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Ray91 June 11, 2021 7:55 pm

I felt so bad for that family! Goodness, that mom crying was hard to watch! That being said this girl was given more then enough chances. 1st was when she was made a ladies maid(although she didn't deserve it) which was a high position, even after being rude to our main girl. 2nd when she threw Tia's stuff and hurt her maid, with just the consequences of being sent away. The nail on the head was when she didn't realize her mistake and BEG on her knees for forgivness, not just for the betrayal of the duchy but also her family. There is one thing that I though most people overlooked, she felt no guilt for the people who died because of her. Let's say we supported he killing Tia, or even understood it and we did not think she was a stupid hag. She had no though of the people who died, both the knights who fought or the maid who was guarding her and HER WHOLE FAMILY!!!! So when she died, I really had not an iota of sadness for her. Whats worse she never understood her mistake until the end, and was shocked that he did not love her!
But her family, man that sucks. I can't imagine going through that, knowing your kid is so wrong but still wanting to save their life, and in the end being the one to kill them. I can't imagine the trauma the sister is going to have to go through, or the guilt of the parents. I do hope one day they can get their positions back, they do seem like good people, but I don't know ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ray91 September 10, 2020 6:36 am

I'm gonna take a controversial opinion on this one, and I'll understand if I get a lot of down votes, but I don't think the guy is trash. When you are a teenager you say and do a lot of stupid things. Your hormones and feeling are all over the place and sometimes you lash out, which when carefully reading this story I think is what he did. I know actions speak louder then words, was it in poor taste to tell her that he liked her, yes, especially when she still has a boyfriend, but did he need to say it to grow up, think about his mistakes truly, how his words-even when he was a child-have consequences, and not to make the same mistakes again, yes, I truly think he did! If someone tells me they have never hurt someone especially when their in high school/ middle school they are not being honest! I have been on both ends of this scenario, I have said and done things I wish I could take back, and I have had words an actions done and said to me that were and are still very hurtful. That being said, as an adult for my own mental health I had decided to let them go, and although I do have lapses where I do feel down, I have to make the conscious decision to get past it and be a better person because of it.
Looking at this story, the guy, from what I saw did change his ways, he is a better friend as well as a more mature person that he was willing to apologies which is what he did (even if he f'd it up in the end) but she is not ok! We see that what happened in middle school still affect her, the immature comments of a asinine teenager still affect her and that can be seen in the way she eats as well as blowing up on this boy who apologized but still has feeling for her by repeating word for word the comments he said.
I honestly don't excuse bullying but I do believe for the betterment of the person who was being bullied is to let it go after a point, and if you see they have grown up and truly apologies then maybe not to hate them forever... I don't know I might just be talking out of my but, but that's how I felt. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Ray91 September 7, 2020 6:56 am

I love the siblings!

Ray91 September 7, 2020 6:43 am

Ok, I usually don't crap all over a persons personally, but this sister is really taking the cake... and eating it too!!!
Let's start from the beginning, she is supperrrrr immature, mostly because the people around her have always sheltered her to the realities of the world!!! I was at the beginning trying to see her innocent and having an idealistic view of the world. But boy, did that change real quick!
She's entitled and narcissistic, but everybody is blowing smoke up her bum. "She want to help the pour, she HATES nobel's," Girl don't you realize the GIFT you were given by being born into a family of nobles, let me see you live out there in the streets and see where your ideals go then. You were also lucky to have an older sister who is looking out for you, because trust me if not for her your wouldn't be a Saint but another vapid and spoiled NOBEL!!!
Now I was willing to look past all this because I thought of her as just stupid.
But this last chapter annoyed me too much, she got a present from the crown prince- who I'm sure she is thinking she's going to marry- and although saying the words "he shouldn't have speak so much money on me, and given it to the pour" THEN TELL HIM THAT!!! Anyone thinking I'm being over dramatic, her friend clearly states that she says that but she'll still always kept the gift. Her friend is also clearly seeing just the type of person this girl really is and will the one of the first friend to leave her, and like a drop on show on a mountain it's soon going to turn into an avalanche, and her sister won't be there to save her this time.
PS: Also if she "lives by the sword", then go fight a real war, where you will clearly see exactly what that means! A sword is not a pretty decoration, its a weapon -especially during these times- of war, and if you ever use it then you better be prepared to put your life on the line, which in all honest opinion I don't think she brave enough to do!

Ray91 September 4, 2020 6:46 am

This was honestly a better punishment that even I couldn't have imagined. In so many stories the "villain" gets off scot free after they have hurt so many people and the worse they get is banishment. Sure that is a fair punishment because these people are so spoiled that they can't survive in their new environments, but these punishments always leave me a little wanting.
The reason's I thought this punishment was fair:
1: She had not remorse and was going to implement other people for her crimes!
2: Its said that people have DIED because of her selfishness, even in people think this punishment was too harsh, its still better then the guillotine which is what would happen to her if her crimes were ever discovered.
3: She still- I hope- has a chance to self-reflect. In this prison she has made for herself, I hope she can see that the pain she gave others was not ok, and the punishment she is receiving is not only fair but warranted. And when she learns that I hope she can be freed a better person. If not, she'll rot and that is not anything less than what she deserves.

    alrkitty September 5, 2020 3:30 am

    I'm not so sure awrin cares about that last part. He probably just wanted her to experience what she did to lottie but never-ending. I'm honestly surprised he didn't out and out kill her.

Ray91 September 1, 2020 8:44 am

Ok, I usually don't have problems with Y-guys. Sure they can be a little possessive, but in the subtext its usually shown they are really caring guys who actually consider and truly think about what the MC wants, which usually makes me forgive/overlook the rash/rude behavior.
That being said this whole seniario is... mind boggling (only polite thing I could think of) and disgusting!!!!
Everyone is saying poor prince "he loves her so much" F-off!!! YOU DON'T GET THE RIGHT TO TELL SOMEONE WHO AND HOW TO LOVE!!!
She does not want to marry you! She wan't her freedom and making propaganda that is given to the public showing that "she is the only one who can bear my children" and the only one who "survived" princess training is blackmail, propaganda, and a clear threat!
If this did not have a sense of comedy, this would be pure horror! Forcing someone to stay with you is wrong, and even if in the end-after you have effectually trapped that person- that person stays with you that is called Stockholm Syndrome!
Dude, I do feel bad for you, being in love with this person for so long, and them not display those same feelings is tough, the only thing I can say to salvage this situation is to let her go, and if she comes back you'll know the love is real, otherwise you'll always be the AH who took away her freedom!
Sorry, this is so long, but the previous chapter has me triggered, and usually I stay quiet but I just couldn't on this one!

    Yuki September 1, 2020 10:08 am

    I sooooo agree!!! When I read such storries I always think the guy has to suffer and I would like to see his shocked face and more. My ego must be satisfied and after that it's ok if they get together (maybe) (▰˘◡˘▰)(≧∀≦)

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