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Tch asked a question

Can you recommend me some really weird and out there bl and gl? Idc what it is, just something to make me go wtf did I just read

Also if possible not excessive sexualization and if gl no smut

Tch created a topic of Boku no Gemini

That made me cry

Tch answered question about question
Your list is fine, but I'd replace Super Lovers with Love Stage This is for like pure, classic kind of BL For serious that are gay but not necessarily considered BL: Banana Fish Yuri on Ice Given
Tch answered question about going to concerts
A lazy introvert. So nothing's changed At least I'll get some sick drawing skills
Tch followed question about going to concerts
Tch answered question about question
Dont laugh at me, I think deadass the american movie Astro Boy I watched while I was like five. The kid dies in the like first ten minutes of the movie it's sad
Tch asked a question

Bl with crossdressing? Thanks

Tch created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

Thank you black butler for being such a big part of my life. It was my first manga, I have started reading this manga around 8 years ago, and hasn't stopped since, coming back every week. I am sad I will now have to wait, but I know it would be worth it in the end

Tch answered question about question
I think I'm ace. Not sure if aro but probably ace? The only "problem" is that I've never had sex or even kissed before so how can I know I dont want it. But I just dont have the urge to do it with anyone. Even the only two relationships I had, I didn't feel like I needed or wanted to do it. I maybe would agree to try if it ever came up, but not bec......
Tch answered question about question
Tch asked a question

Looking for a manga I read really long ago. I'm not sure if it's categorized as a bl (but its still gay)

Its about a guy who's first crush turned out to be a boy who looks like a girl, and it traumatized him or something so he moved, only to meet them again in highschool where they are the leader of a sort of crossdressing club with a binch of other crossdressing guys. MC is definitely still in lpve with them but he's a tsundere and they know this and always flirt with him. The other members all have their own plots and romances with boys/girls.

It has a cute art style and I'm pretty sure (but not certain) its a colored *manga* (not manhwa, definitely japanese)

Tch created a topic of Dam of the Forest


Tch asked a question

Can you recommend me something with crossdressing? Don't care bl straight or even gl just

Just give me crossdressing

Tch created a topic of Homeless/No Home

God I just love it. This series is seriously something special. I'm having tears. This is amazing. This is so good

Tch answered question about question
My hands aren't symmetrical. One hand is longer and has longer fingers than the other. I was also born with a useless piece of skin next to my ear that had to be cut because it was so pointy. I cab still feel it now but it's small.
Tch created a topic of Homeless/No Home
Tch answered question about question
I just went through my gallery and found those old screenshots from devils and realist just wondering how was this not a bl And that inspired me to make this
Tch asked question about question

Give me gay panels from manga that aren't tagged as a bl or gl. Just what where they think while writing this? That we wont knooooow?