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ynox created a topic of He Knows What I Do After Dark

i was rly hoping for fumi to not be a bad character, i knew he was going to be fucked up but he ended up being a BAD fucked up character T T

ynox created a topic of Koko made Yaru towa Kiitenai!

naru's gender fluidity is insane im so jealous

ynox created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

vampire mangas are always so good, especially this one since this type or artstyle is very much so my preference ><

ynox created a topic of The Missing O

to be honest i just accidentally clicked on this and decided to continue reading it when I saw the artstyle because i thought it was pretty but I enjoyed this so much more than i thought i would. i appreciate the variety and complexity of the couples and the issues/problems addressed in this story, i like seeing them try their best to solve them and just . seeing them grow, people are such complex beings, its good seeing them happy


the rape attempt is so downplayed lol

i know theres a lot of things wrong here but i really think the author tried their best to go about this the legal way like how 12 is the age of consent in japan and ten started to realize his feelings at that point but still (-_-;) he lusted for a 12yrold

ynox created a topic of Motomete Yamanai

i wish tsubaraya-san would have more faith in himself . that tatsumi-san loves him for him, not because just because he's his first . . . that aside, this was adorable : ) the dynamics are nice (⌒▽⌒)

ynox created a topic of Hoezura ni Kamitsuku Kisu

chapter 3 onwards gave me a headache T T


tsukishima is so done w them

ynox created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

i think natsuki is somehow aware of the highschool student and how he feels, i wish he would handle the situation with him properly instead of just cutting him off like that

ynox created a topic of Ushiro no Seki no Katou-kun

this is honestly not that enjoyable for me, i loved the artstyle but the way the seme gets pushed around and the lack of character development is disappointing T T not bad but i was really expecting more

ynox created a topic of Muri Marriage