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Quenkani August 31, 2020 10:09 am

Anyone knows if NRBL translated chapter 57? I mean it's not completed xD
I see they translated chapoter 58 and I was surprised since i did not saw it on their website xd If there is a new one, can someone share?

Quenkani August 6, 2020 10:51 am

Do Hwa is such a snack <3

Quenkani May 21, 2020 7:44 pm

I think the person drawing it still has some room for improvement - the art is overall nice, but the interpretation of the story is a bit lacking. ;)

The story in novel form does have a nice flow (I was quite obsessed with it tbh) and the main fight was much more detailed, that's why I feel like the drawer briefed it a lot.

I can't do anything about it tho, so for everyone curious I recommend reading novel on Tapas. :D It is actually a lot better.

    Sooyona May 22, 2020 5:59 am

    Can you please tell me a little about the end if you read the novel until the end

    Quenkani May 22, 2020 8:22 am
    Can you please tell me a little about the end if you read the novel until the end Sooyona

    Well, this comic is at the end of novel. ;) The last chapter was about Maeva waking up beside her brother, then Haruk came and they had a little chat about heroeses. It was an open ending, we do not know if they ever had children and such. :)

    Achaca May 23, 2020 7:50 am

    Yea at some points it feels a little rushed.

    Sooyona May 23, 2020 12:32 pm
    Well, this comic is at the end of novel. ;) The last chapter was about Maeva waking up beside her brother, then Haruk came and they had a little chat about heroeses. It was an open ending, we do not know if the... Quenkani

    What a shame I mean the idea of the story is so good and the story has really good characters. I don't know why the writer didn't make use of all of that and end the story like that. There are still a lot of things to see about the other princes, the people, the ML, and the relationship between the ML and the FL.

    Quenkani May 24, 2020 11:53 am
    What a shame I mean the idea of the story is so good and the story has really good characters. I don't know why the writer didn't make use of all of that and end the story like that. There are still a lot of t... Sooyona

    I agree. While the relationship between ML and FL was portrayed quite good in the novel, the whole story was about this one "event". it's like one episode of their life that started their trust and made them find out about themselves. But nothing beyond that is given. In one way it's nice, because we get to imagine whatever we want with them after this end, but on the other - I'd like to see part two with them going back to Yora and taking care of qeen. FL is known as a hero, so there would be some repercussions of that, which would add more plot into the story. It's a shame it's not gonna happen but if the author decided to end it like that, we have to live with it :(

    jinn883 May 24, 2020 8:58 pm

    I'm poor ( ̄∇ ̄") do i have to pay to read?

    Quenkani May 28, 2020 8:11 pm
    I'm poor ( ̄∇ ̄") do i have to pay to read? jinn883

    Sorry for long wait. :( I remember that I used to read a chapter every day? I don't remember exactly but there was an option that if you wait (a day, i think) it unlocked a new chapter so i read most of it for free. Then i got impatient and bought the rest xd

Quenkani May 13, 2020 2:39 pm

Me: Such a passionate kiss, I love that, they should continue...

Aseph: takes out a knife, places her hands on it and pushes


Her: I have the seal!

Me: Well, that one can work too...

Quenkani May 13, 2020 2:22 pm

I like the story, but seriously? They are begging for forgivness and being so stressed, because she slipped and he caught her by the arm? I mean, it's not a scandalous place... this one was a little too much, I hope such things won't happen again in the future.

    StalkerGurl18 May 13, 2020 2:50 pm

    Hmm not really they are right. The church and the palace seems to be having some sort of issue the church can use that small interaction as a some sort of weapon. He only got married because of elders being annoying and he has no interest in marrying again so they can try to use that interaction to boot her and get him with the black hair girl. Besides they also have that legend but he doesn't want anything to do with black hair girl so flchurch gonna use force if they have to. Plus that brother is suspicious. He already has the love and respect from everyone since he interacts with everyone unlike his brother if he were to get friendly with the current wife who is also liked by everyone different factions can make a move against the current King. They are seen to be interacting a lot it's only a matter of time honestly. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Pug life May 13, 2020 3:12 pm

