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neno97 created a topic of Waterside Night

Are guys noticing the change in taeju’s fashion, more like a husband than a thug

neno97 created a topic of Waterside Night

The couple in “Thugs marrying into corporations “ are taeju DADS

OMG her parents was beautiful!!
Am I the only one who see a resemblance between her father and the blond writer?
But her father more in the soft side

neno97 created a topic of Fire in his fingertips

So this a dilemma…personally I’d leave
I’m “choose your career” kinda girl
Plus it’s not like he doesn't have anyone to help while she’s traveling

But this me every person have a different Priorities

Okey don’t do me dirty like this I jumped of happiness( ̄へ ̄)

neno97 created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Omg I’m sorry I shouldn’t laugh but I’m dying…his dick is soo tiny
It looked ridiculous in the lord hands

neno97 created a topic of Fire in his fingertips

Soo…he really got “Fire in his fingertips”
I thought it was metaphorically☠

neno97 created a topic of Waterside Night

“Who else would take care of you and my baby”
Aww he blushed
That’s what all he wanted a confirmation that if something happened he will be there with him

He used to be left behind to deal with everything alone

I need more..MORE
it’s not enough, it’s never enough

It’s not her in law who are obsessed! No no it’s US


neno97 created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

So she was saved because they needed a nanny


The author really made a well written characters go down the hill

My cheeks hurt of how much I'm smiling

I fear my heart will burst if each chapter will be this sweet

Can someone die from too much cuteness?
Cause I think I’m

neno97 created a topic of Remarried Empress

Trashta and shoveishit really a match made in sewerage
How lovely…

neno97 created a topic of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

At this rate my grandchildren will witness with me the day onodera say I love you…

neno97 created a topic of Waterside Night
neno97 created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Never ignore or not pay attention nor look the other way when you notice bruises on someone close to you or you know, if you feel you don’t know how to approach them, talk to someone in your circle whose capable and trustworthy about it.
I know this is a difficult topic to deal with, but remember the smallest action could save someone lives.

May you all have a safe and happy life

neno97 created a topic of Remarried Empress

e way people like trashta in real life are pure evil “in my opinion “ cause they always enjoy others misery and then play the victim and have others blamed for their unfortunate and never ever look at the mirror and admit that their actions is the reason.

The way I screamed and threw my phone at the last panel, you will think they walked on me

I’m actually rolling in the floor crying and throwing up of how freaking cute this’s!!
It’s should be illegal this level of cuteness!!!!!

neno97 created a topic of Fire in his fingertips

I swear to god if after 165 ch he literally get Fire in his fingertips or other parts…I’m gonna flip!