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Widowicious asked a question

Any stories where the mc turns into the villain and now he's all psycho giggling and shit

Widowicious asked a question

Any mangas where it's about a yazuka and a cute baby, comedy preferably ofc

Widowicious created a topic of Tales of Greed

Pls explain ch 8 ending I don't get it

Widowicious asked a question

Just recommend anything, I just want something new cuz I can't find anything good for shit. I'm fucking bored so all these stories with the same ass plot

Widowicious asked a question

Pls recommend some actually good psychological action webtoons with beautiful art, revenge would be the perfect edition for me. I haven't been able to find ANYTHING interesting for so long, it's driving me crazy

Widowicious asked a question

Pls recommend some yaoi webtoons where the seme is a tease while the use is the type to get angry/flustered, I'd like if it was none stereotypical seme n uke