    Well actually in royalty history, you aren’t supposed to touch the king and queen, or royalties . Especially since she’s the queen, no man should be able to touch her except for her husband. So yes it’s punishable by death. There is even one princess who died by drowning because she fell on a lake and the guards aren’t allowed to touch her ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Quenkani May 13, 2020 4:35 pm
    Hmm not really they are right. The church and the palace seems to be having some sort of issue the church can use that small interaction as a some sort of weapon. He only got married because of elders being ann... StalkerGurl18

    I didn't mean the interaction in itself -rather the aftermach. xD I'm sorry, let me rephrase myself: I agree with you about that brother and the church. What kind of triggered me was the ML.

    They need to be careful beacuse someone can use it against them, yes, but ML did not look like he had any shed of trust in either of them. It is understandable when it comes to FL - they barely had any interaction even though being married, but I though he would believe his brother a bit more, since it seemed like their relationship was not bad.

    ML was jealous, that we can see, but if he saw the accident, I don't think he should show SUCH angriness. I get it, he got jeaslous and it even made him see something that didn't take place - he thought - "it was like they were pretending to be a couple", but I believe he should be a little bit more collecteda and not let his emotions cloud his judgement.

    Moreover, we cleary saw her telling the blonde to let go (love her sharpness!) because there might be a misunderstanding, so I assumed ML would be more calm (blonde guy let go of her arm immiedietly and this did not turn into romantic atmosphere, more like a calm one, since both the blonde and FL were aware of the possible backlash if they were seen).

    I know emotions make people more unpredictable, but I believe that at this point, where ML is not madly in love with FL (more like a beggining of love :D) he should be able to see things as what they are. It's not like he's a lovestruck maiden, he's the emperor.

    Quenkani May 13, 2020 4:44 pm
    Well actually in royalty history, you aren’t supposed to touch the king and queen, or royalties . Especially since she’s the queen, no man should be able to touch her except for her husband. So yes it’s p... Pug life

    Is it in this story or real life? xD I'm asking because I' m curious and I'm probably gonna look for that case. :D It sounds ridiculous since protecting in this situation should not be counted as punishment and they should have hepled that ptincess :/

    It might be my wrong, but I don't remember if such things were stated in this manga. Maybe I should read from the begging, because I only remembered the church and that, as usual, she should be careful not to be in a scandal since she agreed to be the queen under some conditions and she does not want to be seen and be portrayed in this kind of light since she is actually innocent and does not intent to commit adultery.

    StalkerGurl18 May 13, 2020 8:21 pm
    I didn't mean the interaction in itself -rather the aftermach. xD I'm sorry, let me rephrase myself: I agree with you about that brother and the church. What kind of triggered me was the ML. They need to be car... Quenkani

    Yeah I get where you are coming from now. As you said jealousy kicked in and I dont think he trust any man around the FL tbh he has a problem with everyone she is friendly with. And as of right now I don't think he's aware of the fact that his brother is a back stabbing 2 faced bitch. So I don't blame him if he doesn't trust his brother since he is untrustworthy to begin with but I think he trust FL more than we giving jim credit for because he does listen to her and he did let his brother go. I honestly believe he's just taking his frustration out on his brother since he's emotionally retarded and doesn't even understand that he's falling in love with the FL.

    Quenkani May 13, 2020 9:05 pm
    Yeah I get where you are coming from now. As you said jealousy kicked in and I dont think he trust any man around the FL tbh he has a problem with everyone she is friendly with. And as of right now I don't thin... StalkerGurl18

    Yes, I am still wondering how in the wordl he's so slow in it. I mean, I did not expect him to know right away that he is in love, but I thought that he would be able to admit that he is "interested" in her at least. It's like he's wondering in the dark, when the answer is simple. The biggest mistery is how in the world he grew up and ascended the throne while still being a rock. it is cute how he is emotionally retarded, but in the same time not cruel towards his people. That's one of the rasons why I like this story - ML is not selfish/tyranny type of guy.

