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taks24's feed

Simply, we're seeing Carcel's POV so some of us thought that Carcel is the only victim here. Remove that POV, we got his reputation of him being a womanizer and openly badmouthing his fiance. Whether he likes her before or not, he earned that reputation of being surrounded by women. With this, why would Ines interpret every Carcel's actions as a form of affection when she knows what he's been doing even before marriage.
The girl is trying to survive and she chose this man because he's the best option.
We all see it that she's giving it a thought how they will both mutually benefit in the situation. For her, she's not hurting him but giving him the enjoyment he would normally have and with this she will also benefit...
Ines, got the three lifetimes worth of suffering in the current timeline. So, I'm not surprised that she prioritizes her survival over her blooming feelings for the man.
Unfortunately for Carcel though, it's in this timeline that he had to be clueless of all their past lives resulting him to do some stupid things because of his feelings for Ines.