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I'm sorry what did this comment section expect from a 5 chapter manga?

I come in peace answered question about question
I will not, never, in my entire life, read Pearl boy and don't get me wrong I started it, but I can't get past the rape and the fact that every videos I've seen of it are about mc suffering is an absolute no no, don't get me wrong I can handle stuff like r@pe but I can only handle too much of it, if it's alot then I seriously will become nauseous. ......
I come in peace created a topic of Beyond Memories

I read the spoilers and honestly... Looking forward to seeing it in the manhwa

Oh my gosh, a couple in an action manhwa who actually have chemistry together??? I AM SO HAPPY

I come in peace created a topic of Corrosive

I recognize this art style.... The art style that traumatized the fuck out of me

I reread this cuz I thought it wouldn't be as bad as I first read it.... BUT THE LAST PANEL OF CHAPTER 3... Bro really did pre order him

Still haven't read shit up until the sob story lmao, what chap the sob story ends?

Hahahha I love her so much, also this comment section is funny

Why... Why do you gotta make it a harem, like I don't even like love triangles but are willing to make an exception here cuz plot is good asf... But harem?

I come in peace created a topic of Ordinary Person A

It's fineeeee, I've seen worse

I come in peace want to do

128 people did   /   104 want to do

I'm too broke for that

I come in peace created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Ah yes communication is shockingly original

I come in peace created a topic of Regas

He doesn't look too good, I'm worried

The fact that I thought of this as a love triangle and is just dragging myself to read it but then I found out IT'S WORSE, I hate Life

I come in peace created a topic of Help Me, Teacher

"let's not have sex anymore"
Me thinking they'll explore their personality and not focus on smut: YES YES YES
"Only in the weekends... And let's hope 3some instead"

I come in peace created a topic of Queen of the Veil

This is so intense I forgot how to breath

I like how realistic the situation is like... This happens so much more common than people think