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Ribear created a topic of With My Brother's Friends

Skinny guy a weirdo, and jerk. No hesitation to hook up with his friends sister, or even have the decency to ya know, leave her alone when she's already getting with the tan one.
Just yuck. And girls don't get wet that fast. Maybe some do, but not enough to soak the entire floor in the area around your body. That's just crazy

Ribear created a topic of The Evil Lady Will Change

The very end was so sweet it actually made me tear up!
Apart from that. What can I say. Some moments felt a bit rushed or messy, but not enough for me to put down the story for good. A couple eye watering moments, and a couple scenes (especially near the end) that made me skip/skim through the chapter(s). After they got together I became a little restless with the story.
The younger sister? Incredibly annoying. My, were there some plot twists in this.
Not a horrible read. Can read this when bored, but if you have a list I'd say it wouldn't hurt to read whatever on your list first.

It was really cute. Actually read this after watching the anime! The anime is also lovely, so make sure to go give that a watch as well. (I like the anime a little more, mostly because of the visuals).

Ribear created a topic of Kill the Villainess

It was actually so good. It was definitely different from the multiple villainess stories I've read. A little more of a darkish theme, but still had me hooked. It's not DEEPLY about romance but there are scenes of it. There are plot twists and a more psychological aspect to the characters and emotions.
If you're expecting the usual " villain turns into the happy nice girl ", this isn't for you. But it's def worth a read. Really good!

Ribear created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

This manga turned to trash quick. Over and over bad things happen with nothing much good to gain out of reading this. I've only had bad feelings reading this. Cliche after cliche of bad things happening. It's rushed and all over the place. Not to mention the brown haired guy who supposedly treated FL like trash to protect her? What's with this plot. So much could've been done with this story.

I'm dropping it, because it doesn't seem to be worth the time. Such a disappointment lol

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