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random piece of toxh!t's feed

THIS IS SUCH GROUNDED OF A STORY! The art and pacing is gorgeous like every panel hits you where it feels good, the characters has substance not just some cardboard but a whole set of personality and thoughts, the world building is well balance that it didn't need monologue to dump you info, the plot progression is timed well that you really felt the cast growing and the fictional world expanding. While there some moments when it comes of as annoyingly immature because of MCs realist but a tad bit reckless settings, you can just cast it off as part of MC growing up and learning or maybe as part of the jokes.
This is the kind of story that reminds me of the classic medieval fictions and makes me want to experience it an a film series or maybe read it in a novel with a very polished writing style that reminds me classic literature except not as formal, and stiff with almost dead sense of humor.
I can't believe why I hadn't waited when this have more chapters, now most other webtoons just seems pale and generically boring in comparison