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Lord Rain Master's gf's feed

I’m seeing so many people shitting on Vince and yoen and like WHY?????? Are y’all all dumb??? Like seriously??? First of all I have no idea why y’all hating on Vince like what did he do???? And yoen he CLEARLY SAID ALL THAT CUZ HE CARES ABOUT HIS BROTHER AND DOESNT WANNA HURT HIS FEELINGS, like yoen knows Ayaka likes Vince so he lied bc he cares about his fcking brother and doesn’t wanna hurt or steal his crush but obv he didnit mean any of what he said?? Also they’re both teenagers???? Like they’re young ofc they’re gonna said things they don’t mean and đi mistakes like srsly the bar for media literacy is in HELL cuz no fcking way, Yeon just accidentally fell for Vince but bc he knew ayaka rlly liked Vince he tried to hide the fact that he likes Vince by lying to him but obv bc ayaka ha some fcking common sense unlike half of this comment section he knew yoen lieddd