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Yaksokheyo's experience ( All 1 )

My 4 year friendship turned into a relationship to an extent that we were considering marriage... But we broke after 2 and 1/2 years... Well, the reason was that the person wanted changes in me, he wanted to change me into his religion (happens here) to get married, he restricted me from speaking to the persons he disliked, he even came to a stage ......   reply
22 07,2018

Yaksokheyo's answer ( All 2 )

I have no objection in dating or marrying a person from any different race or religion. Infact my ex was of a different religion. But, the problem was , the person turned out to be having objection with my religion and tried me to change. I moved on!   reply
24 09,2018
I can S and M... Really depends on the person I'm with.   reply
06 06,2018

Yaksokheyo's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

shit traumatized me so hard I turned straight

26 minutes
did being in a wlw relationship

we both had to keep our relationship a secret cuz i has homophobic parents and she wasn’t out yet. now she’s dating her gbf, i wish her well

26 minutes
did being in a wlw relationship

I'm gonna kms. half my life spent just pining over her and she refuses to get out of my head. we dated, broke up, but its worse than before.

5 hours