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saraishere's feed

saraishere created a topic of Saturday's Master

ppl are complaining about the top and I can understand to a certain point but like this is BDSM, when did the top lie about his preferences lol? like I think he should explain it better to the bottom, sure, but he's never deceived the bottom and was always transparent that he gets off the pain of his partner. also, as far as doms go in these types of settings, he's actually pretty on the good side. i think part of the reason some might find him obnoxious is bc we know of the uke's background,
but like have yall forgotten that the top is unware of it as far as of now? so if you still think he's a huge cunt then maybe this manhwa isn't for you?? it's kinda annoying to scroll down expecting some discussion and just see people bitch on a standard Dom-Sub dynamic.