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joemama created a topic of Non Zero Sum

those three assholes and the author biting the curb 4k HD ultra

joemama like the experience about question
I hate NTR I dislike NTR I despise NTR I detest NTR I loathe NTR I resent NTR I disapprove NTR I abhor NTR I avoid NTR Im disgusted of NTR Im sick of NTR Im dissapointed of NTR Im dissatisfied of NTR
joemama created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

i shouldve looked at the comments b4 reading this the story is good but i cannot handle reading this again cus of the angst. im having mixed feelings reading this i almost stopped reading it cus of that ONE chapter. but yh i finished it so anyways go read the authors other works its rlly good!!!!

joemama created a topic of Rainbow City

ml has insane amount of aura

joemama like the answer
I REFUSE to read the ones involving a fucking love triangle. I don't know which I hate more: The Uke not making up his fucking mind on who to be with or the two Semes who will fucking simp after this loser. Fucking grow a spine and leave his hoe ass. I also REFUSE to read one's where the human characters have animal-like qualities. It's one thing f......
joemama asked a question


joemama created a topic of Jinx

the chasing arc better be CRAZY…i wanna see this man begging on his knees and crying lol

joemama asked a question

i hope mangago also puts comments below every chapter lol its way more fun

joemama created a topic of Dark Fall

this makes me naseous. does the author have some kind of mental illness or what

joemama created a topic of No Moral

there is so much tension going on

joemama created a topic of Nerd Project

where is the boombayah

joemama created a topic of Pop One's Cherry

this manga deserves a higher rating

joemama created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

the mc is so funny, i love him already theres just sum bout him that’s so likeable
ml is greenflag to the max and hot asf. top tier couple

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