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aspen ! April 14, 2024 9:43 am


aspen ! April 12, 2024 5:17 pm

yes boy you should feel like shit I want you to suffer so bad you are begging at Kim Dan to come back. ANYWAYS WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE OTHER POTATI GUY AND HEESUNG INTERACTIONS??? PLEASE I NEED MORE OF THEM THEY WERE SO CUTE

aspen ! February 24, 2024 6:52 pm

binge read this and it’s so good oh my god damn taekjoo is hot af. ALSO ZHENYA’S EYELASHES???

aspen ! February 22, 2024 8:46 pm

I binge read this today and bro it’s so good definitely gonna reread it again.

aspen ! February 7, 2024 6:42 pm

I don’t understand if this is rape or not because didn’t Jin consent to it because he knew that the drugs were affecting Matthew and wanted to help him? Idk I just got a little confused at that but anyways I don’t want Jin to forgive Matthew that easily

    Manga Freak February 7, 2024 6:44 pm

    I agree.

    Ssssssss February 7, 2024 8:35 pm

    This is pure rape. He constantly told him to stop. Both of them weren’t enjoying it, only Mathew was. Jin was clearly in pain. He and his missed up self probably did not realized the extent to which his body was exerted. Mathew is a monster. Even a good person in drugs would not be doing this because it is basically your subconsciousness acting up and your subconsciousness is you whether you deny it or not, it’s facts. Please, please, please don’t spread that this is “not rape” because this will cause people’s stupidity to be higher and more chance of harm in society.

    Mehatori February 7, 2024 11:00 pm
    This is pure rape. He constantly told him to stop. Both of them weren’t enjoying it, only Mathew was. Jin was clearly in pain. He and his missed up self probably did not realized the extent to which his body ... Ssssssss

    I agree I think this is rape too. At the every least that was how Matthew intended to do in his "dream" he was stressed and suffocating and took it all on jin in the worst way I know. That's also why he felt so self conscious about what he done.
    Anyway I don't think that jin took it that way he just let the kid do what he wants if that would calm him down which was stupid so..

    Honestly both of them are stupid. I honestly think at the very least Matthew knows that he's done smh wrong and hope he makes it up in a way or another but calling him a monsters is a bit.. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Heu77 February 8, 2024 12:24 am
    This is pure rape. He constantly told him to stop. Both of them weren’t enjoying it, only Mathew was. Jin was clearly in pain. He and his missed up self probably did not realized the extent to which his body ... Ssssssss

    He’s not a monster. There are drugs that can alter the mind completely, do not minimize the dangerous effects. But I do hope he apologizes.

    Ssssssss February 8, 2024 12:35 am
    I agree I think this is rape too. At the every least that was how Matthew intended to do in his "dream" he was stressed and suffocating and took it all on jin in the worst way I know. That's also why he felt s... Mehatori

    I don’t know how you can make up for something f so tragic like that. Imagine being in that situation and you could do nothing, but hope someone will save you or that someone will knock you unconscious so that you don’t feel the pain. I just see Jin being suffocated and I feel so suffocated myself. But ya both are super stupid, like they always are in BL…still looking for a well written, realistic gay romance to read.

    Ssssssss February 8, 2024 12:38 am
    He’s not a monster. There are drugs that can alter the mind completely, do not minimize the dangerous effects. But I do hope he apologizes. Heu77

    I understand the tremendous effect of drugs on the human mind but they don’t really work the way they did ok this guy. You should look it up.

    Heu77 February 8, 2024 12:47 am
    I understand the tremendous effect of drugs on the human mind but they don’t really work the way they did ok this guy. You should look it up. Ssssssss

    This is fiction, kinda like fantasy and things will be different, authors choose to make things more intense. I’m just saying because I’ve been in their situation and have dealt with strong drugs myself although not by will.

    In my opinion this is better than situations where ML rapes on purpose and no alterations. So that’s why I say he’s not a monster here but of course it’s still rape and no one should excuse that. Just because he was drugged doesn’t make the situation less worse.

    This is rape regardless and it’s up to MC on how he wants to deal with the ML. I won’t even be mad if he ends it with him, but he prob won’t.

    Ash February 8, 2024 11:41 am
    This is pure rape. He constantly told him to stop. Both of them weren’t enjoying it, only Mathew was. Jin was clearly in pain. He and his missed up self probably did not realized the extent to which his body ... Ssssssss

    you're said this so eloquently, respect

    Ash February 8, 2024 11:41 am
    This is pure rape. He constantly told him to stop. Both of them weren’t enjoying it, only Mathew was. Jin was clearly in pain. He and his missed up self probably did not realized the extent to which his body ... Ssssssss

    you're said this so eloquently, respect !!

