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i would give this author anything they wanted if i meant i got a vol. 2 of them PLEASE IM BEGGING PELALSKEKEK

miette created a topic of Backlight

him getting punched is not enough i need him to get some sense beaten into him

miette created a topic of Kekkonshimasho Yamomesan

i need to see minoru bottom so bad u dont understand ill give thid authour anything PLEAAAASERRRR

miette created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


miette created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

i genuinely wish for jeol-ho to have a happy relationship. he's done his best to keep nanmu happy, i really hope he prioritizes himself more.. i really want an extra w him!! both he and nanmu have a self-sacrificing streak i want to see them both get therapy;;

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miette followed a list

Includes seme that are playboys, cheat, take the Uke for granted, treat the uke as only a friend with benefits or shows limited affection toward uke. This also includes seme that think the uke will always be by their side until they’re not or doesn't see uke as a love interest. Overall, angsty stories.

12 01,2024

there is something intrinsically wrong w both of them. the screws are not loose, they simply are not there. i find it very funny. the sidekick does not get paid enough for being the voice of reason

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miette created a topic of Hitorijime My Hero

masahiro is such a sweetie but his mom... i understand the circumstances that made her who she is but man. i just want masahiro to be happy ╥﹏╥