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Tch answered question about question
Not from a manga, I just went through my photos all the way back to like 4 years ago when I saved... This..... Honestly the context here is probably way worse but I'd like to see you try
Tch answered question about question
Tch answered question about question
Tch answered question about question
There should be a limit as to how much money you can have. After you cross that, you have to gice it back to the people via donations or something It doesn't make any sense that half the money in the world belong to one man that uses all his time posting terrible takes on xitter
Tch answered question about mbti groupchat
Yeah... I don't think he would. But it would be nice if he did
Tch asked a question

I just got to know about this "little" old bl series, and was wondering if I should read the manga or watch the anime. Basically, is the anime censor the gay or not?

Tch answered question about my childhood
I wpuld reas this over, and over and over, and over and over and over again. I was obsessed with this comic series, i love it so much, so many nostalgic memories for me. Ironically enough I started from the 5th book, for some reason, than read it backwards till the first, than waited patiently till the rest came out. I would wait till the next one......
Tch created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

I actually like that the story suddenly remembered MC is from abother world. In those kind of stories usually the plot just forget they're from another world and continues regularly in the game/novel/whatever's plot. It's refreshing to see this story actually, you know, do something with it. Maybe blur the line between reality and fiction, you can do so much... But I'm probably asking too much from a BL

Tch answered question about question
I cry all the time so yes. Someyines I'm crying even when I'm happy. For absolutely no reason. I once cried because my cats were so cute. And they are. They are so cute and sometimes I feel like crying because I'm so glad they exist. Babies
Tch answered question about question
Tch created a topic of Dam of the Forest

I know its probably bad he did this but i hoped for it so bad!!! This bastard deserved to die

Tch answered question about question
Tch created a topic of CUFFED!

This is such a waste of good art style

Tch created a topic of Moonmade Child


Tch answered question about committed a crime
Dude watch Migi to Dali I just want someone to know about it it's so good
Tch answered question about unpopular opinion
When none pf the top answers are unpopular:
Tch answered question about question
(^~^)(´∀`)(^v^)(^.^)(⌒▽⌒)(>y<)╥﹏╥(┳Д┳)(╥_╥)(T⌓T)(个_个)(┳Д┳)(¬_¬)ノ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(●__●)(¬_¬)ノ(。・ω・。)(●`・(エ)・´●)(^(I)^)( ̄(エ) ̄)ノヾ(T(エ)Tヽ)(^(I)^)┐(゚д゚┐)(〜^∇^)〜ヾ(@^∇^@)ノヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ(ノ*゚ー゚)�......