    SATAN FUCKER February 8, 2024 6:50 pm
    This is pure rape. He constantly told him to stop. Both of them weren’t enjoying it, only Mathew was. Jin was clearly in pain. He and his missed up self probably did not realized the extent to which his body ... Ssssssss

    "Mathew is a monster. Even a good person in drugs would not be doing this because it is basically your subconsciousness acting up and your subconsciousness is you whether you deny it or not, it’s facts."

    Drugs like this one portrayed? Hard drugs?

    Taken from another comment I made;
    "Cocaine affects the part of the brain which makes decisions, and degrades a persons rationality. Meth, as you mentioned, causes people to also become violent and wild. So even the most gentle soul with no bad intentions, someone who wouldn't even hurt a fly, could become a psychotic and violent person on meth."

    Someone else shared the story of a girl on meth. This is from an article:
    "Kaylee Muthart, of Anderson, was 20 when she ripped out her eyes, squishing them with her hands, in February 2018 after snorting and injecting tainted methamphetamine, according to a report in People magazine.

    “The drugs take your fears and beliefs and amplify them,” she told the mag. “I thought I had to take my eyes out to survive and save the world.”-"

    That "claim" is just misinformation.

    "good people (on) drugs" can EASILY do insane, bad things. Completely out of their control.

    Our subconscious at that point is ALSO being affected by the drug. Plus, the "subconscious" is NOT the person. When we think of something fucked up, and go "Fuck, that made a horrible image come to mind-", that is NOT us CHOOSING to think of something fucked up. Our mind works in ways we can not control.

    Should we call people, who have thought about something fucked up, monsters? No. That's ridiculous and absurd. The idea that someone subconscious is "them" is a very very poor view.

    We can not control the experiences we have been through. I myself have PTSD from witnessing the aftermath of a suicide, so my mind often goes to dark places when I am reminded of that, and I become highly paranoid. Paranoia causes bad, irrational thoughts. Am I a monster?

    It is mind blowing how strongly people with weak + uneducated opinions preach them so loudly. Please please educate yourself properly.

    Teheheee February 8, 2024 7:16 pm
    "Mathew is a monster. Even a good person in drugs would not be doing this because it is basically your subconsciousness acting up and your subconsciousness is you whether you deny it or not, it’s facts."Drugs... SATAN FUCKER

    i feel like many people think drugs work like alcohol, which, with long time usage, destroys the part of your brain that deals with empathy (and also other parts). short term usage (getting super smashed drunk) basically lowers your morality restrictions so you are more okay with doing things you wouldn’t while sober (sometimes called liquid courage for example).

    Drugs on the other hand, work differently, like you pointed out and i don’t want to speak about them cuz idk much. I think you made good points about them.

    SATAN FUCKER February 9, 2024 1:03 am
    i feel like many people think drugs work like alcohol, which, with long time usage, destroys the part of your brain that deals with empathy (and also other parts). short term usage (getting super smashed drunk)... Teheheee

    This is exactly the case I believe. Alternatively, they think all drugs are like THC, which they are not. Obviously it can still affect you heavily, especially if you go through a bad trip, but it does not come anywhere near drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, etc.

    Those last three on the other hand are “life ruining” for a reason. They genuinely fry your brain. Obviously drugs like that will affect you to an extreme degree, making you someone you are not whilst on them.

    Let alone alcohol, which as you pointed out, does start to degrade the mind after prolonged addiction / use. Even then, these drugs are by far worse.

    I am not heavily versed on drugs myself, but I know enough from passive research, personal experience (family), and generally being in the U.S where drugs like this are commonly brought up.

    Either way, it’s okay to not be educated deeply on them, but if someone is going to have such a strong opinion on them, like the person I replied to, the least they can do is check their facts. Being ignorant and bold is a common theme sadly.

    But thank you so much for your response! I just hope people take more time to think, and research a topic they know little about, before they speak. Even a little research would go such a long way…

    Scinn February 9, 2024 5:15 am
    "Mathew is a monster. Even a good person in drugs would not be doing this because it is basically your subconsciousness acting up and your subconsciousness is you whether you deny it or not, it’s facts."Drugs... SATAN FUCKER

    Wow you’re like me.. I’ve also seen the aftermath of a suicide of a loved one, constantly having intrusive thoughts. I’ll think about many things but will never have the courage to act on it. Humans will never be perfect yet people on this site are very quick to judge despite not fully understanding the situation.

