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Thatperson August 27, 2019 6:32 am

What is the relationship between words and love ?
I having an eassy and this is my topic I have no clue where to even start.

    Monsieur. August 27, 2019 7:45 am

    Then tell me. What do you think is the relationship between those words ? (I won't do your essay for you, but depending on what you'll reply, I might help, give some ideas and even give you a push for the start.) For which course do you need this essay, to what extent can you talk about it ?

    love is love August 27, 2019 8:21 am

    Start by defining what is a word, what can you do with words, the history of words, what are the most common used words.

    Than define what is love, what shapes and forms it can come in, what is the history of it.

    After defining those two i think you'll have a better understanding what the relationship between the two.

    And if you still don't know just ask yourself how can i define love? what words can i use to define it? what other people think about it ?

    Thatperson August 27, 2019 9:11 am
    Start by defining what is a word, what can you do with words, the history of words, what are the most common used words.Than define what is love, what shapes and forms it can come in, what is the history of it.... love is love

    Thank you so much just the point of view I was looking for

Thatperson August 20, 2019 4:53 am

So i want to change my 5th period class but last week was my only chance to change it online. I wanna go to my counselor but the only way to meet her is when she calls you up. It's only the second week and everybody is busy frankly iam scared of her. I'm senior by the way hopefully that helps for her to see me

    M.T August 20, 2019 5:20 am

    It never hurts to try to ask her. I hated my counselor back when I was a senior but I still went on to ask her in order for a schedule change. Btw why are you scared of her? Is she condescending like mine? Does she act like kids are the reason why she hates her life sort of thing?

Thatperson August 20, 2019 2:14 am


    dude™ August 20, 2019 3:29 am

    i haven't finished my ap bio summer homework that's due tomorrow and aaaaaaaaaah

    Thatperson August 20, 2019 4:47 am
    i haven't finished my ap bio summer homework that's due tomorrow and aaaaaaaaaah dude™


Thatperson August 12, 2019 5:14 am

I feel confuse it's been so long since I had a guy friend I'am mixing up my feeling of affection for my guy friend into romantic feeling

    brickneyspearsBL August 12, 2019 5:28 am

    Your heart flutters, skips a beat
    You’re excited to see him everyday
    You get jealous or a stinging feeling when he’s around a different girl
    You enjoy him
    Kept staring at him
    Nervous around him
    Likes his company
    You think about him a lot
    If you can’t imagine being without him
    You can picture a future
    You use effort for him

    Well anyways, hope this helped. Good luck (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    BeepBopp August 12, 2019 5:38 am

    What do you mean « mixed feelings »? Do you like him or not?

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 5:43 am
    What do you mean « mixed feelings »? Do you like him or not? BeepBopp

    I think what they mean is they're not sure if the feelings of affection they have for the guy is platonic or romance because it's been a while since they had a guy friend.

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 5:43 am
    What do you mean « mixed feelings »? Do you like him or not? BeepBopp

    *romantic oop

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 5:45 am

    Uhhh, well if you think about kissing him does it make you feel conflicted? Because if you think about your other friends, your immediate thought would usually be a straight up "no". I guess that can clear up a few things.

    Mars August 12, 2019 6:27 am

    Shit dude...been there done that..he liked me back...quite obvious...and once I started to like him...he stopped liking me back...soooooo yeahh I guess I was too late...and when I confessed to him...he only just stood quite...and for that I was kinda angry, sad, and a bit every since then...i Kinda idk...feel sad and angry at him but mainly at myself for being too late...

    BeepBopp August 12, 2019 6:55 am
    I think what they mean is they're not sure if the feelings of affection they have for the guy is platonic or romance because it's been a while since they had a guy friend. blatantescapist

    The only difference between platonkc and romantic is wether or not you want to date the person. It’s hard for me to believe some people doesn’t know what they feel

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 7:56 am
    The only difference between platonkc and romantic is wether or not you want to date the person. It’s hard for me to believe some people doesn’t know what they feel BeepBopp

    Not everyone’s great at social cues, y’know. I’ve personally had this sort of problem because I’ve always been in an all girls school until I reached college. I’m sure OP has a different kind of circumstance than mine but personally, I couldn’t tell when I was in college because I barely interacted with men.

