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Haru's feed

Haru asked a question

So long story short, I own physical copy of BL manga's. My family was aware of me owning manga, but only my two siblings know it's BL, but they also don't know the content like there's some explicit scene and all. So like most poor family arrangements, I shared my room, though I had my own space and my manga store where you can't see them. But then my mom clean out room and told me my dad will be making shelves and I should go put my nendo on display, which I agree instantly, but then she added
"then you should also fix your books on the lower level of the shelf."
"Can I not? I'll just buy some storage box and all." Is what I said.
She then ask why, then I dodge the question, she then kinda became furious about it and ask again. Is this even some mother instinct?? I don't know if she had this idea of what might there. But yeah I just said it'll be exposed to light and it'll be bad.
My question is... Should I just straight up confess? I mean, it's not like it's an actual porn right? I'm after the story as a whole, will it be reasonable?? Or am I deluding myself.