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mgg doing it's weekly rotations to choose which horny ass manga they gon feature on the homepage this time

this story is so creepy and tense but like it's not in ur face it just slowly culminates and leaves u uneasy i fw this idec abt them getting together now

faggot protector answered question about question
fake bitches are ex-muslims real bitches are fake muslims
faggot protector created a topic of Chainsaw Man


faggot protector created a topic of Nana

i wish this was j a normal shouja which happens to have cunty fashion everyday i come back to reread and reminisce the pain

they couda been lesbians if the author wasnt a pussy,, this is my yuri rep idc !

thsi is such a short oneshot but it conveys so much

faggot protector created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen
faggot protector answered question about your opinions
he would def be republican. filthy monkeys who can't even use jujutsu
faggot protector created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

i feel like communication nd developing a healthy relationship while uncovering their trauma will be a long process ESP for skyler so I'm not bothered by this at all

faggot protector answered question about question
i despise power dynamics so much
faggot protector created a topic of The Guy Upstairs

i rlly liked this manhwa becoz of its commentary on the issues women face through rozy's dialogue UUGHHSJZHS

faggot protector created a topic of The Guy Upstairs

adam and rozy shippers are a diff breed of braindead,, adams goofy as hell too