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N0NStop created a topic of An Abyss

Hello readers. I want to start by apologizing for the sudden break. Part of me felt a bit of shame for even trying to leave a notice about it. Over the last few weeks, I have been struggling with a medical issue and received the news that unfortunately there is no cure. I’m not dying but it’s a chronic pain illness. The doctor's orders are to lay in bed most of the day. The nice thing is that I’ve been catching up with a lot of reading, lately. I recently had to move in with my brother so I’m near family who will help me with some of the daily tasks I can’t do anymore on my own. I had been a bit busy with all that. The only thing distracting me from getting down in the dumps is reading and scalations. While I think of how my life will move forward, I’ll continue to work on scanlations. I appreciate your continued support and hope to see you enjoying some of my scan projects. There are a few I want to pick up soon too.
Working on Chp.80 right now. It’ll be out in the next 24 hrs. There will be weekly uploads, 1 to 2 chapters, uploaded between Friday to Sunday for this series.