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Leah created a topic of Age of arrogance

Is it just me or am I the only one who thinks our ML being jealous is incredibly unreasonable? He has two women who he knows will try and marry him after they divorce living in their house, but he gets jealous when our FL is super close with her best friend of like 10 years?

I'm sorry but I still can't get over the fact that he slept with almost every woman in their area, imagine marrying someone who's ran through. Bro probably has some sort of disease

Leah created a topic of The Mafia Nanny

Considering the fact he is a widower, if he ever tells her she can't compare to his late wife. She better not forgive him, unless he grovels so hard

Honestly, the constant dehumanization of the characters is disgusting and not cute or funny. The mc keeps saying that she wants to treat them like actual humans but then contradicts herself every other chapter.