    It’s ridiculous when I think about it now but that’s the circumstances I was brought up. I couldn’t tell if I was happy simply because I finally got a first guy friend or affectionate because I might have feelings for them.

Thatperson August 12, 2019 2:45 am

I'm the only one who's summer vacation just ended and i have to go to school starting tomorrow ╥﹏╥

Thatperson August 9, 2019 5:17 am

What are you guys favorite ship my is shanks and makino. Also I don't get why some ppl get mad at ppl who make viedos of who they want to ship. Like I get it one piece IS NOT A ROMANCE manga but can't help but ship the characters in one piece . If you don't like it move on ignore it y some got to leave nasty comments and I'm petty sure shippers know one piece is not a romance manga bc come when u have a fav ship you will look everything about them and there chances of ending up together. When one piece ends I wonder how Oda is gonna handle the stawhats romantic relationship are some of them goona get marry, stay alone or have kids ect...

    Raskreia August 9, 2019 5:00 am

    well, I personally do not ship any one piece characters (side character maybe) because I like to focus more on the shonen aspect (esp the fights) but I am fine with people shipping one piece characters as long as they do not make toxic comments to others. Oda said that one piece wouldn't have any real romance in the series. In the end, I believe he might just show the characters in an epilogue chapter that shows their lives in the future.

    tweetybirds305 August 9, 2019 5:07 am

    ooOOo shanks and makino is cute.. i didn't finish watching all of one piece because i started watching it this summer.. im on 570 something rn. so far... i kinda ship luffy and nami. and kind of zoro and robin. idk im more luffy and nami than zoro and robin tho lol

    Thatperson August 9, 2019 5:22 am
    ooOOo shanks and makino is cute.. i didn't finish watching all of one piece because i started watching it this summer.. im on 570 something rn. so far... i kinda ship luffy and nami. and kind of zoro and robin.... tweetybirds305

    I also ship nami and luffy but since Oda said there will be no romance which part of me is glad that there's isn't and so I just don't want to get my hopes up ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    tweetybirds305 August 9, 2019 6:01 am
    I also ship nami and luffy but since Oda said there will be no romance which part of me is glad that there's isn't and so I just don't want to get my hopes up ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Thatperson

    lolol i dont strongly ship any characters in one piece because i like seeing them grow as a group and not separate the group because of love reasons and stuff :) sometimes i need a break from all the action tho lol we need a little bit of love and spice once in a while lol

    tweetybirds305 August 9, 2019 6:06 am

    oh yea i kind of ship tashigi x smoker too :)

    fujoshi August 9, 2019 6:15 am

    Zoro x sanji arw my favorite favorite ship also my otp

Thatperson August 4, 2019 5:45 am

"I don't support the LGBT community." Those 6 words for some reason I feel pressure to not say it out loud or tell other people. Those 6 words that I have yet to understand and what means to other people. But (my definiton ) it means I don't support nor do I hate the LGBT community. Human's have the right to be happy and I am not goona stand in the way of there happiness.

    Yumiswife August 4, 2019 5:51 am

    Yes but like why, they just out here existing

    owogre August 4, 2019 5:52 am

    That’s still bi/trans/lesbo/homophobic but go off ig.

    superlocococo August 4, 2019 5:58 am

    so it sounds like it's not really that you don't support the LGBT community, it's just not something you have a strong opinion on. They can do what they want is what I think you are essentially saying. So, I think you need to find better words to express that opinion or just finish your damn sentence "I don't support the LGBT community, but I'm not against them either" People will understand you when you find the right words to communicate it.

    owogre August 4, 2019 6:03 am

    What Yumi said, you literally have no reason to “not support” them. Stop acting like this is some horrible thing you’ve been struggling with because YOU feel like a victim. People like YOU are why 30% of female trans teens have attempted suicide at some point in life. People like YOU are why 26 trans women were MURDERED in 2016. People like YOU are why suicide is the second leading cause of death in LGBT youth. People like YOU are why LGBT members don’t feel safe coming out of the closet or their own fucking home. People like you are why there’s one less gay/lesbian/bi/trans person on the earth almost every day. I don’t care if this makes your feel bad, because it fucking should.

