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I come in peace want to do ( All 2 )

going to concerts tried to kill yourself

I come in peace's experience ( All 0 )

I come in peace's answer ( All 6 )

about question
I will not, never, in my entire life, read Pearl boy and don't get me wrong I started it, but I can't get past the rape and the fact that every videos I've seen of it are about mc suffering is an absolute no no, don't get me wrong I can handle stuff like r@pe but I can only handle too much of it, if it's alot then I seriously will become nauseous. ......   2 reply
16 hours
Yes, alot of times but I'm a coward and also religious so I'll just continue to cross the road secretly hoping I get hit by a truck or something   reply
19 days
New world cuz even if I returned to the past my ass will do the exact same thing I did the first time because I completely forgot what happened, so yeah, new world it is   2 reply
19 days
The father of the mc from "actually I was the real one" LIKE, FIGHT ME   2 reply
22 days
I absolutely HATE the reincarnation trope but it's not even 2 seconds later everyone likes mc and is willing to do anything for her, also SOME revenge story are just fucking dumb because it's the same old shit of, "oh they betrayed me! Revenge, I'm a bad girl now" like bitch I seen 5 fl with the same cardboard box personality as you, be original. A......   reply
22 days

I come in peace's question ( All 0 )