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Shirayuki April 3, 2020 2:46 pm

MIKUMO IM SO PROUD OF YOU. YOU FINALLY DID IT!!!! You knew your weak points and used them to your advantage. You accepted your own weakness and found other ways to lead your team to victory. You didn’t run away from your own uselessness and continued to fight no matter how embarrassing it might look to others. You are a weakling and will always be — but you’re no coward. You make up for your lack of talent with hard work and effort. TAMAKOMA-2 IS BEST WOOHOO!!!

Shirayuki February 27, 2020 1:13 am

Hmmm I see a lot of comments about the Kazama raping his brother scene, but I’m not sure why people thought Kazama actually was going to rape his brother because I thought it was very obvious he wasn’t going to do that. The fact that he called out for Mizushima to help him literally shows that he never intended to rape his brother to begin with, plus he knew his brother was shaking and afraid.

Even if Mizushima was late, he wouldn’t have gone through with it anyway judging by his demeanor. All he did was undress his brother’s pants and then pause stiff, completely frozen and unsure what to do to get out of this situation, hence calling Mizushima’s name to save him because he couldn’t dare to rape his own brother, even if it meant endangering Mizushima in the end. To begin with, he said he’d bite back if the stalker even dared to hurt his brother. Besides, if Mizushima didn’t come on time, Kazama would 100% be the one getting raped by that goddamn stalker in the end.

And if the brother got trauma from this, fuck that stalker because he’s the psycho to blame for all this shit.

    Cheers February 29, 2020 12:02 am

    Lol he was lowkey ready to rape his own underage brother. What are you talking about? If Mizushima hadn't came to help he would have continued with what he was doing. Even undressing him was enough. He could have done other things to prevent it like persuading the stalker to go into another room and do it with him or distract him to gain some time but he just went and undress his brother.

    Cookie_Guy February 29, 2020 4:55 am
    Lol he was lowkey ready to rape his own underage brother. What are you talking about? If Mizushima hadn't came to help he would have continued with what he was doing. Even undressing him was enough. He could ha... Cheers

    The man was literally holding a knife and he wanted to record it. If I was him I wouldn't let the two "do it" secretly in a room.

Shirayuki February 24, 2020 9:28 am

Oh hold up, a BL manga where the main characters actually know how to COMMUNICATE PROPERLY? A couple that knows when to talk things through and work out their problems together instead of just wallowing in their jealousy and distrust? What is this super healthy, fluffy business AM I DREAMING?! Hell yeah, I’m staying till the end for this one.

Also, parents who emotionally manipulate their children to feel guilty so that they’d act a certain way honestly are so evil I can NEVER forgive it, even if it comes from love. That poor ex of the Uke actually had to give up on the uke because of his mom? He deserves better. I hope he eventually settles things with his mother and find someone else who’ll love him too. And I hope our uke stands strong against his mother. Everyone here deserves a happy ending :(

    Fujoshi♡AM♡ February 24, 2020 9:20 pm

    Hehe I feel you I was super shocked too to read this manhwa. I was just reading Paid(Fujoking) and then this and the drastic difference between what happens when you C O M M U N I C A T E actually shook me. Especially when the uke saw the seme with his ex and the communicated I wasn't expecting that! Probably a first for me(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    Oh and hell yeah I'm sticking with this to the end

    Morg__01 February 27, 2020 1:22 am

    Our cute little babies know what to do because COMMUNICATING IS THE KEY!! And they know it very well (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Shirayuki February 17, 2020 9:05 am

I think many people believe the seme chose to trust the older brother over Heejae despite knowing how evil the brother was, but I think that’s not the case. The seme NEVER wanted to believe the older brother and that’s EXACTLY why he couldn’t let Heejae go after all these years because he knew something was off, but couldn’t be sure that his suspicions were right. So he carries on with his life, thinking that Heejae screwed him up albeit internally being suspicious of how everything ended. And then he gets the chance to meet Heejae again and gets hopeful that maybe Heejae can clear things up and tell him that it was all his brother’s fault they broke up, but guess what? Boom, the guy doesn’t even REMEMBER him. And that’s the worst case scenario right there.