    And yet you still have read Yaoi manga, it’s on your page. Don’t read media about gay men if you don’t support them you fucking dipshit.

    iris ash August 4, 2019 6:17 am
    What Yumi said, you literally have no reason to “not support” them. Stop acting like this is some horrible thing you’ve been struggling with because YOU feel like a victim. People like YOU are why 30% of ... owogre

    hey i just want to tell you that i respect you and love you! can we be friends? seriously what you said is ... gold <3

    yee yee babey August 4, 2019 6:18 am

    okay, homophobe.

    Thatperson August 4, 2019 6:19 am
    What Yumi said, you literally have no reason to “not support” them. Stop acting like this is some horrible thing you’ve been struggling with because YOU feel like a victim. People like YOU are why 30% of ... owogre

    And people like YOU should understand I dont feel like a VICTIM nor do i want other people to see it that way. My use have words should have been phrase better so that people don't misunderstanding what i am saying. Putting my emotions/feeling into word's is hard for me. Yes go ahead throw facts at me to help me understand but please is cursing goona help and thank you.

    Thatperson August 4, 2019 6:22 am
    And people like YOU should understand I dont feel like a VICTIM nor do i want other people to see it that way. My use have words should have been phrase better so that people don't misunderstanding what i am sa... Thatperson

    *** my use of words *** grammer is my weak point

    brickneyspearsBL August 4, 2019 6:24 am

    I understand you. I don’t really have an opinion on it but it seems like I have to support it. Like oh, you’re bisexual? Okay. I don’t really have a strong opinion about it, I would not call ourselves homophobic because that’s a whole other level of rudeness.

    yee yee babey August 4, 2019 6:45 am
    I understand you. I don’t really have an opinion on it but it seems like I have to support it. Like oh, you’re bisexual? Okay. I don’t really have a strong opinion about it, I would not call ourselves hom... brickneyspearsBL

    homophobic wasn’t really the right word. i just think its really..ignorant to feel that way :/ especially since they literally are reading yaoi/BL but still basically saying “yanno I don’t support the lgbtq community” is disgusting and they are pretty much just fetishizing gay men/ people but don’t like the ACTUAL gay men/ people. its dumb.

    owogre August 4, 2019 6:46 am
    And people like YOU should understand I dont feel like a VICTIM nor do i want other people to see it that way. My use have words should have been phrase better so that people don't misunderstanding what i am sa... Thatperson

    If you are bad at putting emotions into words then don’t. Just get to the point and admit you’re lgbtphobic.

    iLoveSpencerReidMoreThanMyself August 4, 2019 7:07 am

    listen as a lesbian myself it doesn't matter if you support it or not. just respect us and we'll respect you. it's all a matter respect.

    Don'tgiveafwhatusay August 4, 2019 7:13 am
    homophobic wasn’t really the right word. i just think its really..ignorant to feel that way :/ especially since they literally are reading yaoi/BL but still basically saying “yanno I don’t support the lgb... yee yee babey

    I feel like this person is confuse I mean literally they said "Those 6 words that I have yet to understand" and "But (my definiton ) it means I don't support nor do I hate the LGBT community." This person over here barely know shit and y'all given shit back like damn help the poor person understand

    Don'tgiveafwhatusay August 4, 2019 7:15 am

    Ummmmmmmmm...... so like u confuse or what

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 7:27 am

    oooh? So you don't care about it? that's so cool, you hardly ever see neutrals. you do you boo ヾ(☆▽☆)

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 7:39 am
    What Yumi said, you literally have no reason to “not support” them. Stop acting like this is some horrible thing you’ve been struggling with because YOU feel like a victim. People like YOU are why 30% of ... owogre

    I somewhat doubt this person is making people kill themselves. Read what they said, they're not saying they hate all lgbtq+ people, they're saying that they aren't apart of it and they don't care what the people in the community do with their lives. The person didn't even say anything other than idk I'm just not interested in people's sex lives! What's wrong with that?

    Another thing, why can't they read yaoi manga? Is there a problem witht that? I don't specifically support the production of cocoa beans but I enjoy the pleasures of chocolate. Does that mean people can't have chocolate if they don't do that?

    And don't call them a "fucking dipshit" just because they don't have an opinion about YOUR sexuality.

