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Nsoanqkwb created a topic of Random Target

Crazy cause we have the same name, and my ex bf dumped me the same way, should i try random target too?

I dont understand, why make yuuki like her, have a whole arc about them being in love with each other but with a misunderstanding, and when she confesses, he suddenly loves the other girl more?! And why the whole fate thing with kana and chikage, like at the end when i saw that her and chikage distanced themselves, i was will it be an ending where she grew apart from her little crush and lived her life? Like them ending together ( in a very badly written way) was so unnecessary ?!

Nsoanqkwb created a topic of Sono Omokage O Shitteru

This reminds me of my best friend (she’s gorgeous but think she’s plain) she was always uninterested in love and the likes recently she started dating someone and seeing the little changes in her and how cute she became really makes me happy

Nsoanqkwb created a topic of Kono Koi, Kanaimasuka?

Such cute couples, we need more chapters with them being lovey dovey ( with a quadruple date)