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FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Weak Teacher

I'm sure I'd be shocked if I knew who that old man is

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of December

Can someone please spoil me in what's about to happen, idk if I can continue reading like this.

I'm so mad at how complacent both MC and ML were, like, none of this seemed suspicious to you? To MC, you didn't think it was odd some weird alpha (with a bad rep) was asking around about you? To ML, as much of a strange stalker as he is, he didn't think to put security to watch MC to make sure this exact thing didn't happen, especially when you know how many enemies you have? I'm hoping to God because him and his grandfather were talking about destroying them completely, this is all part of plan, but the damage still gets done to the MC and he's in danger of getting his neck bit which isn't at all fair. Sighhhhhh

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Pick Me Up

Why this princess in love with Han?? Like, he hasn't treated her nicely, he hasn't made any moves, nothing.

If it's completing her requests, the whole team does that together, so why on earth she making eyes? The whole "ooga booga man strong me likey" troupe is so cringe and overplayed, like please god I hope it's not that. We have so many kickass women in this manga who have their head in the game, I don't want to ruin this with the author adding in an unnecessary romance aspect between them. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but just thinking of how they so suddenly ruined Solo Levelling still gets me mad to this very day.

I completely forgot about this manga, and now that I re-read last seasons finale, I know to untick the notifs so I never see this garbage again.

If you don't like harem, this manga is infuriating, and it's so prevalent in the story that I can't just read past it. A shame, but the actual story was really good

Oh man I hope this old Tang dude aint going to try and marry off his daughter to MC to force an alliance with them

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Blade of Retribution

Anyone else disturbed that they're trying to put forward a romance narrative between MC, and a girl who looks EXACTLY LIKE HIS DEAD SISTER??? And with the same name if I remember properly?? What kind of country ass yee haw neighbourhood we in

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Pick Me Up

Very suspicious that every boss level that Han is apart of turns into Nightmare difficulty. Is it just him, is he simply unlucky, or is it because he keeps taking on the side missions? Guess we'll have to wait for the next few chapters to see if anything swanky happens

So glad an MC finally had the common sense to strength his mother so she doesn't get targeted easily/can take care of herself.

Too many people just leave them be and hope for the best, like nah chief that aint gonna cut it

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Man's talking an awful lot of shit for a guy who's leg is in prime chopping distance

I'd rather no ML, but if there absolutely had to be one I hope for the ice dude, though looks like it's gonna be blondie because that's the storyline all of these manga seem to stick to

Honestly, the men are cringe, the women are dumb with infatuation, but somehow the story is still interesting and fun to read.

Decent for the kind of manga it is

I would've preferred the Tang bastard to be swatted like a fly, but it's truly for the best for little ol Jo to get some proper experience and learn.

Imma be real mad if he gets super poisoned though...

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Blade of Retribution

Okay so like, he beats them up, then they wake up later and just leave quietly like ?

What kind of moron starts a war without gathering information

Have fun having your ass beat, little cringelord

He learnt the strongest martial arts only to be killed and be reincarnated as a rural village office...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Action

I'm on that murim grind rn. This is a great one, has many male and female characters, not one annoying one of the bunch (unless they're meant to be, and even then it's in moderation).

Cute little family thing going on, and some revenge to boot. Groovy.

Guys I'm gonna be sick, I'm so god damn nervous, especially after chapter 96. Y'all can't all be raising your death flags at the same time, my heart can't take it.

Sub party 2 absolutely getting obliterated, sub party 1 and 3 definitely losing some members, and main party is going to lose at least 1 member here. I fear that for the main characters itll be [Godhand or Lily], [Junior or Jupiter] and [Evangeline or Damien], they really aint feeling too safe right now :')

Hey guy, maybe don't try to piss off the dude who's famous for beating the shit out of elders from renowned clans and killing famously strong people. Time to be humbled xx

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Absolutely dropped what the actual fk??? Author is mad if they think ANYONE wants the rich rapist to be the ML?? Usually there's the horrible SA in the beginning, and then nothing else, but we have to keep seeing the MC get SA'ed again and again like bro, aint nobody wanna see any of that shit

Once a prestigious lineage of poison and hidden weapons, the Sichuan Tang Family has now fallen into...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy

Murim and OP MC, thats really all I need