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I the latest raw chapter heeseo literally rapes the taekyung and rubs then smiles at the scar he caused for stabbing taekyung like omg wtf deos that mean im scared

"Foolish zaika" LMFAOOOOOOOOO (ToT) how do i take this seriosly?????
like pls im reading in english so my brain switches to my british phonics
Like cant T_TTTTTTTT

Im just anxiously and eagerly waiting till chapter 35 of the novel becomes a episode like
(ToT) i still havent forgiven Zhenya

dont fully trust me on this but the old guy sergei ( fun fact sergei is my grandpas name idk what to make of that tbh) drugs mc while mc attack him but then the drug starts to work mc cant move and zhenya comes and rapes him like really rapes him (he had tissue tears) beats him up leaves him on the brink of death in the forest if police came later mc could have died before leaving he calls mc "a foolish zaika" (zaika is bunny) as a russian speaker i found this shit funny af it just wasnt the vibe

Turns out zhenya was psihk borg (whos suprised?) and was by coincidence saw his pic on mc phone and was messing with him the whole time bc he thought it was entertaining and mc misunderstood and thought me was his partner also zhenya was the one who had all the info on anastasia as he was involved with its creation and his family was the only one who was spared from the massacre of all who had worked on it
cuz only he could read it

Anyway mc wakes up in a hospital with his real partner salmon who was pissed at him cuz mc thought salmon was psihk then mc while healing figures out kosheis heart was a hint towards where anastasia is and while in a library realized in the Borgadov mansin one there was a room that always has lights on and curtains open so he and salmon break in and mc turns the rooms light off and turns out anastasia plan was written in glowing led lights all over the empty room in the dark he takes a pic then he bombs the mansion and sent zhenya a letter whick said ticktick boom or sm

then he gets a chased by the police and goes to korean embassy for safety then sees zhenya in there he trys to use the threat of sending anastasia plan photo as a threat bc zhenya being the only one who had anastasia was keeping his family safe or sm but it didnt matter since he was the only one who could read the plan anyway zhenya laughs rapes and beats him

then kidnaps mc takes him to his island tattoos something on his back to show how he owns mc (as a pet) and rapes him a bunch (are u seeing a trend??) Mc ofc tries to escape when ever zhenya goes to work he fails zhenya finds it amusing at this point mc and zhenya get abit softer around eachover like zhenya buys him korean food but then mc resists zhenya more bc he deosnt wanna get to comfy bc its his rapist and he realizes zhenya only sees him as a something to tame and a pet (mc is zhenyas current fixation) zhenya rlly beats mc up (smash his head against a wall throwing chairs ect ect) cuz hes pissed that the "dog" is biteing the master strangles him till he passes out but before he deos mc says he would be happier to die den be with him then zhenya panics and starts checking his pulse he realizes eventally he deosnt want mc to die

olga his sister (this is the name of 2 of my auntys aswl O.o) stayed with during that when she trys to leave in a helicopter mc held her hostage with a DIY bomb (dw olga isnt upset at this olga is quite cool acc she gets why he did this and helps him abit)

While leaving zhenya screams mc name

anyway mc goes back to korea hes a fugative for sharing info with psihk (he didnt do this was a ploy by some higher ups bc u know that girl that died at the start? Some higher up guy had a affair with her and this could stop him from being boss of NSI so they said he killed her or sm) while mc was on the run zhenya found him tried to rape him in a public bathroom mc begged him not too he acc lisened (Wooooooooooow "character growth 100 percent" but he did kinda help mc
to stop being a fugative ig

But then after mc became unfugatived zhenya stayed in korea as russian ambassador in korea (he deosnt even do his job tbh he puts all the work on the aide ) Ig he get mildly miniscully smally noticably better? since he stayed 4 him
also ig Like he wanted to kiss mc while he was kidnapped in the mansion but mc didnt said he didnt wanna do that with a bastard like him

eventally they kiss and acc having sex i think? idk i skip sex scenes
i dont think they confess or anything but i havent read the gaiden thing yet
they prob love eachover tho?? im still suspicious of it
but it became mildly better

Im still trying to process this.... Sorry (: