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taks24 created a topic of A Child Who Looks Like Me

As a reader, yes, I know the guy is jealous.
But if I was in her shoes, I would have resigned already. An immediate resignation, if possible.
One, it feels my work here is unsatisfying, what can I contribute more. I f***ed up my supposed to be "simple tasks". The co-workers seems don't need me. They seem to be more capable than me given with how they treated me.
Two, it seems my superior will never be satisfied with my work. I tried to get his insights on what's there to be fixed. Others may get him, but it seems my knowledge and ability is very poor that I don't get whatever he's trying to say. I find him being vague ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ So, I guess we will never work out as employer and subordinate.
Three, it affects my family time. I work for my family. If this will ruin my relationship with them, I believe it's not worth it.
It's hard to look for a job but with her portfolio, I guess she can still land on a proper job.
Good thing, I'm not her and this one's a fiction. Cos surely there'll be no happy ending for me and that guy if we have same mentality. lol.

taks24 created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Plsss! Dohwa and Suae have been good friends. The way they were before is way more than the way they are now. She's not leading him on. In the first place, she's not aware of his feelings. She still sees him as her friend.
Maybe some of you thought she's stepping out of line, but for me, it's because you guys know Dohwa's feelings. But please remember he, as a friend, did more than what Suae's currently doing. They used to hang out/spend more time alot.
While I feel bad for Dohwa, it's not Suae's fault if he fell for her. Dohwa just tried his best to set boundaries. Suae didn't even say any sweet things to him. She being this nosy is because she cares for him as her close friend seems to astray and don't forget it's the company who is a threat to Suae's life. To point out, even Eunhyeok was put into danger too because of his association with her. For her, she's responsible for Dohwa too.

All I wanted is for them to be happy. Atp, no one deserves hate.

taks24 created a topic of Macguffin

for someone who's still undergoing therapy for his mental illness, him having future plans is huge step for him ╥﹏╥ it's not easy!! there are times that depression will keep on kicking in.. it's hard to fight with your mind, I swear. At least, this time, he got the proper support. Except for the omegaverse part, the touch on a person with mental problem is almost near to realistic.

taks24 created a topic of Reunion

For how many times, I've read this from the original novel in Ridi (take note I can't read Hangul.. just Google/Papago translated it) to the releases in manhwa to the official R15 ver of Manta to Lezh|n's R19 and yes here I am rereading this again and again. That's how good this series is. The adaptation's really good. Definitely one of my fave BL.

taks24 created a topic of Free in Dreams

If ever you kept in contact with another girl and didn't keep in touch with Jeongmin for 4years, I'm sorry Siyun but I can't defend you if someone throw stones at you.
At some point I get the other guy. Anyone who heard that, would definitely think the same. He would have judged and thought that what Jeongmin said is already the whole story. Of course, there are some parts taken out so yes definitely someone would misunderstood that.

taks24 created a topic of Thirst

No matter how much you mask it as doing for the other person. While the other party isn't aware of whatever's you're up to? Then definitely, you're cheating. They maybe co-actors and can do that on-cam, but with that act off-cam and kissing? Hahaha only in-denials would say it's not. That's it for me, bye.

taks24 created a topic of Thirst

When fidelity left this series.

taks24 created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

wait can I applaud the artist/author of this. I like how light this manhua but more than that, they way this illustrated. Say the artistic way of say creating a GC then you have panel dragging people in there. When in fact you can just show, a couple of panels having Yiyun creating a GC then their phones w/ a "ding" sound. I've noticed this way before they're simple but the execution/humor of doing certain things is always there.

If you all know, this will have an anime adaptation. Maybe the anime team will give this a proper ending. icymi Fujiwara-sensei passed away with vol 3 as it's last chapter they were able to release.

taks24 created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

Idk. I know she's being nice but something happened between you in the past. A simple "Hi"s and "Hello"s would do. And okay seems like she's having a hard time in her relationship but why should she keep on clinging on Chika? It may not mean anything much but hello you've got history with him. You're that shaken to even not be able to go home and just rely on the younger guy? He maybe the only person you know, but I sometimes wonder why of all circumstances had she pass the excess foods she prepared to him? Don't they have landlords? Other people she knows? Did I miss anything?

the devil and angel tho.. haha slamdunk reference.

taks24 created a topic of Semantic Error

Just discovered this and finished in just a day. As an avid (novel and manhwa) reader, here I am wondering where was I when this was an ongoing series??!!!! Why I hadn't heard about this. This is easily gets in my top BL manhwa. I can easily relate especially with Sangwoo as a dev and some of his character traits. His thought process was very relatable like hey the author seems to read my mind. And the best thing is he got a perfect match in the name of Jang Jaeyoung.
Hoping the author would give us side stories of how they are in the future.

taks24 created a topic of Macguffin

Sooha's mom exists in real world. There are those who what we call self-righteous. Regardless of the results, for them, all they do is what they thought is/are the best options for the others. It's actually hard to argue with them. It's not about the lack of open mindedness anymore but what instilled in them is that this is for the benefits of the majority.

Ok at some point I kinda get Seno's thinking.. if I'm correct, he's not going to separate them but basically just do what he wants to do.. Just helping Yuuki-- being there for her when he can.

This got me thinking what if these kids are their past selves. But then it doesn't makes sense cos who will be their parents then..
But the way Hyeol acts to his father(like an Oedipus complex). He could also be the future seme. I can't help but really associate the two because they do have almost same character. But I saw in the raws that his father really looked like him. Ugh Idk.

taks24 created a topic of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club

Kashima x Toono since the beginning. Then Kashima x Toono x Yaachan for friendship goals. Yes, I like Yaachan and Toono to stay as friends. Then we have Kashima who is mature enough to understand both. He may feel a little jealous but he will always believe the two.
Kashima: "No. It's not." "Kyosuke will understand"
I love how Kashima stand for Yaachan knowing his personality to cheer Toono up.

taks24 created a topic of Skip Beat

I started reading this way back 2009 after Tokyo Crazy Paradise. And honestly I have no complaints with the pacing of this manga. Considering that this is a monthly release and the things to tackle in Kyoko's world. I really think there are more things to cover here. This is about Kyoko's build up as an actress. Unless there's a time skip here and there then of course this will end soon. People may not want this but I will be forever a fan of this. Kyoko is a diamond in the rough and I really need to see how she will grow as an actress. Her connections/relationships with the big names in the entertainment world is something I look forward too.
Considering Nakamura-san's condition too, I'm so glad that she's serving details on every interactions. It's like she's placing the readers in those events.

So will Rein discover Wilhelm's rendezvous with the Crown Princess? I'm the type who actually spends more on the novel then the manhwa. But for some reasons, I'm still contemplating if I should spend money on this one specially knowing the spoilers about a guy who secretly wooing another woman behind the person he truly loves. No matter how much I see it, it's two timing regardless of what his true motives are for the other. Yes, they're(ML and FL) not officially lovers but still...
Anyway, just wanna see some spoilers if this is worth spending some pennies depending on the route of the story.

For me, there are those who's not good with words.
The fact that I'm enjoying this series is thanks for the miscommunication.
I'm just laughing the way their thoughts don't align most of the time. Nyway, consider be warned.. If I remember correctly and if the translation was right, more miscommunications to come.