reading. we just want to know the story enough to see if the story is good enough to support on actual site.

    BongoCat January 16, 2020 2:47 pm

    Many well known scans, even sawateam now is not free from using slow translations to coerce readers to donate to them. Even buying mangadex is still illegal asking of money. Its bullshit. They dont own it. Why are they bitching and taking money. If you cant do it, give it to someone who can and is willing to. Why should we understand You not being able to do something but Hogging it so that no one else can benefit at the readers expense. When will you kids learn that its not your right to demand money to keep doing something that doesnt belong to you. If u wanna making money with manhwa, then DRAW your own Manhwa. Seriously, all this DRAMA is because well known scan site is TRIGGERED that their illegal money flow is threatened by another site. Go away scanlation trolls

    Remember a time when mangago was great without these hoes bitching like they some multimillionaire company and hog till we pay for work they didnt make and translation that the author never asked for. remember a time where waiting for work doesnt require you to kiss up to thieves and wait for them to feel better, pamper them until they feel like it. when literally the same work can be done by someone more willing and able to.

    remember kids

    Sniping *clap* doesnt exist *clap* If it *clap* NOT your *clap* fucking damn *clap* WORK.

    Its a dog eat dog world, and works should just go to whoever can do it better

    Starsandmetaphors January 16, 2020 8:16 pm

    You're being extra as hell, to the point that I'm wondering how old you are. This isn't some business anyone gets to profit from. If the 'original group' drops it, someone will pick it up. Might take a while, but where's the surprise in that? We don't deserve nor should expect anything else, and it's naive of you to assume that by shielding one robber we'll somehow be rewarded for it. It's even more naive of you to assume it wouldn't be dropped regardless of whether it's been ''sniped'' when groups drop works all the time for even less.

    They're acting so damn entitled too, and it's honestly annoying to see them trying to rile everyone up to their side when what they're doing is illegal ("Don't share on insta" - yeah, 'cause you're afraid the author's going to see it, but damn it all if someone else wants to do the same illegal shit you're doing.)

    BongoCat January 17, 2020 2:58 pm
    You're being extra as hell, to the point that I'm wondering how old you are. This isn't some business anyone gets to profit from. If the 'original group' drops it, someone will pick it up. Might take a while, b... Starsandmetaphors

    exactly. I bet all the likes are just the scanlation group people coming here to make it look like they are in favor.

    2seung January 18, 2020 7:49 am
    if the sniper gets sniped, we will just follow the sniper of the sniper. Its not rocket science. In fact I will even translate lmao. U need to be a special kind of snowflake to think you own the intellectual pr... BongoCat

    Calm down, dude. You’re railing your head off as an illegal reader and it just emphasised how entitled you are. Not that I’m expecting much from you as an illegal reader, but doing one thing wrong doesn’t mean you gotta act like it’s an apocalyptic world with no rules. Don’t get mad just because I explained what will happen—and it will. Look, if I went ahead and start translating even worse than Claude Forever’s google translate skills, using Bing and Comic Sans without cleaning, but I was faster, would you be happy? No, right? Use your brains.

    We’re not talking scanlations that are dropped but people refuse to let it go, I think you’re being way too dramatic and having some victim mentality going on there. DNA scans offers more quality translations and they aren’t that slow. You’re fine with Claude Forever’s poor translations because they’re fast, but I could be faster, right, sweetie? With my google translate and copy paste without cleaning. Then I believe Claude Forever’s going to stop too, right? Let’s not pretend that he/she wants attention and validation, otherwise they’d just translate on their own despite what DNA scans say. Claude Forever would be upset because mangago accepts my chapters over theirs since I’m faster, and stop. Do you see now the easy logic behind all of this?

    2seung January 18, 2020 8:04 am
    You're being extra as hell, to the point that I'm wondering how old you are. This isn't some business anyone gets to profit from. If the 'original group' drops it, someone will pick it up. Might take a while, b... Starsandmetaphors

    Hey kiddo, calm down. Take a step back. I know you’re not used to people having different opinions, but logic is logic. Honestly I’m not sure why you’re having such a hard time understanding, it’s quite likely you are part of that Claude Forever team or you have some weak mindset that because you support illegal translations, then RAAAAA IT’S A LAND OF NO LOGIC AND RULES LET BURN TOGETHER!!! You’re like the kind of slow person who thinks that a thief deserves to get beaten to death because BaD iS bAd, gOod iS gOod, nO iN bEtWeen.

