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themegaxd's experience ( All 0 )

themegaxd's answer ( All 6 )

yO hope im not late but my id is kmp1446   reply
01 09,2019
HAIKYUU HAIKYUU MANGA IS SO AMAZING. If uve watched the anime and think the animes good, the manga is like... 10x better. i actually like the manga more than the anime tbh. other than that id say jibaku shounen hanako kun or no.6   reply
23 08,2019
my first crush was probably link lolol as i got older i had a crush on gladion from pokemon sdgFKJfdjkgn and then there was danny phantom, sasuke lmao, and after that i didnt really have any crushes on characters but now, being 14 id say its probably kou from jibaku shounen hanako kun uwu,, and probably tamaki or hikaru from ouran gfjdkkd   reply
23 08,2019
1. i personally dont, but I suppose people do because they wish they could experience a life like that in yaoi stories. which is really impossible since they're fictional stories 2. some people unfortunately have preferences of character types i suppose, and it's possible that these characters are often seen in basic shoujo type animes so people s......   reply
13 01,2019

themegaxd's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

x2. Neither of them was actually attracted to me as it turned out, they both saw me as a friend and loved someone else while being with me.

1 hours
did nicknames

i always thought nicknames nd petnames were weird until I met my gf, she calls me love, baby, and sweetie all the time and I love it so much

1 hours
did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

2 hours