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Alexandra July 8, 2021 4:24 pm

Does anybody know if she’s really infertile? I really want them to have a child together

    AlternateAnn July 8, 2021 4:30 pm

    Spoilers ahead, but from what i remember, she is indeed infertile, but there's this magic bed thingy that'll give her the ability to conceive. They get twins ^^

    aichata04 July 8, 2021 4:54 pm
    Spoilers ahead, but from what i remember, she is indeed infertile, but there's this magic bed thingy that'll give her the ability to conceive. They get twins ^^ AlternateAnn

    You remember right

    Alexandra July 8, 2021 5:03 pm
    Spoilers ahead, but from what i remember, she is indeed infertile, but there's this magic bed thingy that'll give her the ability to conceive. They get twins ^^ AlternateAnn

    Ahhh amazing. I’m so glad. Thank you very much for telling me

    Queen of Yaoi July 8, 2021 6:17 pm
    Spoilers ahead, but from what i remember, she is indeed infertile, but there's this magic bed thingy that'll give her the ability to conceive. They get twins ^^ AlternateAnn

    Wrong she's not infertile it is Soveshit that is infertile and the reason that Trashta is pregnant is she cheated

    Honey12 July 10, 2021 8:04 am
    Wrong she's not infertile it is Soveshit that is infertile and the reason that Trashta is pregnant is she cheated Queen of Yaoi

    From my understanding Trashta never cheated she was already pregnant but she didn’t know at that time that she was and both soveshit and navier were both infertile but with the help of magic navier waz able to conceive. That’s what I understood from the novel

    KoNeko July 10, 2021 8:16 am
    Wrong she's not infertile it is Soveshit that is infertile and the reason that Trashta is pregnant is she cheated Queen of Yaoi

    From what I understood by reading the novel, both Navier and Sovieshu are infertile. The reason why Navier got pregnant was because she slept with Heinley on a mana stone bed.

Alexandra November 3, 2020 4:56 am

I dont know why this has such good rating. It's bad.

I mean the story in itself and the art aren't bad, but the main characters are frustrating beyond words. They don't reference back to their previous lives, except for the few times they state "we're 23", but that's all. They don't use their knowledge from their past lives, and they dont ACT like they're 23. Yeah I know, abuse can cause mental age regression, but I don't think the author wrote them with that in mind. Besides. She's 23. And attracted to A CHILD. That doesn't sit right with me.

You know what they act like? Like 5 years olds. There was absolutely no reason to make use of the reincarnation trope. It only makes the reader have high expectations, only to be let down by the main characters. After reading novels, webtoons, and mangas with the same trope and after being blessed with main characters that were smart and cunning, act their age (unless faking being cute) andd actually USE the knowledge from their past lives, this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Perhaps if they never would've reincarnated, making them simple 5 year olds, it would've been a lot better. They would be able to grow and learn. But, how much growing can a 25 year old do when they're this fucking dumb?

    Faylion November 8, 2020 9:25 pm

    Stfu this is pissing me off,,it's not like you can do any better,,everyone overcome and deal with situations differently, if this manhwa is not your cup of tea then just FO ,,,things are made to be enjoyed if you dont enjoy this then LEAVE SILENTLY

    I should probably sleep now November 9, 2020 7:28 am
    Stfu this is pissing me off,,it's not like you can do any better,,everyone overcome and deal with situations differently, if this manhwa is not your cup of tea then just FO ,,,things are made to be enjoyed if y... Faylion

    Lol u don't have to "do better" to criticise a story the f

    Alexandra November 9, 2020 9:12 pm
    Stfu this is pissing me off,,it's not like you can do any better,,everyone overcome and deal with situations differently, if this manhwa is not your cup of tea then just FO ,,,things are made to be enjoyed if y... Faylion

    Yeah I'm sorry adults being attracted to children isn't my cup of tea

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