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Shaon June 25, 2024 3:47 am

This Mc makes me mad. She knew what kind of person the dragon dude was and still expected him not be livid that he waited for so long then she suddenly gives him up and stabs him. I understand self defense but afterwards communication exists she could’ve told him why he had to wait but didn’t?? She even could’ve asked one more time to go with him and if he didn’t get an answer or basically agreeing to go with her then it would make much more sense to give up. She risked her brother, life, and many other lives trying to save one kid but in the end leaves him there?! I know he is meant to be the one to destroy the kingdom but isn’t that more the reason to not give up since she already sacrificed so much? Plus she is so inconsiderate to other’s thoughts and too harsh on people. She is selfish, only wants things to work out for her and if no one listens to her every command then they are ‘useless’ like the blonde kid was 10 ofc he is going to be immature and reckless but he still was worried for her. I am dropping this because of how much she irritates me. I understand she was brought up different but I can tell she was old enough to know how kids are and she even mentioned she knows they are kids and struggle with maturity especially at the age of 10! Let me know if she ever gets character development and if she doesn’t let me know. I may or may not pick it up if her character development is much much better than before. (⁎⁍Ɛ⁍⁎)

Shaon June 11, 2024 2:37 am

I really like that they showed the og yk bc typically they never mention what happened to the real person or how they felt about their body being taken(๑˃ᴗ˂) The writing in this actually makes me understand why the characters feel that way if I were in there place. A lot that I have seen didn’t do as a good of a job at it as this webtoon!

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