What does that tell him? That his doubts were true all along, because if Heejae really was forced to break up with him because of his brother, then he would’ve still remembered him but nope because of the incident (and remember, the seme has absolutely no means to find this piece of information because the older brother covered everything up) Heejae doesn’t remember jack shit about him. He doesn’t need to ask Heejae anything anymore: the fact that Heejae doesn’t remember is MORE than enough evidence that everything was a lie. When someone forgets you, you don’t go thinking ‘oh maybe they got amnesia’. The ONLY logical explanation to this supposed amnesia is that the seme was never an important part of Heejae’s life, which is why it’s perfectly reasonable at this point for the seme to go crazy and take revenge.

Now, communication is key to solving this, but again, remember the plot. Even if the seme goes up to Heejae and asks “do you remember me”, Heejae will just say no and make everything ten times worst. Why? Because he isn’t supposed to tell people he lost his memories, became stupid, or whatnot because it’d put his family under the bus. And even if seme goes up and tells Heejae they used to date and all, Heejae would just freak out because he DOESNT want his memories back plus he can’t even confront his brother. And the seme can never know Heejae lost his memories unless it comes from Heejae or the secretary themselves which can’t happen easily.

So yeah, it’s frustrating as hell to us readers because we have third-party information that the seme can never have on his own. This problem is such a huge mess because each party involved has so much hidden agendas that MUST stay hidden and it’s so complicated =_=

    Zen February 17, 2020 6:55 pm

    Wow you have gone upto lengths for defending seme

    LinZhen February 17, 2020 8:19 pm

    I would be suspicious if I was a rich and wealthy person like Taekyung and found every trace of evidence that could possibly have been left behind by my lover wiped clean. Also if the guy who had been my lover had a high memory retention and somehow didn't remember me in any way, shape or form, it would be irrelevant whether or not I thought they considered our relationship unimportant or not. There's just NO way anyone like that could forget even a passing acquaintance. So nope Taekyung's the one with the problem.

    Shirayuki February 18, 2020 6:14 pm
    Wow you have gone upto lengths for defending seme Zen

    Personally, I just think he just got way too much hate and annoyance when really, it wasn’t their faults - life and their family was just being completely shitty and made their situations so much worse than it should’ve been. The one who should be put in bars is that frickin’ brother =_=“

    Shirayuki February 18, 2020 6:18 pm
    I would be suspicious if I was a rich and wealthy person like Taekyung and found every trace of evidence that could possibly have been left behind by my lover wiped clean. Also if the guy who had been my lover ... LinZhen

    That’s your opinion so I’m completely fine with that. I thought about this so many times myself and I came to the conclusion that if I was in this same position, I’d feel so hurt the moment my lover says he couldn’t remember me while being completely serious and innocent about it that I’d probably just run off and cry again lol and also knowing Heejae was smart, I would think he lied about not knowing who I was or just seriously wanted to forget who I was :/ but people are different so I think it’s totally fine for you to react differently.

Shirayuki December 13, 2019 7:55 pm

I feel like Kaji shouldn’t worry about not being able to shoot Floyd. If he was someone who could easily shoot someone else, Baku probably wouldn’t even associate with him to begin with, so it’s actually a positive trait - something that Baku doesn’t have enough of which is a fresh breeze in his direction, thus why he’s kept Kaji around this whole time. Go Kaji, beat the shit out of that Floyd! ^^

Shirayuki November 22, 2019 5:19 am

As someone who has depression and anxiety, I understand both of these characters so much it hurts. It’s like watching myself climb out of that shithole all over again and I couldn’t help but cry. They’re both suffering - but they’re just coping with it in different ways.

Sometimes you choose to run from reality and feel hatred towards those that want you to change, because you feel like they’ll never understand you and are only pitying you. Depression for someone who’s suicidal is actually their one and only friend - something to make them feel better about themselves. This sounds ironic, but trust me. Those who’ve been there know this more than anyone. It feels good and comfortable sometimes to live with depression because even though it makes us insecure, it’s also our excuse when shit goes down.

Wooyeon, as I see so far, is what I was like when I first got out of depression. It’s clear he’s still suffering from trauma, but even so, he knows life isn’t worth wasting away. He knows Junwoo is dependent on him and he knows it’s toxic, thus why he tells Hanbit he’s ready to leave Junwoo for Junwoo’s own sake. Junwoo eventually needs to realize he’s harming himself as he says and that doing so is not worth the self-validation you feel. It’s very obvious to me that he cares about Junwoo because he knows best how Junwoo feels, but sometimes, telling someone to “get better” or “go outside” more is the worst thing people want to here. It’s only when you get out of depression that you realize sometimes, people don’t mean bad when they say those things - but they just don’t know what to say, other than attempting to give you comfort.

