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Color Recipe

Complete | Harada | 2015 released
2023-08-26 05:47 marked

This was definitely interesting. I usually RedFlag all of Haradas works because they are so messed up, but I steeled my mind for this one and it wasn’t actually as horrible as I expected? It was definitely messed up, but I’ve sadly seen worse. I enjoyed the psychological aspect, I’m not sure if I want to call Fuku a ‘psychopath’ honestly. I both agree and disagree; maybe it’s BPD?

As always with (yandere-type) psychological thrillers I feel the need to clarify and put a warning for the SA and how against it I am. I think that (at least in my opinion) it wasn’t very sexualized or romanticized by the author thankfully. (it definitely was by the scan team tho.) I would prefer to have it not be shown and implied if it’s necessary to the story as it was here. I liked seeing Fuku realize he didn’t like seeing Shou sad or scared like that.

Haradas art style is pleasant, and they draw various upset expressions well, and that is good for a psychological thriller.

Aiou Futari

Complete | NISHIMA Nakamichi | 2022 released
2023-08-22 19:15 marked

Kojika Counter!

Ongoing | yukura aki | 2019 released
2023-08-22 18:49 marked

Tonari no Otoko

Complete | hagi | 2019 released
2023-08-22 17:29 marked

2DK, G-Pen, Aftertime

Complete | ohsawa yayoi | 2019 released
2023-08-22 16:56 marked

Sweet Rendezvous

Complete | Higure Kure | 2022 released
2023-08-22 08:51 marked

As you like it

Complete | Kagis | 2022 released
2023-08-22 08:41 marked


Complete | kagis | 2019 released
2023-08-22 08:35 marked


Complete | Team Killerwhale | 2016 released
2023-08-22 01:48 marked

(Last read chap 36.6)
I’ve re-read this a few times in the past, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to the very end though (I get sick of the flashback chapters and give up…) maybe due to my short attention span? ADHD is a killer…

Very good psychological thriller!! The art really sends chills down your spine at times. I think the monotone black with sparse color detail was a good stylistic choice from the author!! I really enjoyed it visually.

This is one of the more palatable psychological obsessive stories IMO- the fever dream scenes and loss of time, how he’s actually scared and gives up on life, the way they battle with conflicting feelings and fear.. it’s great!! Although as always with these kinds of stories that feature gay characters (I do not call this kind of story BL as there is no proper live involved..) they tend to try and sexualize the SA… Mc is not having a good time, this is not “smut” he is being tortured. Please read this with that understanding.

Kazoku Ni Narouyo

Complete | KURAHASHI Tomo | 2016 released
2023-08-20 05:28 marked

Liked this a lot!!! Very cute! Very very very disappointed and upset at that end comic to find out the author is a “shota-con”…. Just say predator.. same thing. It’s disgusting.