    PlumpSprouts August 4, 2019 7:42 am
    listen as a lesbian myself it doesn't matter if you support it or not. just respect us and we'll respect you. it's all a matter respect. iLoveSpencerReidMoreThanMyself

    The only reply that makes sense,thank you for showing me that not everyone jumps from "you don't support" *that means "you must hate and you're the problem"

    vyrhoci August 4, 2019 7:44 am

    Basically, you don't care as long as they don't stomp on you... Relate!!! xD That's also my opinion on all the humans in this world. I don't effing care if they go to war as long as humans don't hurt those that I care about. xD (I'm gay by the way xD)

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 7:44 am
    okay, homophobe. yee yee babey

    Hi I'm going through this comment section to defend this person because they're allowed to have an opinion.

    So, how are they homophobic?

    Is it because they don't support the Lgbtq+ community? I assume that you either didn't read it correctly or interpretted it wrong.

    There is a difference between not supporting and hating the lgbtq+ community. While those who hate the lgbtq+ community often don't support it.

    Those who don't support it, often don't hate nor love the community. "Not supporting" is the absence of supporting, not hating the community.

    They have no opinion on it and don't want to try to be apart of it because they have no opinion on it.

    Don'tgiveafwhatusay August 4, 2019 7:45 am
    What Yumi said, you literally have no reason to “not support” them. Stop acting like this is some horrible thing you’ve been struggling with because YOU feel like a victim. People like YOU are why 30% of ... owogre

    So iam the only who see it this way. This person does not know where to stand is confuse, clueless or does not understand well enough . Does not give hate or love. Leans more to being neutral. Thats what I got

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 7:46 am
    homophobic wasn’t really the right word. i just think its really..ignorant to feel that way :/ especially since they literally are reading yaoi/BL but still basically saying “yanno I don’t support the lgb... yee yee babey

    Hi again ^_^
    It's not ignorant, they just not interested in the lgbtq+ community and are interested yaoi. Just because you don't have an interest in trees doesn't mean you can't have an interest in books

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 7:49 am
    If you are bad at putting emotions into words then don’t. Just get to the point and admit you’re lgbtphobic. owogre

    People. Are. Allowed. To. Have. Opinions.

    Just because they can't type well doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to express themselves. They're not lgbtphobic, they just don't care if the lgbtq+ people are roaming around or not.

    Stop telling them to shut up because they don't have an opinion on stuff.

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 7:53 am
    I feel like this person is confuse I mean literally they said "Those 6 words that I have yet to understand" and "But (my definiton ) it means I don't support nor do I hate the LGBT community." This person over... Don'tgiveafwhatusay

    Bro, you cool but I think the person does understand, they just don't care if lgbtq+ people are roaming or not.

    Yumiswife August 4, 2019 8:02 am
    I somewhat doubt this person is making people kill themselves. Read what they said, they're not saying they hate all lgbtq+ people, they're saying that they aren't apart of it and they don't care what the peopl... BubblegumB!tch

    With all due respect, I dont think this thread quite understands what supporting the LGBT community means.

    Supporting the LGBT community simply means letting us exist without discriminating or critisizing.

    When you say you don't support the LGBT community, we assume you dont like gay people or transgender people - since we cannot understand why you would be against an entire indentification for existing, (its like saying you dont support blondes) hence bubblegums anger.

    The reading yaoi arguement is a little hypocritical, like if you dont support gay people, how come you like reading stories about men touching eachothers dicks?

    Just my two cents ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Yumiswife August 4, 2019 8:03 am
    With all due respect, I dont think this thread quite understands what supporting the LGBT community means. Supporting the LGBT community simply means letting us exist without discriminating or critisizing.When ... Yumiswife

    owogres comment**

    nochu August 4, 2019 8:18 am

    they're..... people

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 8:24 am
    With all due respect, I dont think this thread quite understands what supporting the LGBT community means. Supporting the LGBT community simply means letting us exist without discriminating or critisizing.When ... Yumiswife

    ヾ(☆▽☆) thankyou for understanding my opinion and I totally get what you are saying, I just assume support as in the definition bit plus what ever is supported but if that's how you interpret it as I can understand why some people would be outraged. Idk I just thought it was obvious that the original opinion was having the same defintion as mine. Thankyou for your two cents (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Monsieur. August 4, 2019 8:33 am

