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Tch answered question about lmao
This is definitely rooted in homophobia. I'm sorry, if you have a problem with gay ships but not straight, you're probably homophobic. "Why can't they just be friends" is almost never applied to a boy x girl ship, because it's expected to them to fall inlove. While any other ship is not allowed because these people assume every character not explic......

I honestly hope they wouldn't vome back after this, I know I wouldn't be able to trust anyone who does it to me. But I know they would because this is yaoi

Tch created a topic of One Small Step

This is so great. The way it depicts anxiety is so realistic and relatable, I love and relate to these characters so much

Tch asked a question

Can you recommend me some bl (preferably colored) with non toxic ML and little to no smut? But still good and interesting

Tch answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Not gonna lie, it's not the best. Especially in older manga, where the trans character is in the background and always the butt of the joke. But I think there are some really good ones too, specially the ones who focus on the character and LGBTQ issues. Basically, like in every media, there are some good and some bad ones. If you want spme good o......
Tch asked question about simping for fictional beings

Never did get it. I just don't understand why someone who is actively mean to you, sometimes even hurt you is so appealing. Is it because they're hot? Well there a lot of hot characters why it's those guys specifically. And I'm not like those puritins "you can't like bad characters" it's just that those toxic ML are usually just that, have no inter......

Tch created a topic of Chainsaw Man

So the chainsaw man cult.... Is a cult! Shocking, I know

Tch created a topic of Chainsaw Man

So the chainsaw man cult.... Is a cult! Shocking, I know

Tch answered question about stay at home for several days
I'm neither, don't want to be hurt and don't want to hurt others So normal (Kidding i dont kink shame-)
Tch answered question about the most pain you felt
I got called a simp because I'm *shock* nice to the person I like??? Seriously, also some of the questions had nothing to be with being a simp or not.
Tch answered question about question
Tch followed question about have an unpopular opinion

Literally if they gonna say rape/sexual assault is okay then they do. They behave like animals so why not treat them like they are?

20 08,2023
Tch answered question about question
Tch answered question about question
I think rapist should be locked away for life in jail. I dont think rape should be a punishment, cause than someone would rape them, si they will be arapist themselves. Rape is an act the rapist enjoys, so even if for punishing someone shouldn't be used. No pne who ever want to rape someone should get the opportunity to, period. This is why they sh......
Tch answered question about first kiss
My taste like didn't change at all. I think my first ship is Natsu and Grey from fairy tail. I wasn't even into bl yet or anything and it was one of my first anime, but like they just looked like they wanted to kiss each other every time they fought. Lastest ship is... This is hard... Probably Ranpo and Poe from bsd. Like it's not new, I just only......
Tch answered question about let's be positive
What I said isn't even that bad?? For context, this manhwa has like a stupid amount of misunderstandings, it's like a soup opera. At this point the main couple were clearly incompatable- Also (because I can't just create another answer) I wanted to add this. Not my least liked comment but down the thread two people started arguing it was so weird......