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avocuddletoast June 1, 2020 1:49 am

Hello Master Henderson my name is Mister Tutor-in-Residence, first name: Student-Academic-Resource

avocuddletoast May 28, 2020 2:26 am

the little bro straight up copied the duke's outfit. he's like a mini-version of him!!!!

avocuddletoast May 25, 2020 8:13 pm

Can someone explain to me shiro? The dog lunarian a few chapters back. If all that's remaining are the souls of kumera, how is a dog still a lunarian and in the queue if all dogs are good boys/girls. All dogs should have been first to be prayed for. and how is it that shiro was able to fade away and become nothingness after getting his cuddles with sensei in? Does that mean sensei's prayers aren't needed? Just his hugs?

    Allen Everywhere May 26, 2020 12:36 am

    ok, so I'm too lazy to start searching for that chapter but my guess is the type and quantity of the prayer. So if they (I quite believe Shiro is a conglomerate of dogs instead of just one because they can break apart, stay like that for a long time and actually don't lose their form like the lunarians) are truly dogs -that's amazing given that we haven't seen other kind of animals- and not just parts of other people put together or something weird like that, then they definitely need something different. Shiro was put in the last part of the line because the caste system was made by humans and so they tipicaly thought dogs weren't a priority OR they simply forgot this existence, they didn't know what to do with them, again, Shiro was the only "not human soul" case. Now, Adamant is broken so of course he can't give a complete prayer but he has that power right? So mayyybe Shiro needed less of that power than humans and provided in another way so that they can be relieved...? yeah, just a guess. we don't know were Shiro came from officially. If anyone has another opinion please share it

avocuddletoast May 24, 2020 1:13 am

He's legit the kool-aid man

avocuddletoast May 11, 2020 5:55 am

Oh Annakin... Don't give in to hate. That will only lead to the dark side of the force.

    RoseColoredLover May 11, 2020 6:16 am

    You really couldn't hold that one in could you?

    Silver Wolf May 11, 2020 7:05 am
    You really couldn't hold that one in could you? RoseColoredLover

    The fact that there aren’t more jokes is even more astounding

avocuddletoast April 6, 2020 11:37 pm

I have to be on dad's side and Nora said it.
In the Noragami universe there isn't such things as 'Natural Disasters', they're the actions of gods. When the economy bubble burst because of Kofuku accidentally waving her fan too hard, how many deaths/suicides/misery do you think she caused? Bisha exists because people pray to her for success in war, which translate to: please let me kill more humans of the enemy forces than they can kill us.
Imagine if we lived in the Noragami universe: covid19 is caused by the god of disease who accidentally farted downwind. People are sending their 'thoughts and prayers' to all the victims. But these victims died in pain and before their time, so they're now shinki who are forced into eternal servitude in the afterlife to gods. Imagine dying to the virus and serving the god who caused it, I'd be pissed. And there are people who are alive fearing the pandemic and praying not to get sick, they're giving unintentional strength and worship to the god of disease who caused this mess in the first place.
Dad's right. The gods suck. Although the mass extermination of humans is extreme, he could tone it down a bit by just converting everyone to atheist. But then again, people will just find other things to worship like money.
Sorry for the rant, but I feel like dad's misunderstood. I wish I could lie down in a puppy pile like Yukine right now...

    Eiriku April 7, 2020 10:45 am

    Dang mentioned to like

    Eiriku April 7, 2020 10:46 am


    AQV April 8, 2020 7:58 am
    *ment Eiriku

    Damn that is thorough and yeah if one have the power to challenge this, they will absolutely use it. In a different angle, the Dad will definitely be the protagonist of this story

avocuddletoast March 29, 2020 10:00 am

Aechmea's like a tiger mom. He treats Phos like poop and puts Phos through the suffering. But at the end of the day he considers Phos his child and as his child he hopes for Phos' happiness? At least that's what he said, unless he's lying to Cairn. If sensei can't pray anymore and they're all stuck here, then he's going to change the 3 races into something that isn't a dead end. And I'm okay with this plan.
Something that really freaked me out was when Phos recalled how gems are made. Sensei finds them, chips pieces of their bodies away, shapes them into his perfect ideal. And they stay like that never changing... it's like Peter Pan syndrome.
Being on the moon shows how being away from sensei is actually to their benefit, like finally leaving a parent's nest. 84 looks/acts nothing like 33. 84 is legit an adult making a career and developing individuality, 33 still living with sensei like an unchanging neckbeard still living in his parent's basement into his 40s. And sure Dia's a selfish pop star now, but it's what she wants so just let her be happy. Granted, you can say that they're being corrupted from their perfect beings but it's like: time to leave childhood and welcome to adulthood. And maybe when the gems finally experience adulting, they'll know what it feels to be a lunarian and just want death.

avocuddletoast March 5, 2020 3:48 am

Forget all about the rumbling/Port drama/campfire feels... When did Jean have the time to go out, get married and have a baby??!?!
No wonder he was so on the fence about Eren's plan. He started a family (unlike everyone else there at the campfire I'm assuming) and all he wants is for his kid to grow up with a guaranteed happy & safe future. Honestly, screw everyone else. All I want next chapter is to see Jean's kid on a playdate with Historia's kid with weird aunt Hange in the background. The end.

    Diana94 March 5, 2020 12:02 pm

    Um...he is thinking about the future. He isn't married nor has a kid.

avocuddletoast February 25, 2020 9:17 am

Why put a ball and chain around Alex's neck, when the real deadweight is Benito? Whenever Alex gets reassembled, you'd think its neck would hurt the most but it'll be its back from carrying the team.

avocuddletoast February 9, 2020 7:19 am

When you want to look cool in front the head homie, but your older sis keeps getting in the way. But little do you know, head homie isn't interested in you. he just wants to bang your sis... TnT cryinggggg

    no-one February 9, 2020 6:00 pm

    Sorry for the down vote fat thumbed

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