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Tch answered question about chat about anything
Probably KalmiaDolls. It's the song I just neber get tured of listening for the longest time. So catchy. Clip is cool. Lyrics are depressing. The perfect vocaloid song
Tch answered question about using mangago
Chainsaw man and fire punch just so memeable
Tch created a topic of Moonmade Child

Finally it continueddddd

Also I didn't really understand what happened in the last chapter. Did the boyfriend die? How? The dude was tied up what happened???

Who tf starts explaining things with "cant you just forgive him?" Like wtf????

Tch answered question about give life advice
Most of the time people are just recommending what's popular, and sadly the smut (and toxic) ones are the most popular usually. But recommending someone KS when they ask for BL is really dumb since it's not a BL
Tch created a topic of CUFFED!

Do people still think brown hair dude is better even after this chapter?

Tch created a topic of Chainsaw Man

Katana man?????? Where the hell did he came from

Tch answered question about character obsession
Im not a furry Also now I realize I probably had a crush on her, but I didn't know it at the time (being like 7) I was just obsessed with this character for some reason
Tch answered question about make a picrew
Tch answered question about question
Jesus im 21 dpnt make me feel old That's still really young what are you talking about
Tch created a topic of Dam of the Forest

I've read some of the raws and.....

Mmmmm this isn't good. I those people who just take them are the wrostt I hate them

Tch asked a question

For someone who read "someones else's bl" manhwa, pls tell me if the MC ends up with the creppy old blone dude or not? Oh my god im so scared he would. If he is i stop reading

Tch asked a question

Can you recommend me a bl love triangle but one of the ML is toxic and the other is nice, and the MC ends up with the nice one?


This dude has the audacity to say they are still boyfriends. Dude that ended the minute he realized you were playing with him

Seriously he's acting like MC owes his something. You fucked up, fucking deal with it!

Omg right in the plot twist soneone pls adopt this

Tch answered question about have an unpopular opinion
What is twt? I only know the website known as
Tch answered question about question
Not just in BL but in like a lot of romance story in anime. The whole "little sister" trope (and it's disgusting) I honestly dpnt know why, I dont wanna know why, it's really gross in my opinion, especially if there's also a big age gap and stuff
Tch answered question about be controversial
A lot of the times in romance story I actually dont want the main couple to end up together, or I want them to break up. I think it would make it more interesting