    Ssssssss February 11, 2024 2:21 am
    you're said this so eloquently, respect Ash

    Thanks, but I could’ve said it better.

    Ssssssss February 11, 2024 2:23 am
    This is fiction, kinda like fantasy and things will be different, authors choose to make things more intense. I’m just saying because I’ve been in their situation and have dealt with strong drugs myself alt... Heu77

    Agree. I was just very angry at the moment. People are stupid enough to think this is not rape and they keep just saying “Mathew is hot” when the situation is clearly not appropriate for that. I understand it’s fiction, but man, really people should have some decency

    Ssssssss February 11, 2024 2:27 am
    "Mathew is a monster. Even a good person in drugs would not be doing this because it is basically your subconsciousness acting up and your subconsciousness is you whether you deny it or not, it’s facts."Drugs... SATAN FUCKER

    I am so sorry about my uneducated, absurd remarks. At the heat of the moment, I got carried away. You are so right and thank you so much for educating and enlightening me. I appreciate that instead of ignoring. You are amazing and may I be more like you. I was really mad that people were saying inappropriate stuff, but what is wrong with me? It’s not like they are effecting me in my daily life. It’s insane, but I should not get caught up in the heat of the moment. Thank you kind soul and may you have many great things moving forward

    GHOST February 11, 2024 9:51 pm
    I am so sorry about my uneducated, absurd remarks. At the heat of the moment, I got carried away. You are so right and thank you so much for educating and enlightening me. I appreciate that instead of ignoring.... Ssssssss

    I actually was not expecting that response. Most of the time I just get insults or more arguments thrown my way, so this is a very unexpected and relieving response! I do apologize for being a bit more harsh at the end. I am a bit short when such strong opinions strike a cord with me negatively. I will aim to be more poised.

    I am grateful that my words were able to come across, alongside my use of evidence to back up my words. That is always key! Make sure your claims are made on the basis of something you know to be fact! That is how I try to go about my stances at the very least. Try to also see both sides, even if it feels upsetting to try and see from a view which repulses you. It will also make your stance stronger if you understand the opposing view, so you may better address it and dismantle it.

    Touching on people saying inappropriate things- People will indeed be crude, especially in works like this, where far too many see these scenes and take gratification in them rather than seeing it for what it is. A terrible event which is meant to be taken seriously, and could mean deep trouble for these two in the future.

    It is very likely it will heavily affect Matthew at the very least, with how much he cares about Jin. How this will be a traumatic event for him where he was unable to stop himself or be aware of what he has done. Being drugged forcefully and going through the after effects of such.

    Jin could simply be taking these all head on, disregarding himself and his feelings. His potential trauma as well, with what has been done to him. He seems like the type to tough it all through as he has demonstrated, but everyone has a breaking point.

    Many people are not recognizing the actual meaning behind this scene, which is disheartening. Instead, they just see "nsfw" scenes in BL and start howling. Very little critical or moral thinking. Unfortunately that is common here, but your upset with this is completely understandable, as I feel it too.


    Thank you so much for opening your mind to an opposing view and taking the time to examine yourself and for taking the time to give me this response. It has really warmed my heart! It is also healthier to choose your battles wisely! Many people also say stupid things, but you must think about where that person is coming from. Like the people I mentioned, they seem to be choosing ignorance. With yourself though, I could see that you critically viewed the situation, which is exactly as you should. It was only that I believed that view was misjudged, so I decided to put my own words forward. Seeing as this came out to be a positive outcome, I am glad I chose this comment to respond to!

    May you also have great things ahead of you!

    Ssssssss February 18, 2024 12:03 am
    I actually was not expecting that response. Most of the time I just get insults or more arguments thrown my way, so this is a very unexpected and relieving response! I do apologize for being a bit more harsh at... GHOST

    Thanks for your reply as well, I appreciate it! You just made my day. But with the story, honestly most of it is just the author’s fault. I just can’t understand how people can sit through and write these scenes. It doesn’t look like they were trying to show it as bad. My fault as well for even reading this, but the story was interesting. When I start something, I have to finish it as well, bad habit. I hope that Mathew will pay for his actions. I just want a BL where the bottom is actually seen as a person.

    I’ll definitely listen to my guts when I comment. It knows what is write and wrong . I have learned my lesson, I’ll do better from now on. Thank you kind human, keep doing the great work!

aspen ! February 7, 2024 5:43 pm


aspen ! February 5, 2024 7:03 pm


    Yonico February 5, 2024 11:27 pm

    With the snot coming out my nose and all

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