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lulualguima want to do ( All 1 )

i'm looking for friends

lulualguima's experience ( All 0 )

lulualguima's answer ( All 3 )

My parents know but, they don't know what is it exactly. They know that I like to read manhwa and some of them has "hot" stuff, but they don't really mind.   reply
17 07,2020
my id is:467971 my nickname is: lulualguima   reply
17 07,2020
my id is: 467971 my nickname is:lulualguima   reply
17 07,2020

lulualguima's question ( All 1 )

Don't judge pls,it's a true doubt. How do you know that people are fetishizing yaoi/bl? I mean, I like reading a lot and I also watch a bunch of bl dramas. Sometimes I ship people in movies and stuffs. Does that count as fetishsizing?
28 12,2020

People are doing

did have fake friends

Better alone than with fake or toxic "friends"

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

"Kahit planuhin mong mabuti, papalpak ka rin naman" (Even if you plan it thoroughly, you'll still fail). Painful af lyrics.

18 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

please please please - sabrina carpenter
"heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another"

20 hours