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Tch answered question about favorite genre of yaoi
I have too manyyy aaaaa Akutagawa from bsd (wan) hes so fucking dumb and cute I love this little dude Absolutely np thoughts in that head just Dazai Look he has glasses!!
Tch answered question about question
I have a very healthy obsession with Hatsune Miku. Here's my Miku shrine: (I have 5 more Miku that don't fit here, sadly, this shelf is too small to contain all my Miku) So overall I have 12 Miku
Tch answered question about eat without getting fat
Do I get both? Yes please. Also I hope getting between them would prevent them from killing each other (drawing is mine btw)
Tch answered question about eat without getting fat
I don't really know, I geess i just got tired of it. I feel like the story just kinda drags on and on
Tch answered question about being single
Why do you even bother trolling on an illegal manga site
Tch answered question about being single
Idk maybe my father telling me "this is why you don't have any friends" while I was crying
Tch created a topic of All Out!!

Whattttt that's the end??????

They just lost off screan noooooooo I can't believe it
You can't just get me this invested and than just skip through everything. They didn't even get to play Ryoin nooooooooooo

I love this manga so much tho I wish there was more

Tch answered question about question
When I was younger I used to watch "anti woke" videos and stuff like that but I grew uo and realize they were shit
Tch answered question about question
Yes, of course, doesn't even need to be a question. Scared to look at the pther answers tho, transphobia is depressing
Tch answered question about talk to yourself
Me when looking at anything on this site
Tch answered question about talk to yourself
Tch answered question about lmao
Dub con - which mostly means romanticized non con
Tch created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

Mujin's logic:
If you dont rest I'll make you rest

Tch answered question about question
Tch created a topic of All Out!!

Chapter 37, page 23:

"Q: When you're drawing everyone's budies, which part do you put the most effort into?

A: You can probably tell just by looking, but it's from the lower back all the way to the thighs."

The ass??????????

Tch answered question about lmao
Tch answered question about your opinions
Good for you??? Doesn't work like that for everyone