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Lily of the Valley's feed

Don't get me wrong, the guy is nice and I wouldn't mind Lucy ending up with him. But I feel like her dynamics with him are pretty... boring? Like, he's already pining. And he's not doing anything about it. He just acts as her bodyguard and gets sad when she's with another guy. Why can't he be more assertive like the others, if he doesn't wanna lose her? (well I guess the one time he DID try to be assertive and seek her out, he hit her with a rock in the face so...).

I feel like with Leo, there would be a lot of fun and mischievousness and I'm also 45% sure he's hiding something. So he has that going for him.

And with Arthur honestly I don't get the hate. He wasn't in love with OG Lucia because apparently she truly was mean and selfish and all that. And he hasn't fallen in love with OG MC either. He noticed and acknowledged that everything about Lucy seems different and he likes her. That's literally proof that even though she's beautiful and all, he fell for her personality and not her looks. He's also a good brother and idk, overall he seems like a decent person. I'd be very interested in seeing a romantic relationship bloom between them in which they both properly get to know each other and let go of their previous impressions on one another.

I guess I just wish the author would give us different endings and everyone can choose the one(s) they like.

PS: despite my rambling on Arthur and my lack of words on Leo, the latter is actually my favourite.