    StalkerGurl18 May 14, 2020 12:13 am
    Yes, I am still wondering how in the wordl he's so slow in it. I mean, I did not expect him to know right away that he is in love, but I thought that he would be able to admit that he is "interested" in her at ... Quenkani

    Makes me think he was really just a means to an end for his parents since he doesn't even realises his feeling. Kinda sad can you imagine being so emotionally crippled that you can't even name an emotion as simple as admiration, jealousy or love? Poor baby, being a workaholic must be stressful

    Pug life May 14, 2020 3:14 am
    Is it in this story or real life? xD I'm asking because I' m curious and I'm probably gonna look for that case. :D It sounds ridiculous since protecting in this situation should not be counted as punishment and... Quenkani

    Yup!! I remember learning it in history class! Oh gosh I found it, I was wrong, it was a queen and a princess xD Look up "Sunanda Kumariratana" - "The queen and her daughter drowned when her royal boat capsized on the way to the Bang Pa-In Royal Palace (Summer Palace). The many witnesses to the accident did not dare to touch the queen, a capital offense—not even to save her life. The grief-stricken Chulalongkorn later erected a memorial to her and their unborn child at Bang Pa-In Palace."

    Yeah, that law is really stupid if you asked me too xD I don't think they mentioned it, however it's a given that unless the queen touches you themselves, if you have a lower status, you cant touch them xD

Quenkani April 26, 2020 11:23 am

Knowing Caesar, he's gonna hold back. ;'(

It's so frustrating since Canaria finally started something more romantic... And Caesar is really slow in these matters >.<

Quenkani April 24, 2020 4:38 pm

Could someone please spoil me a few things?
1) Is there a happy ending?
2) Does he end up with that blue-eyed chinese guy?
3) Will it break my heart because he's going to enter the entertaiment world and be, like, used/abused because he wants to keep doing that? I gusess I just want to ask if it is gonna be rape or something like that...

I have a weak heart, but as long as I know there is a happy ending, I will read it until the end. :'( That's why it breaks my heart to hear from people how heartbreking it will be. xd

    Merenda April 24, 2020 5:46 pm

    Spoilers from comment-hunting and some raw

    Yes and yes very bad past tragedy comes back plus another seme. I love this author but too much anguish is not for me so I will not read it I think

    Merenda April 24, 2020 5:47 pm

    I meant 1 yes 2 yes

    Devon-chi April 24, 2020 5:53 pm

    Well, it is an happy ending, but if you have a weak heart it would be better if you wait for it to be completely translated. It's gonna be pretty heart wrenching and heavy

    Quenkani April 24, 2020 7:22 pm
    Spoilers from comment-hunting and some raw,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes and yes very bad past tragedy comes back plus another seme. I love this author but too much anguish is not for me so I will not read it I think Merenda

    Thank you! I love this author as well, that's why I want to give it a chance. :D It's gonna be hard, but I'm gonna try. ;'(

    Quenkani April 24, 2020 7:25 pm
    Well, it is an happy ending, but if you have a weak heart it would be better if you wait for it to be completely translated. It's gonna be pretty heart wrenching and heavy Devon-chi

    Thank you! Waiting will probably do good for me, so I'm planning to do that. :D It's always reassuring to read a whole story at once and see happy ending (not wait for it for months ;_; waiting for such things is hard).

    Devon-chi April 24, 2020 8:12 pm

    I know how you feel because I'm the same :( but well, I think you can definitely read up to chapter 20 and something, nothing crucial happens in those chapters! Up to you ;)

Quenkani April 17, 2020 1:18 pm

I like the story and started reading the novel. Usually I enjoy comis more, but art here is sometimes.... weird? I'm not sure how to explain, but when she smiles widely and almost closes her eyes she's supposed to look beatiful, but with this art, it gives me a little cringey feeling.

Quenkani April 10, 2020 10:17 pm

Chapter 112 is just a bunch of Naruse's pikachu faces.

Quenkani April 9, 2020 3:41 pm

"I thought you were a PSYCHOPATH" - lmao, I'm dead.

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