    I’m going to put it super simply for you since you’re getting so riled up. Try your best to at least put aside your emotions to understand instead of getting mad that someone has a different opinion.

    I will soon translate this manga with google translate and poor cleaning. Mangago is going to accept it anyway because I’m faster than Claude Forever. Claude Forever will be mad, lbr, they want attention and validation which is why they’re sniping in the first place. They’ll stop, and then you’ll be left with shittier translation than their poor translations. Do you see what will happen if that happens for all scanlations? You seem to not realize that. It’s not as if DNA scans has been dead for 2 years and won’t let go. They’re still updating. You not caring about the group motivates the scanlation group to stop once and for all, since they’re not paid and readers really don’t care about them in the least. That means fewer translations overall. Understand?

    We’re not talking about morality here, alright, kiddo? It’s just about what works logically. You’re so odd. If you want to get so angsty about DNA scans being entitled, looking in the mirror. I think you’re probably the most entitled person here of all. The funny thing is that you are an illegal reader getting riled up at the people helping you as an illegal reader. (And before Miss RARARA comes yelling at me, I actually buy raws.)

    Starsandmetaphors January 18, 2020 8:33 am
    Hey kiddo, calm down. Take a step back. I know you’re not used to people having different opinions, but logic is logic. Honestly I’m not sure why you’re having such a hard time understanding, it’s quite... 2seung

    Yeah, lol, you really shouldn't be calling anyone a kid. My life does not revolve around comics, so if you want to mess around with the translations, be my guest? If you've got that kind of free time, then have you not just proven how young and immature you are? Like, do you even re-read what you're saying or think it through? What's with this passive agressive stance you've got going on. 'You're not used to people having different opinions'? Did you really type that out and then lose your mind on me for having an opinion different than yours? That's irony at it's finest. It's because I'm used to different opinions that I share my own. The whole point of having a comment section is so that people can share their opinions even if it's a disagreement. So I guess I should be telling you to calm down?

    You seem to be mistaken. The last thing I'm getting riled up about is the fact that people are translating illegal, lmao. The whole point is that I don't get how anyone who is doing this illegally thinks they have a right to complain about other people translating work, they don't own, illegally too. That's not me being entitled, that's me pointing out the hypocrisy in their statement. The fact that you can't understand the difference not only makes me wonder about your age--again--but also your intelligence level. Side note: I only essentially called you stupid here, because you called other people dumb. What I just did was point out the irony. I also felt like I had to explain this, since you seem to lack basic comprehension skills judging from your reply :D.

    BongoCat January 18, 2020 4:58 pm
    Yeah, lol, you really shouldn't be calling anyone a kid. My life does not revolve around comics, so if you want to mess around with the translations, be my guest? If you've got that kind of free time, then have... Starsandmetaphors

    fully agreed. buying raws but still translating it to others is still illegal. Even I buy raws or read on official website. the only thing i use mangago is to discover new stories and see if they are worth it or not, or if they are only in language i cant read. Remember the time where scan sites are just informal sharing of manga that someone really wanted everyone to read. and the official announcements are recruitment ads. Now everything is going out of hand, and theres war everywhere when theres the slightest agitation and everyone gets dragged in. While I agree that good translation is great, Ive tried google translate and anyone can just use their knowledge of english to correct the google translations and write it in. Ive seen examples of it where they just added the english text below the korean. Furthermore, unlike mangas where each page is a shit ton of words and clean us, manhwas are very straight forward and much much muchhh shorter . Which makes me wonder why it takes eternity to translate unless the scanlation site just overbook themselves with too many translation works and the old ones take a back seat in this struggle to get good works and get popular. And if someone tries to take it off their hands because face it, no one likes to wait 3 months for a notification out of the blue. There are many stories i have forgotten the title to, because it takes so fucking long for new chapter. and many stories where i got so impatient, i just used my ipad to draw korean characters on google translate and basically inferred the story. I mean, look at all the crappy sexist chinese manhuas with 123 chapters, and u have to wonder what the popular scanlation sites are doing to our favourite stories. the Emperors reincarnation script is already in its 150 chapters in such a short time.

    Unoriginal Artist February 3, 2020 1:33 pm

    I think everyone should chill, sniping isnt extremely good cause i do believe some groups would drop it, even if we as readers get translations faster it will make groups want to give them up, albet that group that snipes might keep going but we also dont need to be going around pissing ppl off and undermining others work when it comes to translation...? I mean if ur working to translate a chapter and someone else comes and does it.... you might be slightly upset to?

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