    You triggered people here. xD
    But I personnally get your point.
    Instead of calling people homophobic, how about saying what support means ?
    How do you "support" a community you're not even part of ? Like I'd go around "hey bro ! You're gay ? Stay strong, I'm with you" or "hello, I'm hetero and I support lgbtq." as "support" in "help/encourage"?
    Or maybe "support" as in "aknowledge" it ? Well, I aknowledge lgbtq: "yes, they like same genre/weren't born in the right body." that's all. More like I don't care. They do whatever they want with their life. That's all there is to it to me.
    I have gay friends. I don't care about what they do in bed. It doesn't concern me, they're still my friends. If it pleases people to call this "support" then, call it support. It won't change them, nor you. You don't arm them in anyway, that's what matters.

    orangevoldemort August 4, 2019 10:12 am

    lmao its free speech, support them or dont, idc.

    Yotsuyu August 4, 2019 10:50 am

    Honestly,what do you think supporting means? It means that if someone around me tells me that they are lgbt, I won't change my behavior around them,I won't tell them they are sick or abnormal,I won't ask them to change themselves and I continue being a good supportive friend. Supporting lgbt doesn't mean I want everyone to be lgbt or I'll shame them if they are not. That's why you can't say "I don't support them and don't hate them either", it's just a weak attempt of keeping both homophobes and lgbt supporters on good terms with yourself and it always FAILS. Develope an actual opinion ,not some statement that doesn't mean a thing when you actually think logically about it. That statement is just lazy,that's why people get angry when they hear it.

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 11:11 am
    Honestly,what do you think supporting means? It means that if someone around me tells me that they are lgbt, I won't change my behavior around them,I won't tell them they are sick or abnormal,I won't ask them t... Yotsuyu

    Hi, I've decided to be white knight for this post becuase I have no life. Why should they develop an opinion? If they're straight and they have no stake holdership in this then why should they be forced to make an opinion.

    It's not lazy, they just don't have a reason to be involved since I assume they're straight

    And by the way, "support" check the definition, another person pointed out your defintion BUT for alot people, myself including, support means to actively go yes I like lgbtq+.

    Yotsuyu August 4, 2019 12:04 pm
    Hi, I've decided to be white knight for this post becuase I have no life. Why should they develop an opinion? If they're straight and they have no stake holdership in this then why should they be forced to mak... BubblegumB!tch

    I'm straight too and I support lgbt, do I have anything to earn from this?nope,but I want the society to be a better place for other people too,they have the right to feel they belong in their society just like I do. If someone is white does it mean they shouldn't have any opinion about the prejudice against people of color? Does being a man mean they shouldn't have an opinion on misogyny? Is this justifiable? Or is it just plain lazy and selfish to only think about myself and ignore what goes on in the society.

    Yumiswife August 4, 2019 12:14 pm
    ヾ(☆▽☆) thankyou for understanding my opinion and I totally get what you are saying, I just assume support as in the definition bit plus what ever is supported but if that's how you interpret it as I can... BubblegumB!tch

    Thats ok, glad you're so understanding ^_^

    BubblegumB!tch August 4, 2019 12:48 pm
    I'm straight too and I support lgbt, do I have anything to earn from this?nope,but I want the society to be a better place for other people too,they have the right to feel they belong in their society just like... Yotsuyu

    Well that's your opinion, you can't force people to be interested in stuff they're not interested in. As much as yeah, it's good if people help people stigmatized against, you can't force them to have an opinion.

    And if you haven't realised, this whole experience with this goddamn comment section could be the reason the person starts hating the lgbtq+ community.

    If a person is neutral let them be neutral.

    and oh, if you'll refer to my username when you insult me.

    The wage gap isn't real, there is no pink tax and I swear to god if you shove that rape statistic down my throat I will throw it up and shove it up your ass.

    Let people have opinions you close minded person, it doesn't matter if you're trying to help people, if you shove your opinion onto someone, you're a "bigot" just like people who justify throwing stones at lgbtq+ people.

    Yotsuyu August 4, 2019 1:49 pm

    What?! When did I insult you or your username?what are you talking about?

