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k_kaiju's feed

k_kaiju created a topic of Memeshii Aku to Azatoi Suh

This whole fucking thing is messed up fr bro. People will read stuff like this and be like "oh the seme's so cute, poor seme..." yadda, yadda, yadda... but do you realize how out of his own mind Aku is??? Suu laid it down thick and CONSISTENTLY turned him down. The fact Aku stayed and even STALKED him too is creepy af man... Suu was like "no i won't date you" and Aku really said "yeah, don't care :) I'll show up wherever you are. you can't hide from me:)"

Seriously how does anyone see this as romantic... Suu was based to tell Aku straight up that he just switched over his dependency onto Suu. 'Cuz that's what happened. He was right and he shouldn't have to apologize for that.

But alas, in the end Suu was just as deranged to find Aku's behavior cute and fall for him too... but oh well at least they're made for each other (either that or stockholme gonna come knocking). Terrible people irl tho.