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Tch answered question about have delusional thoughts
Just ignore it who fucking cares what other people ship just let them ship
Tch answered question about live in omegaverse universe
Not every BL is porn and your gender or sexuality dont determine what you can or cant read Like a straight dude or any person can read bl or gl or whatever just cause its good
Tch answered question about question
No I mean yes yada yada if your partner in uncomfortable with it you should stop or at least come to an agreement or whatever, but no it's not cheating. You're not doing it with anyone, I mean, is masturbating cheating?? No
Tch answered question about question
Tch answered question about question
Why is this only exclusive to gay people
Tch answered question about live in omegaverse universe
First of all, they/them pronouns were always also used as a singular, like when you talking about a person without using their gender, talking about a hypothetical person and what not. It's really nor that hard to just use it, you've already probably been doing it every day (if you speak english). Second, no, it's not against anyone's morals or bel......
Tch created a topic of Homeless/No Home

This author is an expert in making the simplest things scary. Like Hara's face at the end there? Terrifying

Tch answered question about question
Pretty close if I was an anime girl at least
Tch answered question about question
I'm also (very slowly) watching Ghost Hound (super slow but interesting anime)
Tch created a topic of Noragami

Wait so.... Is yato dead

Tch answered question about question
This fucking shit get a life pls The fact he started out as my favorite character too
Tch answered question about question
Zhong dong and its been like that for 2 years already Homescrean is just some animated cat looking and blinking at me. Its cute
Tch asked question about question

Which manga has the best most fun comment section. Like actual wars can happen in some manga's comments its so funny. I recommend Sadistic Beauty's comment section (not the webtoon itself tho) because its was just wonderful.

Tch answered question about question
Dont know if it's best but I really like it Worst is probably this shit. This absolute shit of a story why did someone even create this it's like all of the worst tropes all in one
Tch asked a question

Looking for a manga i read a long while ago:
Its romance, about a short delinquent girl saving a weak sort-of-femboy from being bullied. Dont remember much besides that, the girl has long black hair and the boy has light pibk hair i think

Tch answered question about question
When a girl and a boy just look at each other and the author thinks "that's enough, now they are in love." And than we expect to just accept that wile they have absolutely no chemistry at all
Tch asked a question

Basically where the MC has two love interests, a girl and a guy. Its usually either bl, gl, or straight, finding bi romance is so hard lol

Tch answered question about read manga
On this site? This thing But also the most messed up thing in general is a visual novel called Hadaka Shitsuji. Which just translates to naked butlers. Its so bad. Its the worst thing I've ever laid my eyes on. Its a bl game where the mc is made to be the master of a mansion for one month, and has total control over 5 hot butlers and he sure as h......