In my opinion, they do love eachother but it’s also very close to dependency. Wooyeon sees himself in Junwoo and Junwoo depends on Wooyeon, even though he hates the fact that Wooyeon is trying to make him better. The relationship appears to be toxic, but honestly? They need it. A relationship that starts toxic doesn’t always end badly. Right now, they both need to heal eachother and then they’ll be able to enter a healthier relationship with one another. So I see nothing wrong with this story so far. Sometimes, you need the toxicness, especially if it’s your only choice at that moment.

    Alexushi94 November 22, 2019 5:31 am

    Well, you've got a point there. For now, there is no one other than wooyeon who can both understand him and be there for him. I mean hanbit can't intervene anymore, and bringing professionals in this situation might cause more harm than good.

    I just realized after reading your comment that maybe wooyeon's credibility might not be important after all. He was also hurt in the past. He can't be as squeeky clean, sensitive in his words, or as capable as a mental health professional. He might be doing the best he can. Their relationship might have started out of pity or might appear toxic now but who's to say it won't develop into something better.

    Oh, now I just hope the both of them can find happiness.

Shirayuki October 25, 2019 11:36 am

Am I the only one who thinks the time skip was a very logical and reasonable solution? This entire manga built it up for the third years to have their first nationals and it ended in Karasuno’s loss with the 3rd years retiring. At that point, there is no longer any point in continuing their high school lives. Third years in every other tram also graduated: Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Ushijima, Kuroo, Bokuto, etc.

Without these solid characters that have been built throughout these 300+ chapters, it would be hard to continue an equally entertaining story with a ton of new characters that replace them. It would be a totally NEW haikyuu with nothing that resembles the haikyuu we originally came to love. With so much attachment to these third years and the old first years and second years, it would be hard to make any new characters more interesting than them without making the new first years the main characters. And what other growth could there possibly be in the next 2 years? They already grew so much. There’s nothing left for them to learn mentally and emotionally, hence the timeskip is necessary.

It just isn’t going to work with how emotionally deep and realistic Haikyuu is as a story. You only get one chance in life sometimes, and that spring was everyone’s peak. What Hinata and the others need isn’t more development at 2nd-3rd years. We all already KNOW and EXPECT they’ll be better than before. What we need now is their future. How are they going to take what they learned in highschool and use it in their future? What is their future going to be like? Are they all still invested in volleyball? A fitting climax for this story is a match between Hinata and Kageyama with all the other characters watching their match. The story will then come full circle - back to where it all began: with Kageyama and Hinata facing each other once again.

    Kisaki October 25, 2019 11:45 am

    That does make a lot of sense

    Nathen October 25, 2019 12:01 pm

    That's true. It is a good way to be different than most of the sports genre wherein, there is no story to tell after the main team wins in the national tournament. But I still want to know what happened for those years in detail though cause, as you say we all love that characters. But, that was really a smart move to continue the story by the mangaka.

    Diana94 October 25, 2019 12:04 pm

    No no, if you calmly think it was the right move. Having third years in every team was the peak for every team and seeing the team without them would be very uncomfortable.

    randomfangirl October 25, 2019 2:16 pm

    Yeah true. And I feel like the story would feel dragged if sensei showed their progress all throughout second and third year too. Kinda like diamond no Ace, it felt great at first to see nee characters and the old ones get even better but now it just doesn't feel as good as it did.

Shirayuki August 29, 2019 11:18 am


Shirayuki July 13, 2019 6:42 pm

Fuck, I read the summary and was like “wtf that sounds like a really crappy story” but I read this anyways because it’s Ereri. I didn’t think a short dj like this could ever be so amazing, but by the time I reached that last page where Eren became a tiny baby who couldn’t speak again and Levi was crying, before I knew it, I was a sobbing mess. I have no idea why that page hit me so hard, even though I skimmed this dj so fast. This dj broke my heart...

Shirayuki June 22, 2019 9:05 am

Thank you Sorachi sensei for writing this masterpiece. There has never been a manga that has made me cry and laugh so hard such as this. It was a long but worthwhile journey. And like you said, fiction or not, there’s always a sky that connects us all.

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