    I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone,but when someone shares their opinion they should know that there will be people who disagree. Honestly,why are you trying to make a villain out of me? All I tried to do was bring reasons as to why being neutral isn't really a thing in this situation;you are not forced to accept my reasons,we are just debating a subject.

    Misogyny has nothing to do with wage gap and whatever else you mentioned and it exists in the world,it might not be as big in the first world countries but it is a huge deal in a lot of others.

    Why do you keep insulting me?do I not have a right to share my opinion?anyone opposing you is close-minded?

    owogre August 4, 2019 6:53 pm
    I somewhat doubt this person is making people kill themselves. Read what they said, they're not saying they hate all lgbtq+ people, they're saying that they aren't apart of it and they don't care what the peopl... BubblegumB!tch

    I never said they were, it’s people like them. You “fucking dipshit”.

    BubblegumB!tch August 6, 2019 10:17 am
    I never said they were, it’s people like them. You “fucking dipshit”. owogre

    Are you saying that you used a similie for no reason? You obviously insinuated that it is the people who don't have an opinion about lgbtq+ are the ones killing people. Which I believe is entirely untrue, it's the people who hate lgbtq+ people the ones making people uncomfortable, don't pin assholes onto people who are neutrals.

    I somewhat doubt that I am the "Dipshit" considering I "insult" people by pointing out the fact that they are wrong, not by using basic af insults such as "fucking dipshit", but you know, I could be wrong (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    vyrhoci August 6, 2019 12:40 pm
    Are you saying that you used a similie for no reason? You obviously insinuated that it is the people who don't have an opinion about lgbtq+ are the ones killing people. Which I believe is entirely untrue, it's ... BubblegumB!tch

    I think, maybe, what he/she's trying to say about people who doesn't have an opinion (are the one's killing them), is that, people who don't take action and are simply neutral is also responsible for what is happening to the memeber's of LGBTQ+...

    And somehow, that would make sense in a way. Neutral parties will not take action, therefore they will simply watch whatever is happening. And that would be much worse. I agree with everyone than having no opinion doesn't make the person homophobic, but we also must remember that, without action, and simply watching, is also a choice with consequences.

    There has been a lot of LGBTQ+ members who have been bullied and hurt in public, and although there are some who would stand up and help them, there are still a lot of those who would simply watch or ignore what is happening.

Thatperson August 4, 2019 5:51 am

I don't know if it's worth getting a year book and spending like 75$ or 85$. I want to get one because when school starts I am goona be a senior BUT the price is just too much for me to handle.

    im baby August 4, 2019 5:24 am

    damn your yearbook is expensive.

    owogre August 4, 2019 5:33 am

    Get one after your senior year. Those are gonna be your final high school memories.

    SMH August 4, 2019 5:34 am

    flip a coin to decide

    blatantescapist August 4, 2019 5:37 am

    I've never cracked my yearbook open once ever since I graduated 10 years ago lol. I guess it depends on how precious your high school years are. To you, I mean.

Thatperson August 3, 2019 2:17 pm

I have a week left of summer vacation before school starts . When school starts I am goona be a senior . Tho I don't like my schedule out of 5 classes I am goona be alone in 3 of them. ╥﹏╥

    ShevTheMoose August 3, 2019 4:41 am

    That's sad. Imma be a Junior. My condolences

    vihu. August 3, 2019 4:56 am

    lol, luckily- I start on the 27th

    Lizzie August 3, 2019 6:56 am

    Same. I start seniorhood on the 12th

    NekoNeko72 August 3, 2019 8:09 am
    That's sad. Imma be a Junior. My condolences ╥﹏╥ ShevTheMoose

    Lol I’m in the same boat dunt worry (⌒▽⌒)

    ichinsempai August 3, 2019 9:21 am

    You guys start the school in August ??
    For me it’s in September (•_•)
    And I finished high school T.T

Thatperson July 27, 2019 4:37 am

Can someone tell me why bakugo hates/dislikes deku please

    replay~ July 27, 2019 4:53 am

    Because quirkless Deku had heroic characteristics. Bakugo who had a powerful quirk, felt inferior to a quirkless at an early age, and started hating him for "not knowing his place as a quirkless". Don't quote me though, I'm paraphrasing. That's basically the start of the hate. And after Deku "develops" a quirk, it just adds fuel to the fire.

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