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saitamashi did ( All 1 )

confess to your crush

saitamashi's experience ( All 0 )

saitamashi's answer ( All 7 )

Hi. My line ID is takoyakiisthebest.   1 reply
26 03,2020
Yaoi affected my life in a weird way. I am now obsessed with small pink dicks and I never really gave much thought about dicks before. I mean it's not even sexual. I just think pink dicks are cute.   reply
10 11,2019
I'm female and bisexual. I've always had crushes on both sexes but I guess the defining moment for me was when I fell in love with a girl at 19. She was my first love. Her mom threatened to kill me though.   reply
28 06,2019
My first anime was either Sailor Moon or Magic Knight Rayearth. Can't really remember which one I watched first but those two are definitely the first ones. First manga was Detective Conan.   reply
28 06,2019
I'm bisexual and lost my virginity at 19 to someone of the same sex. As for my "straight virginity", it's still intact... I guess. Though I fooled around some with a guy friend of mine. I'm 27 now.   reply
26 06,2019

saitamashi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did made a discord server


9 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

14 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

15 hours